Export video

Learn how to export your video or share it on social media channels, such as TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, or Behance.

How to use export mode in Premiere Pro

Export completed videos quickly and easily by focusing on content destinations. You can use the optimized render settings for popular social platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, or X. Or, you can use the advanced settings to customize your exports.

The Export window is open and export destinations, output settings and preset are highlighted.
A. Choose export destinations B. Access output settings C. Customize export preset

  1. Select the sequence you want to export.

     Export mode uses the currently selected sequence or clip as the source if the Project panel has focus.  Multiple selections are also supported, but with some limitations:

    • Export preview is disabled
    • Export settings are applied to all sources

    If other panels have focus, Export mode uses the front-most open sequence in the Timeline panel as a source.

  2. Choose Export from the header bar at the top of Premiere Pro to open the Export workspace.

    You can also choose File > Export > Media or use the Cmd/Ctrl + M shortcut to switch to Export Mode.

    The export workflow moves from left to right. Start by selecting a destination for your video from the choices in the left-hand column, such as TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo, or your local drive (Media File).

    Premiere Pro presents optimized export settings based on your destination. 

  3. Accept the default H.264 preset or choose a different preset from the Preset menu.  You can also customize your export settings and save your own custom presets.

     While individual settings are available for all export parameters, Match Source presets are often the best option. These are adaptive presets which use the same frame size, frame rate, and so on, as your source sequence. Choose the High Bitrate preset to export a video at high quality.

    Preset dropdown menu is displayed, select the required preset. Click More presets to open the Preset Manager and manage your presets.
    Choose export presets from the dropdown menu or click More presets to open the Preset Manager and manage your list of favourite presets

  4. Use the Preview window to preview, scrub, and playback your media before export, set a custom duration, and control how the source video fits within the output frame if exporting to a different frame size.

    • Range lets you customize the duration of your exported video. 
      • Entire Source: the entire duration of the sequence or clip will be exported
      • Source In/Out: if there are In/Out Points set in your sequence or clip, those will be used for export
      • Work Area: exports the Work Area Bar duration (sequences only)
      • Custom: honors custom In/Out Points set in Export mode
    • Scaling lets you adjust how the source fits within the exported frame when exporting to a different frame size.
    • Scale to fit: resizes the source to fit the output frame without any distortion or cropped pixels.  Black bars may be visible.
    • Scale to fill: resizes the source to completely fill the output frame with no black bars.  Some pixels may be cropped.
    • Stretch to fill: stretches the source to completely fill the output frame without any black bars or cropped pixels.  Frame aspect is not maintained so the video may look distorted.
  5. Click Export.


To export using Adobe Media Encoder, click Send to Media Encoder. This launches Adobe Media Encoder and adds a new item to the Queue panel for each destination.

Exporting in Premiere Pro (Video Tutorial)

For more videos like these, check out AdobeVideoTraining.com.

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