As a system administrator, sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Insights > Logs.
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To track all changes made in the Admin Console—settings, admins, users, and products—sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Insights > Logs > Audit Log.
Audit log helps ensuring continued compliance, safeguarding against any inappropriate system access, and auditing suspicious behavior within your organization.
As a system administrator, you have full visibility on the changes made in the Admin Console. You can search the audit log based on the type of actions, when they occurred, and who made them. Then, view and download these reports for further analysis.
Audit log makes it easy for you to understand events like:
- Why a user lost access to a product
- When a new user was added and by whom
- When a former user was removed
The audit log records changes made at the organizational level. It does not provide information around product-specific event, for example, when a certain Report Suite was created in Analytics, or when an HTML template was deleted in Adobe Acrobat Sign.
View and download the audit log
To view or download your organization's audit log, do the following:
Click Audit Log.
By default, the log displays the following information about the events occurred in the last seven days:
The date and time of the event in the local time zone.
Event Name
Description of the event performed.
Event Details
Additional details on an event, if available.
Object Name
The name of the product, product profile, or user group that is involved in the event, as applicable.
Affected User
The email of the user affected by the event, if applicable.
Email address of the admin who performed the event. "System" is displayed if the event was performed by an Adobe back-end system.
IP Address
IP address of the machine where the action was taken. Usually reflects the physical location, but could be a proxy server or VPN address.
Define a date range or use the search field to search the events by event name, affected user, or the admin who performed the event.
Märkus.- Audit Log retains the last 90 day's events. However, events performed before the launch of this feature are unavailable.
- Most of the events appear instantly, with a small chance that some are delayed or omitted.
- Cascading events are not included in the log. For example, if you delete a user group with three users in it, the log only includes the user group deletion, the three additional events about the users' removals from the group are not included.
The results are displayed. To download the results, click Export CSV.
The results are downloaded in a csv file. For a description of the fields in the downloaded file, see Log Schema.
Märkus.If your organization is a child organization within the Global Admin Console hierarchy, actions taken by a Global Admin that affect your organization are included in the audit log. Learn more about how Global Administrators can track changes made in the Global Admin Console.
Field |
Description |
Id |
Event ID |
eventTime |
The date and time of the event in the local time zone. |
eventType |
Name of the event. |
eventSubType |
If available, additional details on an event. |
actorEmail |
Email address of the admin who performed the event. "System" is displayed if the event was performed by an Adobe back-end system. |
targetUserEmail |
Email address of the affected user, if applicable. |
targetGroupName |
Affected user group name, if applicable. |
targetProductName |
Affected product name, if applicable. |
targetProfileName |
Affected product profile name, if applicable. |
IpAddress |
IP address of the machine where the action was taken. Usually reflects the physical location, but could be a proxy server or VPN address. |