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If you're a creative professional or marketer, use Adobe Asset Link from within your Creative Cloud desktop apps to streamline collaboration while you create content.
Connect with Adobe Experience Manager Assets through the Adobe Asset Link panel in your familiar apps: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and XD. Access and modify content stored in Experience Manager Assets without exiting the Creative Cloud apps.
To create high-fidelity designs and prototypes in Adobe XD, use Adobe Asset Link for XD. Incorporate digital assets from Experience Manager Assets into your XD canvas. Adobe Asset Link for XD powers collaboration between designers and marketers throughout the design process. Learn more. |
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You are now automatically connected to any cloud-based Experience Manager Assets environment for which you have entitlement. All environments that you can access appear within the Manage environments view of Adobe Asset Link. You can switch between environments or modify them.
Adobe Asset Link supports Experience Manager as a Cloud Service and Experience Manager Assets Essentials. It also supports Experience Manager 6.4 and Experience Manager 6.5 with the latest service packs.
Here are the key capabilities introduced in latest release of Adobe Asset Link (version 2023.08.0):
- New Refresh Links (Beta) feature. Learn more.
- Performance Enhancements for Relink with Experience Manager (Beta) feature
- Minor Localization updates related to search filters and CJK characters
Here are the key capabilities introduced in the prior releases of Adobe Asset Link:
- Place Linked with Options provides support for multiple file formats, such as PDF, AI, PSD, PNG. For details, see Manage assets using Adobe Asset Link.
- You can now replace broken links in InDesign documents after migrating assets to AEM Assets. For details, see Manage assets using Adobe Asset Link.
- Improved support for corporate proxies and SSL web filters.
- Corrected issue where relinking from Asset Link results in the last item in the Asset Link panel is blocked to view owing to Cancel and Relink buttons.
- Support for Adobe Experience Manager Assets Essentials
- Automatic connection with cloud-based environments, such as Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service and Experience Manager Assets Essentials
- Support for ARM devices
- Support for Business storage for teams and enterprise accounts
- Support for the latest Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator 2023 apps
- Improved asset upload performance to Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service and Experience Manager Assets Essentials
- Support for using the Adobe Asset Link CEP Plugin in environments with proxy servers.
- The following types of proxies are supported:
- No auth: No authentication required
- Basic auth: Requires username and password
- For more, see Proxy support in Creative Cloud products.
If your organization has set up a proxy server, contact your IT admin to configure your proxy client for Adobe Asset Link.
Ensure that you meet the following Adobe Asset Link requirements:
Creative Cloud prerequisites
One or more valid Creative Cloud for enterprise or Creative Cloud for teams subscriptions (Creative Cloud for enterprise or teams, All Apps plan or Single App plans) for Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign.
- Named User Licensing
- Creative Cloud storage and services enabled
- Creative Cloud 2022, 2021, or 2020 desktop apps (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) to Creative Cloud 2023, 2022, or 2021 apps (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign). For details, see the Support matrix above.
- Adobe Enterprise identity types Enterprise ID, Federated ID (single sign-on), and Business IDs
- Subscriptions purchased with VIP or ETLA buying programs are both supported. Learn more.
To support Business IDs, Experience Manager 6.5 requires service pack 11 or later while Experience Manager 6.4 requires the latest cumulative fix pack (CFP).
If your Creative Cloud subscription is provisioned in a different Adobe Admin Console from Experience Manager, you may require to establish Directory Trust between them. Learn more.
Adobe Experience Manager prerequisites
- Experience Manager as a Cloud Service
- Experience Manager Assets 6.5 with the latest service packs
- Experience Manager Assets 6.4. with the latest service packs
- Experience Manager Assets license (includes customers with Assets add-on), with Adobe Managed Services or on-premise deployments
- Experience Manager Assets Essentials
Experience Manager Assets 6.4.0-6.4.3 require installation of an extra feature pack on Experience Manager. For more information, see Configuring Experience Manager Assets for Adobe Asset Link.
Set up Adobe Asset Link
Setting up Adobe Asset Link for your creative users is easy. Perform these steps.
1. Create user group
Create a unique group with the creative users in the Adobe Admin Console in which the Creative Cloud for enterprise entitlements reside. The users added to the group must have Enterprise IDs or Federated IDs. Learn more. You require administrative rights to create user groups.
2. Configure Experience Manager Assets
To let users access digital assets stored in Experience Manager Assets within their Creative Cloud applications, configure and fine-tune Experience Manager Assets. To let InDesign communicate with Experience Manager Assets, add the InDesign Client ID to your Experience Manager Assets environment. Learn more.
3. Install Adobe Asset Link
Generate the Adobe Asset Link extension using the Packages workflow within the Adobe Admin Console. Next, install the Adobe Asset Link extension. Depending on the type of deployment, Creative Cloud users are automatically connected to an Experience Manager environment or require an administrator configure it for them. Learn more.
4. Use Adobe Asset Link
You’re ready to use Adobe Asset Link with Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign. To open the panel in InDesign or Illustrator, go to Windows > Extensions > Adobe Asset Link. In Photoshop, go to Window > Extensions (legacy) > Adobe Asset Link.
Use Adobe Asset Link to work with and modify assets stored within your organization's digital asset management system– Experience Manager Assets.
Features and capabilities
To learn how creatives can use Adobe Asset Link, see Manage assets using the Adobe Asset Link panel.
To know about the features and capabilities of Adobe Asset Link, see the video Using Adobe Asset Link with Experience Manager Assets (8 min).
Enabling digital agencies and freelancers
With Adobe Asset Link, brands can easily grant their agencies access to project assets by adding the agencies as a trusted domain in their environment. For step-by-step instructions, see authorized domains. If domain trusting doesn't comply with policy, the company must provision a Creative Cloud for enterprise seat for the agency to own its assets.