Remove clips from a sequence

Learn how to delete clips and gaps in sequences.

To remove entire clips, select one or more clips in the sequence and press Delete.  

Delete clips and close gaps simultaneously

When you delete a clip, you can close the gap it leaves behind at the same time. This is called a ripple delete.

  1. In the sequence, select the clip or clips you want to delete. To select more than one clip, Shift-click the clips or drag a marquee over them.
  2. Select Edit > Ripple Delete.


    Selecting the Shift clips that overlap trim point during ripple trimming check box in the Preferences dialog box (Edit > Preferences > Trim) shifts the overlapping track items during a ripple delete.

Delete gaps between clips

When you delete space between clips in a Timeline, all clips in all unlocked tracks shift according to the duration of the gap.

To prevent a track from shifting during a ripple delete (or any insert or extract edit), lock the track or select the Shift clips that overlap trim point during ripple trimming checkbox in the Preferences dialog box (Edit > Preferences > Trim). The overlapping track items shift during a ripple delete.. You can also turn off Sync Lock on tracks you don't want to shift.

  1. In a Timeline, do one of the following:
    • Select the gap between two clips, and choose Edit > Ripple Delete.

    • Select the gap between two clips, and press Delete.


    If the ripple delete command fails, you may need to lock tracks that contain conflicting clips along the edit point.

Find gaps in sequences and tracks

You can find gaps of at least one frame in a sequence or a particular track of a sequence. Choose Sequence > Go To Gap and then choose one of the following options:

Next in Sequence

Finds the next gap to the right of the CTI that spans all tracks.

Previous in Sequence

Finds the next gap to the left of the CTI that spans all tracks.

When one or more tracks are targeted, you can also choose one of the following options:

Next in Track

Finds the next gap to the right of the CTI on the selected tracks.

Previous in Track

Finds the next gap to the left of the CTI on the selected tracks.

The CTI moves to the position of the next or previous gap. The zoom level of the Timeline does not change, even if the gap is not visible at the current magnification.


Once Premiere Pro finds the last gap, choosing Next In Sequence, or Next in Track does nothing. Similarly, once Premiere Pro finds the first gap, choosing Previous In Sequence, or Previous in Track does nothing.

Delete all clips on one track

  1. Select the Track Select tool .
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To delete both the audio and video of linked clips, click the first clip in the track.

    • To delete only one track’s clips and not the linked counterparts, Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the track’s clips.

  3. Press Delete.

    You can also delete a track along with everything it contains. See Work with tracks.

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