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Update users in bulk using a CSV

Add or update users in bulk

The account admin can do bulk updates to user profiles using an uploaded CSV. For example, you could use this method if your company has changed its name, to ensure all your users have the correct information set for their account.  

There are opportunities to make mistakes in the process, so follow the steps closely.

This process requires a .CSV file in a specific format. Below, there's a sample file that this article references. This .CSV can be used for your bulk user update, once you've enter your user-specific data.



Save this file as a .CSV file to upload it to Adobe Acrobat Sign. To save it, open the document in Microsoft Excel and choose File > Save As. Choose .CSV from the Save as Type pop-up menu.

Specific information is necessary to create or change a user's information in our system.

  • Email Address (Mandatory) - The user's current e-mail address or the e-mail address of the user you want to create is the only mandatory piece of data we need
  • First Name (Required if creating new users, Optional if updating existing users) - The value for the user's first name
  • Last Name (Required if creating new users, Optional if updating existing users) - The value for the user's last name
  • Initials - (Optional) - The user's initials when applying their signature
  • Title (Optional) - The job title or position of the user
  • Company (Optional) - The company name for your users
  • Phone Number (Optional)
  • Area Code (Optional) - This determines which fax number is used for fax transactions
  • Time Zone (Optional) - set the timezone for the user
  • UI Local - set the language of the service for the user
  • Groups (Optional) - Multiple status values can be included in one Group Definition eg: Group Name[Status1 Status2]
    • Status values are enclosed in square brackets
      • Group names may also contain square brackets. When this is the case, the status values must be contained in the last bracket string eg: Sales [East Coast][Status1 Status2]
      • There is no space between the group name and the opening square bracket containing the status values
    • Status values are delimited by a single space between the values
    • Multiple Group Definitions can be included, using a semicolon as the delimiter (no spaces)
      • eg: Group Name[Status];Some Other Group[Status1 Status2 Status3];Last Group[StatusA StatusB]
  • Is Admin (Optional) - TRUE: This user is or should be an account admin FALSE: This user is not or shouldn't be an account admin
  • Is Group Admin (Optional) - TRUE: This user is or should be an admin of their group FALSE: This user is not and shouldn't be an admin of their group
  • Can Send Documents (Optional) - If set to false this user cannot use the service to send agreements
  • Can Sign Documents (Optional) - if set to False the user will not be able to sign e-Sign service agreements. They can still send agreements assuming 'Can send' is set to true
  • Status (Optional) -  Active or Inactive. Inactive users cannot log into the service.

To access this option, go to the Account page and choose Users followed by the pencil icon.  

The Update panel is exposed where you can upload the CSV to edit your users.

Click the Browse button to open a window so you can navigate to the .CSV file saved to your system.

Upload CSV

Deselect the necessary options depending on what you'd like to accomplish.

  • Allow Update of User Profile Data - Selecting this option allows the system to update the user permission and their profile name, groups, and group admin status.
  • Allow Create Groups - Selecting this option allows the creation of groups in the Acrobat Sign system if a group doesn't already exist for the group name provided.

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