Log in as a privacy administrator for your account.
- First steps for new accounts
- Claiming an email domains
- Connecting Okta to a federated identity solution
- Manually create/edit users in Okta
- Configuration Overview
- System requirements
- Branding
- User experience within the application
- Compliance information
- Admin guide overview
- Users
- Groups
- Templates
- Custom workflow designer
- Support resources
- Transaction limits
- Page layouts
- Configure your profile
- Send agreements
- Custom workflow designer
Manage agreements
- Search for agreements
- View Agreements
- Activity history and Audit Report
- Add a note to an agreement
- Set a reminder
- Cancel a reminder
- Add an expiration date
- Modify/Delete an expiration date
- Modify the files of a sent agreement
- Replace the current recipient
- Upload a signed agreement
- Share an individual agreement
- Download an agreement
- Download the individual files of an agreement
- Download the audit report
- Download the signer identity report
- Download the field data from an agreement
- Cancel an agreement
- Hide an agreement from view
- Create a report with classic reporting
- Report charts and data exports
- Data Exports
- Report Charts
Welcome to Adobe Acrobat Sign for Government
- First steps for new accounts
- Claiming an email domains
- Connecting Okta to a federated identity solution
- Manually create/edit users in Okta
Configure Acrobat Sign
- Configuration Overview
- System requirements
- Branding
- User experience within the application
- Compliance information
User environment and processes
- Support resources
- Transaction limits
- Page layouts
- Configure your profile
- Send agreements
- Custom workflow designer
Manage agreements
- Search for agreements
- View Agreements
- Activity history and Audit Report
- Add a note to an agreement
- Set a reminder
- Cancel a reminder
- Add an expiration date
- Modify/Delete an expiration date
- Modify the files of a sent agreement
- Replace the current recipient
- Upload a signed agreement
- Share an individual agreement
- Download an agreement
- Download the individual files of an agreement
- Download the audit report
- Download the signer identity report
- Download the field data from an agreement
- Cancel an agreement
- Hide an agreement from view
- Create a report with classic reporting
- Report charts and data exports
- Data Exports
- Report Charts
Delete a user's agreements
GDPR asserts that users (signers typically) have the right to have all records containing their personal information deleted from systems that no longer have a business need to retain it.
Within the context of Acrobat Sign, this means that the user must contact the company they have signed documents with to evaluate the documents in the system and delete them if appropriate.
A privacy admin must be nominated from the Account admins in the account, granting them the authority to view all agreements and delete them as needed.
The process to comply with GDPR is straightforward, and the decision to delete or retain the agreements rests solely with the privacy admin for the account.
To review and delete a users content:
Navigate to the Privacy tab in the admin menu.
Type the email address of the requesting party into the top field and press Enter.
All agreements that have been created by the user (as identified by the email) are returned.
Select each record, and then select the Download Agreement link at the top of the agreement list.
- Open the downloaded PDF, and review the content to assess if the contract is still in effect or if you have some other valid reason to retain the agreement.
- If there is no reason to retain the document, select the Delete (garbage can) icon on the far right of the agreement record.
- Deleting the agreement is absolute and irreversible.
Note:GDPR does not require that you delete agreements that are still legally in effect.
A challenge is issued to verify that you really want to delete the agreement.
- Select Delete Agreement if you are very sure you want to delete the agreement.
A Success message displays, indicating that the deletion is in process.
- It's too late now.... select OK.
Note:All /agreements endpoints that have an agreement id path in v6 REST API now return a 404 AGREEMENT_DESTROYED error code if the agreement has been deleted via GDPR tools.