In the Global Admin Console, select an organization to edit, then navigate to the Policy Templates tab.
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Learn how global administrators can apply policy templates to any child organization, directly or indirectly from the organization where they are stored.
In the Global Admin Console, select an organization to edit, and navigate to the Policy Templates tab to streamline setup and facilitate consistent policy management across organizations.
Policy Templates are stored with an organization and are visible to all global administrators of that organization. Once applied, the entries from the policy template are individually set in each organization. When a policy template is applied to an organization, each of the entries in the policy template are applied to the organization's policies, replacing existing policy values. Updates to locked policies are only performed if the user applying the update is a global administrator of the organization indicated by the Locked By icon of the policy being updated.
If the user applying the template has permission to unlock the policy, the policy locks take the values from the template applied (locked or unlocked). If the template indicates that the lock should be left as is, the value of the lock in the policy stays same as before.
Unlike other changes made in the Global Admin Console, edits to policy templates take effect immediately without needing to go through the Review Pending Changes - Submit process. However, to implement pending changes in organizations where the policy template is applied, submission is required.
Create a policy template
Select Create Template.
In the Create Policy Template dialog box, enter the name and description for the policy template.
The name of the policy template can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Select the policies to include in the template.
Set values for the selected the policies.
- Set the slider to Allowed or Not Allowed. Learn about policy details.
- Modify the lock value of the policy: Lock/ Unlock/ Keep as is
- Lock: The policy will be locked after application of the template.
- Unlock: The policy will be unlocked after application of the template.
- Keep as is: The lock state of the policy will be left the same as before the template was applied.
Select Save.
Apply a template to an organization
In the Global Admin Console, select an organization to edit, then navigate to the Policy Templates tab.
Select the More Options
icon for the relevant policy template and select Apply Template to Organization.
Select the organizations to apply the template to.
Select Apply Template.
If all the policy values in the organizations you select match the values in the template, a message appears notifying that no changes were made. Also, Review Pending Changes is not enabled if there are no other pending edits.
Edit a template
In the Global Admin Console, select an organization to edit, then navigate to the Policy Templates tab.
Select the More Options
icon for the relevant template, and select Edit template.
Update the policy template and select Update Now.
To implement pending changes in organizations where the policy template is applied, select Review Pending Changes. After reviewing, select Submit Changes to execute them.
Delete a template
In the Global Admin Console, select an organization to edit, then navigate to the Policy Templates tab.
Select the More Options
icon for the relevant admin, and select Delete Template.
Select Yes in the dialog box that appears.