Invite and manage collaborators

Learn how to send invitations to collaborate in Team Projects, accept or reject invitations, view online collaborators, and remove them.

On this page:

Invite collaborators to existing Team Projects

  1. To add collaborators to an existing project, select the + sign next to the collaborator image thumbnails. 

    Alternatively, in the File menu, select File > Team Project Settings > Edit.

    Use the + sign to invite collaborators to existing Team Projects.
    Use the + sign to invite collaborators to existing Team Projects.

  2. Enter the name or email addresses of the collaborators you want to invite to edit.

    If you have already invited people in the past, you are presented with a list of the most recently invited ones to speed up the invite process. As you type, the dialog provides matching search results to make finding the desired collaborators easier.

  3. When you have added all your collaborators, select Invite.


If you are an enterprise user, ensure that your IT administrator has enabled the Team Projects service for your account. Explore ways to manage your organization setup.

Invite groups to collaborate

Enterprises can invite synced groups created with Adobe Admin console Active Directory. Type the name of a group in the invitations field. If you select a group to invite, all group members receive an invitation to collaborate.

Group invitations are static. If group membership changes after the invitation is sent, new members are not automatically sent an invitation. Members who are no longer part of the group will not be removed. You can add or remove members individually from the Team Projects.


There is a limit to the group size. You cannot invite a group with 150 or more members. 

Accept an invitation to collaborate

If you have been invited to collaborate on Team Projects, you receive an invitation notification in the Creative Cloud desktop application and Premiere Pro or After Effects. You can choose to accept or reject an invitation in two ways.

  • Select Accept to accept the invitation in the Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Collaborators receive an invitation to collaborate that appears in the Creative Cloud desktop app
Collaborators receive an invitation in the Creative Cloud desktop app.

  • Select File > Open Team Project > Invites to view pending invitations and either accept or reject the invitations. 
Invites tab in the Manage Team Projects dialog to accept or decline pending invitations to collaborate.
The invites tab in the Manage Team Projects dialog shows pending invitations you can accept or decline.

View online collaborators

You can view which collaborators are working on the same project at the same time and also their online or offline status by hovering the mouse over the collaborator profile images.

You can view a list of collaborators and who else is working on the same Team Project as you.
You can view a list of collaborators and who else is working on the same project as you.

Remove collaborators from Team Projects

  1. Choose File Team Project Settings

  2. Select Edit, select a collaborator from the list, and select Remove.

    Remove a collaborator from the Team Project using the Remove button.
    Remove a collaborator from the Team Projects using the Remove button.


    Ensure that you close the Team Projects before removing yourself from it.

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