- Adobe ettevõtetele ja meeskondadele: administreerimisjuhend
- Juurutamise planeerimine
- Põhimõisted
- Juurutamisjuhised
- Creative Cloud haridusasutustele – juurutamine
- Kasutuselevõtt kodus
- K-12 sisseelamisviisard
- Lihtne seadistus
- Kasutajate sünkroniseerimine
- Roster Sync K-12 (USA)
- Peamised litsentsimispõhimõtted
- Kasutuselevõtmise valikud
- Kiireid näpunäiteid
- Adobe rakenduste kinnitamine Google Admin Console'is
- Adobe Expressi lubamine Google Classroomis
- Integratsioon Canvas LMS-iga
- Integratsioon Blackboard Learniga
- SSO konfigureerimine piirkonna portaalide ja LMS-ide jaoks
- Kasutajate lisamine nimekirja sünkroonimise kaudu
- Kivuto KKK
- Esmaste ja teiseste asutuste õiguste suunised
- Oma organisatsiooni seadistamine
- Identiteeditüübid | Ülevaade
- Identiteedi seadistamine | Ülevaade
- Organisatsiooni seadistamine Enterprise ID-ga
- Azure AD föderatsiooni ja sünkroonimise seadistamine
- Google'i föderatsiooni ja sünkroonimise seadistamine
- Organisatsiooni seadistamine Microsoft ADFS-iga
- Organisatsiooni seadistamine piirkonna portaalide ja LMS-i jaoks
- Organisatsiooni seadistamine koos teiste identiteedi pakkujatega
- SSO levinud küsimused ja tõrkeotsing
- Teie organisatsiooni seadistamise haldamine
- Kasutajate haldamine
- Ülevaade
- Administratiivsed rollid
- Kasutajate haldamise strateegiad
- Litsentside määramine Teamsi kasutajale
- Rakendusesisene kasutajate haldamine meeskondade jaoks
- Ühtivate e-posti domeenidega kasutajate lisamine
- Kasutaja identiteedi tüübi muutmine
- Kasutajarühmade haldamine
- Kataloogi kasutajate haldamine
- Arendajate haldamine
- Olemasolevate kasutajate migreerimine Adobe Admin Console'i
- Kasutajate haldamise migreerimine Adobe Admin Console'i
- Ülevaade
- Toodete ja õiguste haldamine
- Toodete ja tooteprofiilide haldamine
- Toodete haldamine
- Toodete ja litsentside ostmine
- Ettevõtte kasutajate tooteprofiilide haldamine
- Automaatse määramise reeglite haldamine
- Kasutajatele Firefly kohandatud mudelite treenimise õiguse andmine
- Tootetaotluste läbivaatamine
- Iseteeninduse poliitikate haldamine
- Rakenduste integratsioonide haldamine
- Toodete õiguste haldamine Admin Console'is
- Teenuste lubamine/keelamine tooteprofiili jaoks
- Üks rakendus | Creative Cloud ettevõtetele
- Valikulised teenused
- Jagatud seadmete litsentside haldamine
- Toodete ja tooteprofiilide haldamine
- Global Admin Console'iga alustamine
- Globaalse administreerimise kohandamine
- Organisatsiooni valimine
- Organisatsiooni hierarhia haldamine
- Tooteprofiilide haldamine
- Administraatorite haldamine
- Kasutajarühmade haldamine
- Organisatsiooni poliitikate uuendamine
- Poliitikamallide haldamine
- Lasteorganisatsioonidele toodete eraldamine
- Ootel tööde käivitamine
- Ülevaadetega tutvumine
- Organisatsiooni struktuuri eksportimine või importimine
- Salvestusruumi ja varade haldamine
- Salvestusruum
- Varade migratsioon
- Varade tagasinõudmine kasutajalt
- Üliõpilaste varade migratsioon | ainult EDU
- Teenuste haldamine
- Adobe Stock
- Kohandatud fondid
- Adobe Asset Link
- Adobe Acrobat Sign
- Creative Cloud ettevõtetele – tasuta liikmesus
- Rakenduste ja uuenduste juurutamine
- Ülevaade
- Pakettide loomine
- Pakettide kohandamine
- Pakettide juurutamine
- Uuenduste haldamine
- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
- Tõrkeotsing
- Meeskonnakonto haldamine
- Uuendamised
- Lepingute haldamine
- Aruanded ja logid
- Abi saamine
Kehtib ettevõtteplaanile.
The document covers common questions encountered while configuring Adobe Admin Console SSO with Google Admin Console and managing Google Sync.
The section answers questions related to authentication with Google federation:
Only Federated ID user accounts are created using the Google federation setup. Learn more about the identity type options here.
The Google federation setup can only provide user management for a primary Console in a primary/trustee Console relationship. Any trustee Consoles can take advantage of single sign-on with the federated directory but must use a separate form of user management (such as CSV manual upload, User Sync Tool, or User Management API).
The list answers questions related to Google Sync:
FirstName, LastName, Username, Email, and Country Code.
Google Sync automates user management for your Admin Console directory. You can easily add Google Sync to any existing federated directory in the Admin Console regardless of its identity provider (IdP). To use Google Sync, you must have your organization’s user data stored within the Google Directory.
If the user is part of the sync and the Federated ID username matches a Google-synced username, then Google Sync takes over and manages the profile. If the user is not a part of the sync, the user is able to authenticate as long as the profile matches with the Google profile information.
Ensure that the values passed to the user attributes by sync match the values in the user profiles in the Admin Console. Monitor automated user provisioning in the Google admin console to find the attributes passed from Google.
No, there are currently no visible event logs available in the Adobe Admin Console to assist with troubleshooting Google sync. However, you can monitor automated user provisioning in the Google admin console.
Google Admin Console controls the provisioning rate. Google Sync automatically adds or removes user licensing based on the user accounts included in the chosen Google directory groups.
No. A directory can associate with only one type of sync setup.
Google Sync does not currently support group syncing from the Google directory. During the setup process, a Google Admin Console administrator will identify the groups in the Google directory that contain users who should receive access to Adobe licensing. Users from these groups will be automatically synced to the Adobe Admin Console in a flat list, appearing as Federated ID accounts in the User tab in the Adobe Admin Console. Once the user accounts are created, the administrator can choose to group users into specific user groups to provide specific access to product licenses for a subset of users.
As an example, your education organization has 5,000 users, including 500 faculty or staff members, 2,000 grade 7 - 12 students, and 2,500 K- 6 grade students. All faculty or staff members and 7- 12 grade students will receive access to Adobe Express, a shared device license for access in the lab environment, and a take-home Creative Clouds All Apps license, while K-6 students only have access to Adobe Express and Shared Device License entitlements. The sync process would go as follows:
- Set up Google Sync with production directory and domains.
- Choose directory groups in Google directory that contain faculty or staff and all student users.
- Run initial sync for 5,000 users to Adobe Admin Console (this takes about 2 hrs to complete).
- In the Adobe Admin Console, create a user group named All Apps Creative Cloud.
- Assign the All Apps CC user group to the All Apps CC product profile. This will automatically license any user of the All Apps CC user group with an All Apps CC license.
- Use Edit Users by CSV option in the Users tab to download the current user list and curate which users should have access to the All Apps product license by adding them to the All Apps CC user group.
- Upload CSV file in Admin Console; validate all chosen users are now assigned to the All Apps CC user group.
Any users synced to the Adobe Admin Console via Google Sync after the user group initial setup must be manually placed into the user group, either one by one or using the bulk method described in step 6 above, to gain access to the All Apps CC license.
Verify that your Google Admin Console has API access enabled. To know more about how to enable API access, follow the instructions provided here.
Please check the User Provisioning status in the Google Admin Console. Users won't sync if User Provisioning is not activated.
To check this, sign in to the Google Admin Console. Then, from the Home page go to Apps > SAML apps > More controls > Adobe application > User provisioning. Activate provisioning (select ON for everyone) if it is turned off.
You can also refer to the G Suite Admin Help document Configure Adobe user provisioning for more details on setting up the Google Admin Console.
Check the impacted users' email address. The error occurs if user's email address is:
- longer than 60 characters
- missing @
- containing illegal characters
Existing Google users migration
The section covers some questions asked by admins who want to use Google Sync and are already using Google as their IdP.
To migrate existing non-Federated ID users to Federated ID type:
- Establish Google Sync with the chosen directory and domains.
- Sync users, including those who already have an existing non-Federated ID on the Console, via Google Sync. Any users with an existing non-Federated ID now have both a non-Federated ID and a Federated ID in the Admin Console.
- Use Edit Identity Type option in User tab to manually migrate chosen non-Federated ID users to their newly created Federated ID account; this triggers the automated asset migration for these users when they log in with their Federated ID for the first time.
Yes, when the user email is updated in the Google directory, the Adobe Admin Console email and username field gets updated accordingly.