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Execute an incremental sync or use filters to download specific products and updates.
Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST) enables you to centralize the download of Adobe apps and updates to a single server location.
4. Common use cases of AUSST
To set up your internal update server, you may use the --fresh option that downloads all Adobe apps and updates from the Adobe Update server. You must ensure that you have 600 GB disk space on the relevant partition for the --fresh sync. However, this is usually a one-time operation that you perform when you first set up your update server.
After this you may choose a selective sync:
- Execute an incremental sync to get only new apps versions and updates
- Create filters to download specific products.
Refer to the common use cases given below to use AUSST in different commonly encountered scenarios.
Incremental sync
To get an incremental update from the Adobe Update server, use the following command:
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates" --incremental
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool --root="/Library/WebServer/Documents/ausst/" --incremental
To run this command at regular intervals, schedule a recurring job - Using Task Scheduler for Windows or Crontab for macOS.
The following use cases will help you further understand how to use AUSST in different commonly encountered scenarios.
AUSST syncs current Adobe desktop apps and the latest previous major versions of each. (Acrobat is an exception: AUSST syncs only the current version to ensure that you have the latest security updates.) AUSST does not sync updates for apps we no longer sell. Find links to the apps that are available to download.
The use cases below contain SAP Codes(For example, Sap Code for the product Photoshop is PHSP). If required, get the complete list of SAP Codes.
Use case |
Command |
Sync all products and updates (Not including legacy products) |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<root folder>" --incremental |
Sync latest update of specific product. Example: Photoshop. |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<root folder>" --incremental --filterProducts=<sap code>
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates" --incremental --filterProducts="PHSP" |
Sync latest version of a product for a specific group only. |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates" --incremental --filterProducts="g1(PHSP)" |
Sync specific version of a product for a specific group only. The SAP Code, main version, and subversion should all be specified if a particular subversion is required. Example: Group name: g1. Photoshop v18.1.3. PHSP#18.0#18.1.3 - This indicates that the product is Photoshop, the main version is 18 and the subversion is 18.1.3 |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates" --incremental --filterProducts="g1(PHSP#18.0#18.1.3)" |
Generate client configuration files for the g1 group.
The version number is an indicative version. The actual version number of a product may be different. |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<root folder>" --genclientconf="<output folder>" --url="<URL Path to root folder>" --groupName=g1 |
Sync a specific version for one group and latest version for another group. Example: PHSP 18.3.1 for group g1. Latest version of Dreamweaver for g2 group.
The version number is an indicative version. The actual version number of a product may be different. |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<root folder>" --genclientconf="<output folder>" --url="<URL Path to root folder>" -- groupName=g1
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<root folder>" --genclientconf="<output folder>" --url="<URL Path to root folder>" -- groupName=g2
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates" --incremental --filterProducts="g1(PHSP#18.0#18.1.3)|g2(DRWV)" |
Sync all products of the groups that you have previously created Note: If you have defined filters/groups, they will be retained with incremental option. |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe m--root="<root folder>" --incremental |
Sync all products and updates that are not part of any group.
Removes all filters/groups and syncs all latest apps and products. |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<root folder>" --incremental --filterProducts="()" |
Remove obsolete products that are not required. |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<root folder>" --cleanup
Get all groups with products. A file, groups.xml, is created at the filterFilePath location. |
AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<root folder>" --gengroupconfig --filterFilePath="<output folder>\groups.xml" |