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Edit or cancel an expiration date

Modify or delete a deadline

If an existing agreement needs to have an expiration date removed or modified, the owner of the agreement can edit the expiration date on the Manage page.

  1. As the sender of the agreement, navigate to the Manage page

  2. Single-click the agreement that you want to modify.

  3. Click the pencil icon next to the Expiration Date

    Edit the expiration date

  4. Set a new expiration date by clicking on teh calendar, or select Remove deadline to remove the expiration date entirely.

  5. Click Save

    The page refreshes to show the new date, and a success message displays at the top of the window.

    Edited expiration date

    If the expiration date is deleted, the page refreshes to show no date for expiration, along with the success message.

    Deleted expiration date

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