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Add users to a group - UMG Enabled

Adding users through the user profile (when Users in Multiple Groups is enabled)

Group-level admins have the authority to allow or disallow a user's membership to each group they administer via the user's profile. (Account-level admins have the authority to add any member to any group.)

  • The user must be exposed to the group admin (through creation or admin entitlement) for the user to be visible in the list of users

To add group membership:

  • Navigate to [Group] > Users in Group page
  • Double-click the user to open the user profile
  • Click the plus icon to the right of the Group Membership header
    • The Add Group Membership dialogue box opens        
  • Select the group you want to add the user to
    • Only the groups the admin is an administrator of are selectable
  • Click Add
  • Repeat the process for all groups to be added
  • Click Save when done.
Add group membership

Users newly placed into a group will adopt two authority values:

  • Group Admin - Does the userID have group-level administrative authority?
    • False by default
  • Can Send - Does the userID have the authority to access templates/workflows and send agreements under the group's property profile.
    • True by default

Check or uncheck the values per group as necessary

  • Click Save when done

Group-level admins do not have the authority to edit the primary group for a userID unless they have administrative authority in both the original primary group and the new group.

Edited user membership

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