Kasutusjuhend Tühista

Integrate Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Express with Canvas LMS

  1. Adobe ettevõtetele ja meeskondadele: administreerimisjuhend
  2. Juurutamise planeerimine
    1. Põhimõisted
      1. Litsentsimine
      2. Identiteet
      3. Kasutajate haldamine
      4. Rakenduste juurutamine
      5. Admin Console'i ülevaade
      6. Administraatori rollid
    2. Juurutamisjuhised
      1. Nimeliste kasutajate juurutamisjuhend
      2. SDL juurutamisjuhend
      3. Adobe Acrobati juurutamine 
    3. Creative Cloud haridusasutustele – juurutamine
      1. Kasutuselevõtt kodus
      2. K-12 sisseelamisviisard
      3. Lihtne seadistus
      4. Kasutajate sünkroniseerimine
      5. Roster Sync K-12 (USA)
      6. Peamised litsentsimispõhimõtted
      7. Kasutuselevõtmise valikud
      8. Kiireid näpunäiteid
      9. Adobe rakenduste kinnitamine Google Admin Console'is
      10. Adobe Expressi lubamine Google Classroomis
      11. Integratsioon Canvas LMS-iga
      12. Integratsioon Blackboard Learniga
      13. SSO konfigureerimine piirkonna portaalide ja LMS-ide jaoks
      14. Kasutajate lisamine nimekirja sünkroonimise kaudu
      15. Kivuto KKK
      16. Esmaste ja teiseste asutuste õiguste suunised
  3. Oma organisatsiooni seadistamine
    1. Identiteeditüübid | Ülevaade
    2. Identiteedi seadistamine | Ülevaade
    3. Organisatsiooni seadistamine Enterprise ID-ga
    4. Azure AD föderatsiooni ja sünkroonimise seadistamine
      1. SSO seadistamine Microsoftiga Azure OIDC kaudu
      2. Azure'i sünkroonimise lisamine oma kataloogi
      3. Hariduse rollide sünkroonimine
      4. Azure Connectori KKK
    5. Google'i föderatsiooni ja sünkroonimise seadistamine
      1. SSO seadistamine Google'i föderatsiooniga
      2. Google Synci lisamine teie kataloogile
      3. Google'i föderatsiooni KKK
    6. Organisatsiooni seadistamine Microsoft ADFS-iga
    7. Organisatsiooni seadistamine piirkonna portaalide ja LMS-i jaoks
    8. Organisatsiooni seadistamine koos teiste identiteedi pakkujatega
      1. Kataloogi loomine
      2. Domeeni omandiõiguse kontrollimine
      3. Domeenide lisamine kataloogidele
    9. SSO levinud küsimused ja tõrkeotsing
      1. SSO levinud küsimused
      2. SSO tõrkeotsing
      3. Hariduse levinud küsimused
  4. Teie organisatsiooni seadistamise haldamine
    1. Olemasolevate domeenide ja kataloogide haldamine
    2. Automaatse konto loomise lubamine
    3. Organisatsiooni seadistamine kataloogi usalduse kaudu
    4. Üleminek uuele autentimise pakkujale 
    5. Varade sätted
    6. Autentimise sätted
    7. Privaatsuse ja turvalisuse kontaktid
    8. Konsooli sätted
    9. Krüpteerimise haldamine  
  5. Kasutajate haldamine
    1. Ülevaade
    2. Administratiivsed rollid
    3. Kasutajate haldamise strateegiad
      1. Kasutajate individuaalne haldamine   
      2. Mitme kasutaja haldamine (hulgi CSV)
      3. Kasutajate sünkroonimisvahend (UST)
      4. Microsoft Azure'iga sünkroonimine
      5. Google'i föderatsiooniga sünkroonimine
    4. Litsentside määramine Teamsi kasutajale
    5. Rakendusesisene kasutajate haldamine meeskondade jaoks
      1. Meeskonna haldamine Adobe Expressis
      2. Meeskonna haldamine Adobe Acrobatis
    6. Ühtivate e-posti domeenidega kasutajate lisamine
    7. Kasutaja identiteedi tüübi muutmine
    8. Kasutajarühmade haldamine
    9. Kataloogi kasutajate haldamine
    10. Arendajate haldamine
    11. Olemasolevate kasutajate migreerimine Adobe Admin Console'i
    12. Kasutajate haldamise migreerimine Adobe Admin Console'i
  6. Toodete ja õiguste haldamine
    1. Toodete ja tooteprofiilide haldamine
      1. Toodete haldamine
      2. Toodete ja litsentside ostmine
      3. Ettevõtte kasutajate tooteprofiilide haldamine
      4. Automaatse määramise reeglite haldamine
      5. Kasutajatele Firefly kohandatud mudelite treenimise õiguse andmine
      6. Tootetaotluste läbivaatamine
      7. Iseteeninduse poliitikate haldamine
      8. Rakenduste integratsioonide haldamine
      9. Toodete õiguste haldamine Admin Console'is  
      10. Teenuste lubamine/keelamine tooteprofiili jaoks
      11. Üks rakendus | Creative Cloud ettevõtetele
      12. Valikulised teenused
    2. Jagatud seadmete litsentside haldamine
      1. Mis on uut
      2. Juurutamisjuhend
      3. Pakettide loomine
      4. Litsentside taastamine
      5. Profiilide haldamine
      6. Litsentsimise tööriistakomplekt
      7. Jagatud seadmete litsentsimise KKK
  7. Global Admin Console'iga alustamine
    1. Globaalse administreerimise kohandamine
    2. Organisatsiooni valimine
    3. Organisatsiooni hierarhia haldamine
    4. Tooteprofiilide haldamine
    5. Administraatorite haldamine
    6. Kasutajarühmade haldamine
    7. Organisatsiooni poliitikate uuendamine
    8. Poliitikamallide haldamine
    9. Lasteorganisatsioonidele toodete eraldamine
    10. Ootel tööde käivitamine
    11. Ülevaadetega tutvumine
    12. Organisatsiooni struktuuri eksportimine või importimine
  8. Salvestusruumi ja varade haldamine
    1. Salvestusruum
      1. Ettevõtte salvestusruumi haldamine
      2. Adobe Creative Cloud: salvestusruumi uuendamine
      3. Adobe salvestusruumi haldamine
    2. Varade migratsioon
      1. Automatiseeritud varade migratsioon
      2. Automatiseeritud varade migratsiooni KKK  
      3. Ülekantud varade haldamine
    3. Varade tagasinõudmine kasutajalt
    4. Üliõpilaste varade migratsioon | ainult EDU
      1. Automaatne üliõpilaste varade migratsioon
      2. Teie varade migratsioon
  9. Teenuste haldamine
    1. Adobe Stock
      1. Adobe Stocki krediidipaketid meeskondadele
      2. Adobe Stock ettevõtetele
      3. Adobe Stock ettevõtetele kasutamine
      4. Adobe Stocki litsentside heakskiitmine
    2. Kohandatud fondid
    3. Adobe Asset Link
      1. Ülevaade
      2. Kasutajarühma loomine
      3. Adobe Experience Manageri varade konfigureerimine
      4. Adobe Asset Linki konfigureerimine ja installimine
      5. Varade haldamine
      6. Adobe Asset Link XD jaoks
    4. Adobe Acrobat Sign
      1. Adobe Acrobat Signi seadistamine ettevõtte või meeskondade jaoks
      2. Adobe Acrobat Sign – meeskonna funktsiooni administraator
      3. Adobe Acrobat Signi haldamine Admin Console'is
    5. Creative Cloud ettevõtetele – tasuta liikmesus
      1. Ülevaade
  10. Rakenduste ja uuenduste juurutamine
    1. Ülevaade
      1. Rakenduste ja uuenduste juurutamine ja tarnimine
      2. Juurutamise planeerimine
      3. Juurutamise ettevalmistus
    2. Pakettide loomine
      1. Rakenduste pakendamine Admin Console'i kaudu
      2. Nimeliste kasutajate litsentsipakettide loomine
      3. Adobe pakettide mallid
      4. Pakettide haldamine
      5. Seadmete litsentside haldamine
      6. Seerianumbrite litsentsimine
    3. Pakettide kohandamine
      1. Creative Cloudi töölauarakenduse kohandamine
      2. Laienduste kaasamine teie paketti
    4. Pakettide juurutamine 
      1. Pakettide juurutamine
      2. Adobe pakettide juurutamine Microsoft Intune'i abil
      3. Adobe pakettide juurutamine SCCM-iga
      4. Adobe pakettide juurutamine ARD-ga
      5. Toodete installimine erandite kausta
      6. Creative Cloudi toodete desinstallimine
      7. Adobe provisioning toolkit enterprise editioni kasutamine
      8. Adobe Creative Cloudi litsentsimistunnused
    5. Uuenduste haldamine
      1. Adobe ettevõtte ja meeskondade klientide muutuste haldamine
      2. Uuenduste juurutamine
    6. Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
      1. AUSST ülevaade
      2. Sisemise uuenduste serveri seadistamine
      3. Sisemise uuenduste serveri haldamine
      4. AUSST tavalised kasutusjuhud   
      5. Sisemise värskenduste serveri tõrkeotsing
    7. Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
      1. Väljalaskemärkmed
      2. Adobe Remote Update Manageri kasutamine
    8. Tõrkeotsing
      1. Creative Cloudi rakenduste installimise ja deinstalleerimise vigade tõrkeotsing
      2. Klientide masinate päring, et kontrollida, kas pakett on kasutusele võetud
      3. Creative Cloudi paketi veateade „Installimine ebaõnnestus”
  11. Meeskonnakonto haldamine
    1. Ülevaade
    2. Makseandmete uuendamine
    3. Arvete haldamine
    4. Lepinguomaniku muutmine
    5. Plaani vahetamine
    6. Edasimüüja muutmine
    7. Plaanist loobumine
    8. Ostutaotluse nõuetele vastavus
  12. Uuendamised
    1. Meeskonnaplaanide liikmesus: uuendamine
    2. Ettevõtte VIP: uuendamised ja nõuetele vastavus
  13. Lepingute haldamine
    1. ETLA lepingute automatiseeritud aegumise etapid
    2. Lepingutüüpide vahetamine olemasolevas Adobe Admin Console'is
    3. Value Incentive Plan (VIP) Hiinas
    4. VIP Select abi
  14. Aruanded ja logid
    1. Auditilogi
    2. Määramise aruanded
    3. Sisulogid
  15. Abi saamine
    1. Ühenduse võtmine Adobe klienditeenindusega
    2. Meeskonnakontode tugivõimalused
    3. Ettevõtluskontode tugivõimalused
    4. Experience Cloudi tugivõimalused
Integrate Adobe Creative Cloud and Spark with Canvas

Adobe Creative Cloud empowers students and educators to develop powerful presentations, photography, illustrations, movies and videos, and web applications.

Integrating Adobe Express and Adobe Creative Cloud with Canvas LMS provides students and educators with quick and easy access to their creative work. Students and educators can access their Adobe Express files and Creative Cloud apps within Canvas and use them to create and complete their assignments. For more information, see our blog post.

Integrate Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Express with Canvas

For administrators

As the institution’s or school district's IT admin, for your educators and students to be able to access Adobe applications within Canvas LMS, you must integrate Canvas LMS with Adobe Express or Adobe Creative Cloud. Once the integration is done, the educators and students can start creating and completing assignments using the Adobe applications.

Before you begin with the integration, ensure the following:

  • Adobe Express or Adobe Creative Cloud is deployed in your educational institution.
  • Users are entitled to relevant Adobe products and services.

Do the following to add Adobe Express to Canvas:

  1. Sign in to Canvas, and navigate to Admin.

  2. From the list of accounts that display, choose the appropriate one.
    If you want to add the integration to a specific account which has a selected set of users, you can choose the relevant one from the available accounts.

    Select account

  3. Navigate to Developer Keys > Inherited, and turn the keys for Adobe Express API key and Adobe Express LTI.

    Screenshot displaying how an admin can turn on the inherited keys

  4. Copy the client ID string for Adobe Express LTI from the Details column. You'll use this when installing it on Courses. If you want to install Adobe Creative Cloud as well, turn on and copy the strings for Adobe Creative Cloud too.

  5. Decide where you’d like it installed.

    1. If you’d like to only install into some courses, choose the course you’d like to install the integration into.
    2. If you’d like to install globally, navigate to settings from the global navigation.

    From Settings, navigate to Apps.

    View apps

  6. Click View App Configurations, and then + App.

  7. In the Add App dialog box, select By client ID from the Configuration type drop-down list.

  8. Paste the Adobe Express LTI string you copied from the Developer Key page into the Client ID option, and click Submit.

  9. Click Install.

    The app is added to Canvas.

  10. To test the integration, select a course. Then, navigate to assignments and click +Assignment. Select Submission Type > External Tool to see Adobe Express in the list of tools.

    A screenshot showing Adobe Express in the list of tools.


    To test the integration in a test or beta instance or to use AGS or NRPS in beta, reach out to your Canvas CSM to enable Beta and Test Access For Students.

Do the following to add Adobe Creative Cloud to Canvas:

  1. Sign in to Canvas, and navigate to Admin.

  2. From the list of accounts that display, choose the appropriate one.
    If you want to add the integration to a specific account which has a selected set of users, you can choose the relevant one from the available accounts.

    Select account

  3. Navigate to Developer Keys > Inherited, and turn the keys for Adobe Classroom Prod API key, and Adobe Creative Cloud.

  4. Copy the strings in the Details column for Adobe Creative Cloud.
    If you want to install Adobe Express as well, turn on and copy the strings for Adobe Express too.

  5. Decide where you’d like it installed.

    1. If you’d like to only install into some courses, choose the course you’d like to install the integration into.
    2. If you’d like to install globally, navigate to settings from the global navigation.

    From Settings, navigate to Apps.

    View apps

  6. Click View App Configurations, and then + App.

  7. In the Add App dialog box, select By client ID from the Configuration type drop-down list.

  8. One by one, paste the strings you copied from the Developer Key page into the Client ID option, and click Submit.

  9. Click Install.

    The app is added to Canvas.

  10. To test the integration, navigate to courses. The integration is successful if Adobe Creative Cloud shows under Courses.


    To test the integration in a test or beta instance or to use AGS or NRPS in beta, reach out to your Canvas CSM to enable Beta and Test Access For Students.

    Adobe Creative Cloud

To configure SSO, add a secondary IdP in the Adobe Admin Console and select Canvas in the Add Portal or Learning Management Systems for SSO screen.

  • I am testing the Adobe Express integration using Canvas's impersonate function to create a Adobe Express assignment as a Teacher and submit the assignment as a Student. However, I am not seeing an option to submit the assignment when switching to the Student view. How shall I proceed?

    Recognizing that this scenario is unique to testing and does not represent expected Teacher and Student behavior in the real world, there is a workaround to test. The key is to use two separate browsers in incognito mode when you are testing on the same computer using Canvas’s impersonate function.

    1. Sign in as Teacher on one browser window to create the Adobe Express assignment.
    2. Then, sign in to Adobe Express from a separate incognito browser window as Student and submit the assignment. 
  • How can I contact Adobe Customer Care with an issue not covered here?

    Navigate to the Support tab in the Admin Console to contact Adobe Customer Care. Learn more.

  • What are Adobe's policies on data privacy?

    To learn how Adobe complies with laws, regulations and best practices related to the privacy of student data visit Adobe Privacy Center.

Create assignments using Adobe Express

For educators

Once your institution's or school district's IT admin has granted you access to Adobe Express or Adobe Creative Cloud within Canvas LMS, you're ready to create high-quality creative work using the Adobe applications. You can use Adobe Express to work on school projects wherever you are, not just in a computer lab.

To know your Canvas instance, go to the Canvas website, and click Find My School. To access Adobe Express, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Canvas instance, navigate to Courses.

  2. Select a course, and navigate to Assignments.

  3. You can choose to create a new assignment or edit an existing one. Once the editor opens, scroll down to Submission Type, select External Tool, and find Adobe Express in your course’s External Tools.

    A screenshot showing Adobe Express in the list of tools.

  4. Select Adobe Express.

  5. If your IT administrator has configured Single Sign-On (SSO), you are automatically signed in to your Adobe Express account.

    If SSO is not configured, a sign-in screen appears for Adobe Express, enter your credentials and sign in.

    If your browser blocks pop-ups, click the pop-up blocker icon, and select Always allow pop-ups for this site.

    Sign in

    Google Chrome


    Microsoft Edge

  6. The first time you launch Adobe Express from within Canvas, you are prompted to authorize Adobe to use your account. To do so, click Authorize.

Your Adobe Express designs display.

After signing in to Adobe Express from Canvas, a file browser window will appear. All your up-to-date files will be listed if you’ve used Adobe Express. To create an assignment using Adobe Express, do the following:

  1. Choose one of your existing Express files to attach as a template for your students. You’ll have two options:

    • Edit: If you want to make additional edits, you’ll see an option to open up the Adobe Express editor.
    • Attach: Once your file is ready, return to Canvas and select the thumbnail for the file you want to assign to students. Then, select attach.

  2. By attaching your Express file to the Canvas assignment, you are creating a remixable template that your students can get started from.

  3. Enter the assignment name, add instructions, and update the other assignment fields. Since the Submission Type is set to External Tool, your students will need to Turn in via the Canvas option in Adobe Express. This will send their work directly to Canvas for you to grade. 

  4. Click Save.

    Your assignment is ready.

To access Adobe products and services from Canvas LMS, sign in to your Canvas instance. To know your Canvas instance, go to the Canvas website, and click Find My School.

Navigate to Courses Adobe Creative Cloud. All applications that have been purchased for you by the district or university display. You can install or update any of the available apps. 

Adobe Creative Cloud

  • What is Adobe Express?

    Adobe Express is one of Adobe’s new web-based applications that makes it easy for educators and students to communicate ideas with stunning presentations, graphics, and short videos—in minutes. Students can demonstrate learning, tell a story, or convey a point of view by making high-quality reports, research papers, posters, writing assignments, and presentations. Learn more.

  • What is Adobe Creative Cloud?

    Creative Cloud is a set of creative apps that empowers students, educators, and creators of all ages and experience levels to develop powerful presentations, photography, illustrations, movies and videos, and web applications. Creative Cloud includes all of Adobe’s creative tools, from classics like Photoshop, and Illustrator, and new apps like Adobe Premiere Rush and Adobe XD. Learn more.

  • How do students sign in?

    Students can sign in through the enterprise option in the sign-in pop-up screen. Or, they can sign through either of these links:

    They must use their regular school credentials.

    Also, ensure that they allow pop-ups on the browser. For details, see Sign in and access Adobe Express from Canvas LMS.

  • How can I give my students Adobe Express templates I’ve created or the ones I want them to watch?

    1. Through the external tools flow, you can assign content and instructions that students can watch within their own Adobe Express accounts. They’ll then be able to create their own content and submit it to an assignment from Adobe Express.
    2. Through the rich content editor, you can make templates here that students will be able to copy into their own Adobe Express accounts. For details, see Create an assignment using Adobe Express.
  • How does this work in SpeedGrader?

    SpeedGrader displays full, rich previews of both, videos and posts, for assignments submitted through Online URL submission type or external tools. When students submit an assignment through the Online > Text Entry flow, educators have hyperlinks created in SpeedGrader.

  • Where can I find more resources on Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Express?

    Visit The Adobe Education Exchange for free online professional development courses and resources.

Complete assignments using Adobe Express

For students

Once your institution's or school district's IT admin has granted you access to use Adobe Express or Adobe Creative Cloud within Canvas LMS, you are ready to create high-quality creative work using the Adobe applications.

To know your Canvas instance, go to the Canvas website, and click Find My School. To access Adobe Express, do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Canvas instance, navigate to Courses.

  2. Select a course, and navigate to Assignments.

  3. If your IT administrator has configured Single Sign-On (SSO), you are automatically signed in to your Adobe Express account.

    If SSO is not configured, a sign-in screen appears for Adobe Creative Cloud, enter your credentials and sign in.

    If your browser blocks pop-ups, click the pop-up blocker icon, and select Always allow pop-ups for this site.

    Sign in

    Google Chrome


    Microsoft Edge

  4. The first time you launch Adobe Express from within Canvas, you are prompted to authorize Adobe to use your account. To do so, click Authorize.

Your Adobe Express designs display.

After signing in to Adobe Express from Canvas, all your pending assignments appear. To work on one of these assignments, select it, and do the following:

  1. Read the instructions from the educator, and select Open Adobe Express. The assignment opens in Adobe Express web.

    Open Adobe Express

  2. Make the required changes and complete the assignment.

  3. To submit the assignment, click Share > Turn in to CanvasThis will automatically submit to the correct assignment in Canvas.

    Turn into Canvas

Your assignment is submitted.

To access Adobe products and services from Canvas LMS, sign in to your Canvas instance. To know your Canvas instance, go to the Canvas website, and click Find My School.

Navigate to Courses Adobe Creative Cloud. All applications that have been purchased for you by the district or university display. You can install or update any of the available apps. 

Adobe Creative Cloud

  • I see a blank screen when trying to access Adobe Express from Canvas LMS.

    Check for pop-up blockers in your browser and click Allow to sign in to Adobe. For more information on how to sign in, see Sign in and access Adobe Express from Canvas LMS.

  • Turn in doesn’t work.

    The Turn in to Canvas option is disabled if you are signed in with an account different from the school account. Do the following to ensure you are signed in with the correct account.

    1. In Canvas, navigate to Adobe Express and click , your profile icon in the upper right corner.
    2. Sign out and sign back in with your school credentials and school account.

     For more information on how to sign in, see Sign in and access Adobe Express from Canvas LMS.

  • Your assignment does not show in the assignment drop-down if your educator has selected assignment using an external app as the submission type. In this case, confirm with your educator if the assignment should be turned in.


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