Auto Color

Auto Color uses Adobe Sensei ML technology to apply intelligent color corrections to video clips. Color corrections are basic adjustments, such as exposure, white balance, and contrast that enhance the look of your footage. Typically, color corrections are applied before doing creative color grading.

How to use Auto Color

Want to try how it works? Open a project in Premiere Pro (22.3 or later) and get started!

Make sure the Lumetri color panel is open (Window > Lumetri Color).

To use Auto Color, position the playhead somewhere in the clip you want to enhance. Click the Auto button in the Basic Corrections section at the top of the Lumetri panel.

Auto Color uses frame sampling to apply corrections across the whole clip, not just the current frame.
Auto Color uses frame sampling to apply corrections across the whole clip, not just the current frame.

Adjustments are reflected in the re-organized Basic Correction sliders. You can easily fine-tune the results by further adjusting individual parameters. You can adjust the overall impact of these adjustments with the new Intensity slider at the top of the Basic Correction section.

Move the slider to see the color difference after applying Auto Color.

Before applying auto color
After applying auto color

Auto Color works on source footage, including LOG footage and footage with LUTs applied.

Develop your color correction skills

If you’re new to color correction, Auto Color is a great way to become familiar with adjustments available to improve color in their video. If you are an experienced editor, Auto Color can help to fast-track your color correction. For all users, it’s easy to refine the results or experiment with different ideas after applying Auto Color.

What's next?

After basic color correction, you can fine-tune specific parts of your image, such as skin tones or skies, using the HLS curve adjustments. You can also develop creative looks to stylize your video.

For more information on color, see:

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