Troubleshooting DTM Password Reset

How to reset your password for Activation - Dynamic Tag Management (DTM)

  1. On the DTM Login page click 'Forgot Password'

  2. Enter the email address associated with DTM and click 'send reset instructions'

  3. Look for an email from Dynamic Tag Management with the subject 'Password reset instructions'. Click the reset password button within the email. If you do not receive a password reset email, follow the troubleshooting steps below. 

  4. Create a password and click 'Set My Password'. 

  5. After the new password has been set log in via to access your account

Troubleshooting password reset

If you don't receive the password reset email one of the following could be blocking it:

  • Email was marked as spam. Check the spam folder. The most common issue is the reset email has been sent to the spam folder.
  • Email server blocked email from unknown sender. Add the DTM email to your contacts and re-request the password. A common issue is that the email server does not recognize the email address and has marked it as spam.
  • Email exchange server is blocking the IP address. To resolve this issue, whitelist the IP addresses listed in this document and re-request the password. 
  • Email is already in use. This error is caused by inviting a user from a non-Marketing Cloud enabled company to a Marketing Cloud enabled company. If you receive this error, a new email address needs to be used for one of the accounts. More information here:

If the above does not work, reach out to Customer Care for further assistance. 

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