Enhance Speech in Premiere Pro

Use AI to magically remove noise and improve the quality of your dialogue clips so they sound like they were recorded in a professional studio. You won’t believe your ears!

Enhance the clarity and quality of your voice recordings in a single click, and adjust the Mix Amount to control the level of enhancement — powered by AI.

How it works

  1. Select an audio clip containing dialogue on the timeline.

  2. Open the Essential Sound panel and select Enhance to start the analysis.

    A progress bar will appear in the Essential Sound panel to give an estimate of how long it will take to enhance the selected audio clip. This task occurs in the background, so you can continue your editing workflow while the speech gets enhanced.

After the process is complete, the audio will be much clearer and the speech much more distinct, improving the overall quality of your dialogue recordings.

Mix Amount control

Depending on the situation and specific clip, you may want more or less enhancement. With Mix Amount control, you can adjust the amount of enhancement you want to use by dragging the slider to the left or right.

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If you have questions about working with Enhance Speech in Premiere Pro, reach out to us in our Premiere Pro community. We would love to help.

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