Log in to the Admin Console and navigate to Packages > Preferences.
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- Selitev obstoječih uporabnikov v storitev Adobe Admin Console
- Selitev upravljanja uporabnikov v storitev Adobe Admin Console
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- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
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The Packages page in the Admin Console provides the following functionality. Use them when you plan to deploy Creative Cloud and Document Cloud applications to end users in your Enterprise.
- Download pre-configured packages by using Adobe Templates.
- Create customized Named User Licensing or Shared Device Licensing (for educational institutions) packagers with the configuration and applications you want your end users to have.
- Enable email notifications, so you get notified when new product versions become available.
- View previous packages you or other administrators in your organization have created. Also, view details of a specific package and track available updates for the apps in the package.
- Download the IT tools like Remote Update Manager and Adobe Update Server Setup Tool.
- Download the Adobe Extension Manager command-line tool to install extensions and plug-ins from the ZXP file container format.
To create device license (legacy) or serial number license (legacy) packages, use Creative Cloud Packager.
Creative Cloud Packager is no longer in development and no updates will be provided. Also, Creative Cloud Packager cannot be used to create packages that include Creative Cloud 2019 apps or later. Learn More.
We recommend that you use the create package workflows provided in the Adobe Admin Console.
See how to create Named User Licensing packages and Shared Device Licensing packages.
Using packages in the Admin Console
Download the Creative Cloud Packager, Adobe Extension Manager command-line tool, Adobe Update Server Setup Tool, or Remote Update Manager.
Log in to the Admin Console and navigate to Packages > Tools.
Creative Cloud Packager
Adobe Creative Cloud Packager makes it easy for you to create packages that contain Adobe Creative Cloud products and updates. These packages can then be deployed to the client machines in your organization.
For more information, see Packager.
Creative Cloud apps released on October 15, 2018 (Creative Cloud 2019) or later are not available in Creative Cloud Packager. For more information, see this document.
Adobe Update Server Setup Tool
Adobe Update Server Setup Tool allows you to set up an on-premise server that hosts Creative Cloud updates. It allows IT to save bandwidth and control when Updates become available for end users.
For more information, see Using Adobe Update Server Setup Tool.
Remote Update Manager
Remote Update Manager allows you to remotely call the updater on a client machine. It allows you to seamlessly manage when your client systems install updates. You can specify a particular product or update all products at the same time. When used with the Adobe Update Server Setup tool, the updates are pulled from your own premise server.
For more information, see Use Adobe Remote Update Manager.
Adobe Extension Manager command-line tool
The ExMan command-line tool allows the admin to install extensions and plug-ins from the ZXP file container format. When you create a package, you can select to include extensions or you can download the stand-alone tool for Mac or Windows.
Set preferences for notifications, AUSST, and custom package directories.
Package preferences are local to the logged in Admin. That means, any preferences that you set, apply to you and the packages that you create.
Log in to the Admin Console and navigate to Packages > Preferences.
You can choose to receive email notifications for updates available to any Creative Cloud products.
Select Available application versions to display app versions that do not receive security or feature updates.
While creating packages, select Show older versions in the Choose Apps screen.
While Adobe fully supports the latest version of apps, support for older versions is limited. Creative Cloud for enterprise plans also include a designated LTS version that receives security updates. Adobe recommends that you create packages with the latest or LTS versions of the apps. However, if you choose an older app version, see the Creative Cloud Support policy to know the extent to which Adobe provides support for it.
The Adobe Genuine Service (AGS) is a service that periodically verifies whether Adobe apps on machines are genuine and may notify you if they are not. Using Adobe software that is not genuine poses a risk for individuals and organizations as it is often modified, leading to issues such as:
- Increased risk of exposure to viruses and malware that can compromise your data
- Increased chances of the software not functioning correctly or failing completely.
Use this preference to ensure AGS is installed on your client machines as part of package installation.
- When this option is checked, AGS will be installed with any new packages you create.
- AGS will only be installed with named user and shared device license packages.
- If you deselect this option and create and deploy a package to a machine where AGS is already installed, previously installed versions of AGS will be automatically uninstalled.
Learn more in this Adobe Genuine for Business FAQ. |
Learn more about the Adobe Genuine Service. |
If you want to uninstall AGS, follow these procedures described in this article.
Internal Update Server
To configure an internal update server, download Adobe Update Server Setup Tool from the Tools section. Next, generate the override file, and paste its contents in the Internal Update Server box.
In the create package workflow, choose this option to redirect updates to the internal update server.
Bypass internal update server
Use this preference to ensure that, if your internal udpate servers is unavailable, your end-user compuers will get Adobe updates from the Adobe servers. Learn more.
Custom Install Directory
If the apps in your packages support custom install directories, specify the directory to which you want the packages to install these apps. For details, see Create packages.
Adobe Acrobat does not support custom install directories.
The directory path that you specify must be an absolute path. If you are creating a package to be deployed on Windows computers, specify the path that includes the drive letter. For example: C:\<folder path>.
Also, when creating a folder, you cannot use any of the characters that Windows does not support: \/:*?<>|.