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How to troubleshoot the internal server setup and solve maintenance issues.
Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST) enables you to centralize the download of Adobe apps and updates to a single server location.
You may check for the error logs or error codes to find the error reported during a server setup or while downloading the updates.
Also check the given troubleshooting tips if you face problems in deploying apps and updates through internal update server.
Error logs
Errors, warnings, and troubleshooting information are recorded in the log files.
The following log files are located in the %temp% folder in Windows and in the ~/Library/Logs in macOS:
- AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.log
- AdobeAcrobatUpdateServerSetupTool.log
DLM.log is located in the following locations:
- Windows:
- %Temp%\CreativeCloud\ACC\AdobeDownload
- %Temp%\AdobeDownload\
- Mac:
- ~/Library/Logs/CreativeCloud/ACC/AdobeDownload
- ~/Library/Logs/AdobeDownload/
Error codes
The following error codes may be reported if the internal update server is unsuccessful.
Error Code |
Error Message |
2 |
Internal error occurred |
3 |
Could not access specified path |
4 |
Network failure |
5 |
Server unresponsive |
6 |
Proxy authentication failed |
7 |
Output disk full |
8 |
Write permission denied |
9 |
File not found on server |
Basic troubleshooting
If the web server that is used to distribute the apps and updates is not set up correctly, apps and updates might get downloaded from the Adobe update server (Adobe Update Server Setup Tool does that automatically), but will not be distributed to the clients.
To test that the web server is running correctly, see Verify your internal update server.
Ensure that there are no problems related to network connectivity and that the internal update server can connect to the Adobe update server.
For example, check that you can access the default welcome page of the internal update server.
End users see the following error if the Creative Cloud Desktop App is unable to connect to your internal update server (AUSST):
Troubleshoot the internal update server setup and sync issues
When you run the AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool command, ensure that there are no spaces in the following cases:
- Between parameters and the = sign
- Between the = sign and arguments
For example, the following command has an incorrect extra space between --root and the = sign
- Anywhere in a path.
For example, the following command has an extra space between the quotation mark (") and the forward slash (/)
The URLs for the server should include the protocol (such as http://). If the port number is different from the default value of 80, the port number should also be specified.
For example, the following section in the AdobeUpdater.Overrides file is incorrect because it does not specify the http:// protocol:
Note that in this example, the port number (1234) has been specified, which is required if the port number does not have the default value of 80.
Ensure that the location on the server where the apps and updates are to be stored has the correct write permission. Otherwise, apps and updates might not be synced/downloaded on the internal update server. The server setup process is not complete unless all apps and updates are synced/downloaded on the internal update server.
Check that the paths provided to all the command-line options are absolute paths. AUSST does not support relative paths.
Troubleshoot the setup of clients
The client configuration files are generated at a location determined by the --genclientconf parameter of the AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool command. For more details, see Generating client configuration files. Two files are generated, one each for Windows and macOS clients. Check that the files are available in the respective locations on the internal update server.
After the client configuration files are generated on the internal update server, they are deployed on each end-user computer. The files are different for the Windows and the macOS platforms.
The location for the file on each end-user computer is platform-specific. Ensure that the configuration files are deployed on the end-user computers at the locations. For more details, see Deploying client configuration files.
Use fresh sync to troubleshoot
In exceptional cases, multiple apps/updates of the same package might get stored on the internal update server if the option of incremental update sync is specified. These will then be deployed to the end-user computers, and the users will see multiple copies of the packages on their computers. If this happens, perform the fresh update sync (one time) by running the following command:
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool --root="<update folder>" --fresh
This ensures that the correct single copy of the packages get downloaded to your internal update server, from where they are deployed to the end-user computers.
If you are using the incremental sync option and continue to get errors even after trying all the previous steps, perform fresh update sync (one time) by running the following command:
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool --root="<update folder>" --fresh
This will ensure that all updates from the Adobe update server are downloaded to your internal update server.