Creative Cloud Libraries in Premiere Pro

About Creative Cloud Libraries

Creative Cloud Libraries let you capture inspiration on the go! You can capture assets from various Creative Cloud desktop apps, mobile apps, or download assets from Adobe Stock to use in your projects.

To learn more, see Creative Cloud Libraries.

The Libraries panel

Creative Cloud Libraries are displayed in the Libraries panel in Premiere Pro.

To view your Creative Cloud Libraries when you launch Premiere Pro, click the Libraries option on the Premiere Pro Start screen. 

To download or sync a Creative Cloud Library to your desktop from the Start screen, click Libraries > [library-name] and click Sync to CC Libraries on the Library card that appears on the bottom part of the screen. 

To open the Creative Cloud Library (Libraries panel), click Window > Libraries.

You can access libraries in the following ways:

Across projects

Whatever you save in the Libraries panel becomes available for use across Premiere Pro projects that you are working on.

Across computers

Libraries are synced to Creative Cloud. Your Library becomes available on any computer that you are signed into using your Creative Cloud ID.

Across apps

Whatever you save in the Libraries panel becomes automatically available across desktop and mobile apps that support Creative Cloud Libraries.

For example, you can access Libraries from desktop apps such as, After Effects, Photoshop, and mobile apps such as Adobe Hue.

Add a Creative Cloud library

You can create any number of libraries to organize your assets. The libraries that you create are displayed in the Library panel in Premiere Pro.  

To create a library, do the following:

  1. Click the drop-down in the Libraries panel, and select Create New Library, or, click the pop-up panel, and select Create New Library.
  2. Type a name for the library, and click Create.

Add Looks to a library

You can save color grading information that you applied to a clip as a Look. To upload a Look to your library, follow these steps:

  1. Select a clip or a track item in a sequence in the Timeline panel.
  2. Ensure that the Lumetri Color panel is in focus and a Lumetri effect is applied to the clip.
  3. Click the Add Look icon at the bottom of the Libraries panel.

A .look file is created with the same name as the selected clip. The uploaded Look is displayed as a thumbnail in the Libraries panel.

Add a Look using the Libraries Panel

Add assets from Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock is a service that sells millions of high-quality, royalty-free photos, videos, illustrations, and graphics. 

You can search for Adobe Stock assets directly from within Premiere Pro:

  1. Select Window > Libraries to open the Libraries panel in Premiere Pro.
  2. Enter the search keywords in the Search Adobe Stock search bar at the top of the Libraries panel. The search results are displayed right within the panel.
  3. Once you've located an asset that you want to use, you can purchase a license immediately and add the asset to your Library in Premiere Pro. Alternatively, you can add an unlicensed preview (watermarked) version of the asset to your library for now and license it later.
  • To buy an asset immediately, select the asset and click the Buy and Save To My Library icon.
  • To add an unlicensed preview version of the asset to your library, select the asset and click the Save Preview to <Library Name> icon.

You can also choose these options from the context menu of the listed asset.  


If Adobe Stock assets don’t show up automatically in your Library, click the Sync button in the lower right corner of the panel (the Creative Cloud icon) to perform a manual sync. Your assets now appear in the Library.

If you add a preview version of an asset to your Library, you can license it later. To license the asset, click/right-click it, and from the context menu select "Buy Image…" for a still preview, and "Buy Video…" for a video preview. When you license the asset, all linked instances of the asset in your open files are automatically updated to the licensed, high-resolution asset without the watermark.


When you license an asset, all unlicensed copies used in any sequence are automatically replaced with the full-quality version and edits are preserved.

To learn more about using Adobe Stock video footage with Creative Cloud Libraries, watch this video tutorial. To learn more about Adobe Stock, see Using Adobe Stock.

Use assets in a library

Graphic element

You can use a graphic saved in your library by dragging the graphic element from the Libraries panel into the Project panel or Timeline or right-click the graphic and select Add to Project. Premiere Pro imports the graphic element as a project item, and creates a default duration still-image clip in the Timeline.


You can apply a Look saved in your Library by dragging the Look from the Libraries panel onto an item in the Project panel or Timeline.

Drag a Look to Timeline

  • When you drag a Look from the Libraries panel onto a clip in the Timeline, a new Lumetri Color effect is added to the Timeline. If a Lumetri Color effect exists on that track, the existing Lumetri Color effect is updated with the new Look.
  • If the track item is visible in the Program Monitor, the effect is rendered.
  • A Lumetri Color effect is added to the Effect Controls panel.

Alternatively, you can also select a clip in the sequence, right-click the look in the Library, and choose Apply Look.

Drag a Look to Project panel

  • When you drag a Look from the Libraries panel to a project item in the Project panel, a Lumetri Color effect is applied to the master clip.
  • If the track item is visible in the Source Monitor, the effect is rendered.
  • A Lumetri Color effect is added to the master clip in the Effect Controls panel.

When you drag a Look that has a .cube filename extension, the Input LUT field under the Basic Correction section in the Lumetri Color panel is set to that Look.

When you drag a Look that has a .look filename extension, the Look field under the Creative section in the Lumetri Color panel is set to that Look.

Collaborate with Creative Cloud users

You can share your libraries with other Creative Cloud users to view, edit, or use the contents of a shared library.


If a Creative Cloud subscriber has shared a library with you, you can further share it with other Creative Cloud users.

Share a library

  1. In the Libraries panel, click the pop-up menu, and choose Collaborate.
  2. In the browser page that appears, provide an email address and optional message for the person that you would like to share the library with.

Join a shared library

  1. Launch Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app and log in with your Adobe ID credentials.
  2. When a library is shared with you, you receive a notification in Creative Cloud desktop app. Click the bell icon to access the notifications.
  3. Click Accept for each library collaboration invitation.

Motion Graphics templates shared using Creative Cloud libraries

To share and use Motion Graphics templates that are available using Creative Cloud libraries, ensure that you have the latest version of Creative Cloud desktop app installed on your computer.

Creative Cloud desktop app indicates when there are updates available for your installed apps. You can check for updates manually by following the steps below.

  1. Click the Creative Cloud desktop icon  in the taskbar (Windows) or Apple menu bar (macOS), to open Creative Cloud desktop app.

  2. In your profile menu, click Sign out.

  3. Sign in to your Adobe account.

  4. If you aren’t using the latest version of Creative Cloud desktop app, a prompt to update will appear. Click Update.

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