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The Adobe Student File Transfer portal allows graduating students to transfer the creative files they developed with Adobe tools during the school year from their assigned school accounts to their personal accounts. The service can also be used at any other time during the school year to create personal copies of school files, and it can be used by school staff and faculty as well.
When students leave school, files associated with their school account are deleted when the user accounts are deleted. In the past, to retain their files, users had to manually download them to their desktop before their accounts were deleted, a tedious and time-consuming process. With Student File Transfer, schools can help students retain possession of personal assets and design portfolios using a fast, easy-to-use automated process.
Adobe Student File Transfer replaces the old Student Asset Migration service, which was introduced in 2020. For a limited time, users who need to access the older tool to transfer Adobe Portfolio files can do so at https://graduation.adobe.com/sam.
For IT admins:
- If you have offered Student Asset Migration to your student body in the past, you should familiarize yourself with the changes between the old service and Student File Transfer and ensure those changes are incorporated into any instructions you prepare for your users.
- Unlike the older Student Asset Migration service, Student File Transfer does not require you to enable student access via the Asset Migration Setting in the Adobe admin console. File transfer is always available to students so they can use it year-round, and it doesn't need to be enabled or disabled during graduation season.
- Adobe Student File Transfer does not currently support Behance or Portfolio assets as part of its normal file copy process. However, if a student used either of these products during their time at school and has an existing profile on their school account, they can migrate those assets to a personal account as well using separate processes. Instructions about how to use the Portfolio transfer service are documented here, and information about moving a Behance profile between accounts can be found here.
- The Behance and Portfolio tools are both one-time account migrations, unlike Student File Transfer, which is an anytime file copy service. Students who use these tools should consider those differences when determining their file and account transfer plans.
Adobe Student File Transfer is a self-service, automated file copy service designed to give students, faculty, and staff a simple tool to duplicate their school files to their personal Adobe account. For more detailed information about how the service works, refer to the Student File Transfer Frequently Asked Questions.
Communicate with students
For students to be able to transfer files using Student File Transfer, you must share the URL and transfer instructions with them. For any cases where student accounts will be deactivated after the end of the school year, be sure to notify users well in advance so they have plenty of time to complete their transfers before losing access to their files.
Student experience
Student File Transfer provides students with simple instructions for automatically transferring files from their school account to their personal Adobe ID account. See the Student File Transfer documentation for students for a view of the step-by-step transfer process and onscreen experience shown to students.
- The student account must be an Enterprise ID or Federated ID account to be used with Student File Transfer. Users who try to use the service with other account types will get an error message.
- Student File Transfer can be used repeatedly, at any time, to transfer assets from a school account to a personal account, as long as the student still has access to their school account.