Commercial & Government
- Adobe ettevõtetele ja meeskondadele: administreerimisjuhend
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- Üliõpilaste varade migratsioon | ainult EDU
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This page is focused on subscription licensing through the Value Incentive Plan (VIP) Buying Program in China.
Learn more about VIP in China on
VIP gives organizations of all sizes the options and control they need to easily put the right Adobe products in the right hands. VIP provides a cost-effective, easy way to deploy always up-to-date versions of Creative Cloud and Document Cloud across your organization. Creative Cloud gives you the world’s best collection of creative tools, including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Premiere Pro. Document Cloud powers 100% digital workflows with Adobe Acrobat and more.
In China, VIP offers a named-user licensing option, which provides a VIP membership to an individual user. This option is available for Creative Cloud for teams (except Muse), Creative Cloud for enterprise, as well as Acrobat Standard, in the Simplified Chinese language. Services are not currently included in licenses offered for use and deployment in China. For information on managing VIP licenses, see the VIP Program Guide for Commercial & Government or Education.
No. VIP licensing is not compatible with virtual environments.
VIP is the basic program, which includes the following features:
- Immediate deployment
- Automatic compliance
- Subscriptions with rolling updates provide access to the latest versions of cloud products
- Standardized agreements with no contract renewal
- Annual or extended term options
VIP Select is a VIP membership status, which is automatically achieved when you meet the minimum license threshold within a single term (10+ licenses in commercial and government market segments, 50+ for education market segment).
Learn more about VIP in China on For more information on VIP Select and 3-year commit, see the VIP Select Help.
VIP terms and conditions are available on the Adobe Value Incentive Plan Terms and Conditions page on
You must use a separate VIP agreement to purchase licenses for use and deployment in China (a “China VIP Agreement”). A China VIP Agreement may not be used to purchase licenses for deployment in any other country or region. Licenses for use in China must be purchased through an Adobe Authorized Reseller located in China.
For example:
ABC Company is based in the United States. However, some of its employees reside in the US, and others live in China. ABC must purchase North American licenses for its employees residing in the US, and Chinese licenses for those employees residing in China.
If you purchased Creative Cloud for teams via Adobe or an Adobe Authorized Reseller, you must do the following:
- Have ABC Company’s local office in the US buy from Adobe or their local or worldwide Reseller with a US VIP agreement
- And, buy the Chinese licenses from their local Reseller with a separate China VIP Agreement.
If your company’s purchasing total has the potential to achieve VIP Select, or to increase their VIP Select level based on purchases made in China, we would suggest requesting a Linked Membership. This allows purchases to be made on separate regional VIP agreements, while still aggregating the license total to achieve VIP Select to the mutual benefit of each region. To learn more about Linked Membership, read the VIP Program Guide, or talk to your Reseller.
Use of licenses outside of the identified deployment region is acceptable in the case of occasional travel. However, we expect that primary usage will be in the deployment region identified at the time of purchase.