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Share my account

Basic sharing

The basic sharing model establishes a way for users to view the contents of another users account.

There are two discrete pages, one for the inbound shares (View Other Accounts), and one for the outbound shares (Share my Account):

Basic sharing user interface

Users request shares by clicking the plus icon and entering an email for the user they want to establish the share with.

Basic sharing - request to view

After the share is requested, it exists in a “Pending” state until the requested user either accepts or declines the invitation.

Basic interface - pending requests

Attempting to share an account with an untrusted email address outside of your account prompts an error:

Trusted email error

Additional controls to manage shares between accounts

Viewing shared content

The content shared to your user is displayed on the Manage tab.

At the top-left of the manage page, you can see a drop-down arrow next to Your Agreements

  • Click the arrow to expose the list of users/groups that are shared to you
  • Select the user/group you want to view
  • There is also an option to select All Shared Agreements, which returns all shared content
Select the drop down arrow on your manage page

The page refreshes to show the Manage page content of the selected user/group:

Shared account header


The filters in the left rail (In Progress, Completed, Web Forms) filter the content just as they do when you are viewing your content.

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