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User authorization

Assigning user authority to access report data

For the new reporting environment, user access to report data can only be configured by an account-level administrator via the Users interface in the admin menu:

  1. Navigate to the Users tab.

  2. Find/select the user you want to edit.

  3. Select Report Options from the list of actions at the top of the user list.

  4. And overlay presents the options for the user:

    • User's own data and any data from groups they are an admin for - Grants access to the user's agreements and all agreements related to the groups where the user is identified as the group administrator.
      • If the user is not a group administrator, they only have access to their own agreements.
    • User's own data and any data from groups they are a member of - Grants access to the user's agreements and all agreements related to the groups where the user is identified as a member.
    • Data for the whole account - Permits access to all agreements from all groups.
      • Required to run reports and exports for transaction consumption.
  5. Save the configuration.

    Access is updated for the user in real-time.

    Authority scopes for users


The new environment does not involve the settings found in Account Settings > Report Settings.

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