Creative Cloud desktop app closes immediately after launch

Follow the given steps if the Creative Cloud desktop app crashes immediately after you start it.

Issue: Creative Cloud desktop app closes immediately after launch

When you launch the Creative Cloud desktop app, it appears in the taskbar (Windows) or Finder (Mac), but then closes without any error message.



  1. In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder and type Library/Application Support/Adobe.
  2. Control-click the folder and choose Get Info.
  3. Expand the Sharing & Permissions section.
  4. Click the lock icon in the bottom-right corner. Enter your administrator user name and password when prompted, and then click OK.
  5. Set permissions:
    1. System: read/write
    2. Admin: read only
    3. Everyone: read only
  6. Click the gear icon, and select Apply to Enclosed Item. Close the Get Info dialog box.

Windows 10/8/7

  • Windows 64 bit: Navigate to Start > Computer > C (Primary) Drive> Program Files (x86).
  • Windows 32 Bit: Navigate to Start > Computer > C (Primary) Drive> Program Files.
  1. Right click Adobe folder and choose Properties.
  2. Click the Security tab and set permissions:
    1. Administrators: Full Control
    2. System: Full Control
  3. Click Advanced, and, if asked, accept the User Account Control (UAC) elevation prompt.
  4. Click the Owner tab, select Administrators, and click Edit.
  5. Select Replace Owner on Subcontainers and Objects. Click Apply, and then click OK.
  6. Click the Permissions tab and click Change Permissions.
  7. Select Replace all Child Object Permissions with Inheritable Permissions from this Object. Click OK, and then click Yes.
  8. Click OK, and then click OK again in the Windows Security dialog box. Click OK to close the Advanced Security Settings dialog box.

macOS (Only)

  1. In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder and type ~Library/Application Support/Adobe.
  2. Control-click the folder and choose Get Info.
  3. Expand the Sharing & Permissions section.
  4. Click the lock icon in the lower-right corner. Enter your administrator user name and password when prompted, and then click OK.
  5. Set permissions:
    1. System: read/write
    2. Admin: read only
    3. Everyone: read only
  6. Click the gear icon, and select Apply to Enclosed Item. Close the Get Info dialog box.
  1. To uninstall Creative Cloud or Creative Suite applications, in the Finder, navigate to Applications > Utilities > Adobe Installers.
  2. Double-click Uninstall Adobe Creative Cloud.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the uninstallation.
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. Quit all Adobe Creative Cloud applications and close all Creative Cloud processes.
  6. Download the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool for Mac: AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.dmg. If you see a download or save file prompt, click Save File to download it on your computer. 
  7. To run the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool, double-click the AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.dmg file.
  8. Double-click Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool and follow the onscreen instructions in this order:
    1. Choose your language: Type e for English or j for Japanese, and then press Return.
    2. Review the Adobe End-User License Agreement: Type y to accept or n to decline (if you decline, the script stops). 
    3. Press Return.
    4. From the menu in the upper-right corner of the script window, select the version of the application you want to remove (Creative Cloud 2015). 
    5. Press Return.
  9. From the table, select the app you want to clean up, and then click Cleanup. (Click Clean All to clean up all installer-related files for the version of the Creative Cloud app you chose in step c.)  
  10. When you see the message “Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool completed successfully,” click Quit and restart your computer.
  11. Once you have successfully run the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool, install your Creative Cloud desktop app by clicking here.
  1. Uninstall the Creative Cloud application by doing one of the following:
    1. Windows 10, 8, 7, or Vista: Choose Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
    2. Windows XP: Choose Start > Control Panel and double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Select the Creative Cloud application and click Remove or Uninstall.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the uninstallation.
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. Quit all Adobe Creative Cloud applications and close all Creative Cloud processes.
  6. Download the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool for Windows: click the link to download the file - AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.exe
    1. If you see a download or save file prompt, click Save File to download it on your computer.
  7. Right-click the downloaded AdobeCreativeCloudCleanerTool.exe file and choose Run as Administrator.
  8. Follow the onscreen instructions in this order:
  9. Choose your language: Type e for English or j for Japanese, and then press Enter.
  10. Review the Adobe End-User License Agreement: Type y to accept or n to decline (if you decline, the script stops).
  11. Press Enter.
  12. Select the application you want to remove: Type the number that corresponds to the app name and then press Enter.
  13. Confirm that you want to remove the product: Type y and then press Enter.
  14. When you see the message “Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool completed successfully,” press Enter and restart your computer.
  15. Once the system is restarted, download the Creative Cloud desktop app by clicking here.


  1. Restart the machine in Safe mode; click here for complete instructions.
  2. Once logged in, launch the Adobe Creative Cloud application and sign out and sign in. (For complete instructions, click here).
  3. Once signed in, it should work in the normal mode. Restart the machine in the normal mode to check.
Windows 10/8/7
  1. Check with your system's manufacturer for the procedure to get into Safe mode.
  2. Once logged in, launch the Adobe Creative Cloud application and sign out from there.
  3. Sign in back in the Safe mode. Restart the machine in the normal mode to check.

For instructions on how to sign out and sign in, click here

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