Emojis in Premiere Pro

Learn how to seamlessly integrate emojis into your edits using Adobe Premiere Pro on macOS.


Starting with Premiere Pro version 25.0, the Essential Graphics panel is no longer included. You can now edit titles, captions, audio, video, and graphics more efficiently using the new Properties panel and browse Motion Graphics and Stock Audio using the Graphics Templates panel.

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Emojis are designed to look great in Premiere Pro no matter what font you have selected, using a fallback system that will always default emojis on Mac to use the Apple Emoji Color font, the same emoji font from an iPhone.

Before you begin:

Select your choice of Emoji font through the font popup in the Essential Graphics panel.

  1. Select the type tool.

  2. Select the Program Monitor to create a text on a point or draw a text box to create a paragraph text.

  3. From the Edit menu, select Emoji & Symbols.

  4. In the minimized view of the Emoji & Symbols picker you can single click or in the expanded view you can double-click to add an emoji to your text layer.

  5. Customize your emoji experience further by defining a different default emoji font in the Graphics Preferences.

Access the new Emojis & Symbols picker through the main Edit menu, and effortlessly insert emojis directly into your text layers.


Due to limitations in Windows, the default Segoe UI Emoji Font will render in black and white. We hope to add a satisfying emoji experience for Windows users soon. To access the Windows Emoji panel, press the Windows button + period (.) key and insert emojis from there into your text layers.

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If you have questions about working with emojis in Premiere Pro, reach out to us in our Premiere Pro community. We would love to help.

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