- First steps for new accounts
- Claiming an email domains
- Connecting Okta to a federated identity solution
- Manually create/edit users in Okta
- Configuration Overview
- System requirements
- Branding
- User experience within the application
- Compliance information
- Admin guide overview
- Users
- Groups
- Templates
- Custom workflow designer
- GDPR deletion processes
- Support resources
- Transaction limits
- Page layouts
- Configure your profile
- Send agreements
- Custom workflow designer
Manage agreements
- Search for agreements
- View Agreements
- Activity history and Audit Report
- Add a note to an agreement
- Set a reminder
- Cancel a reminder
- Add an expiration date
- Modify/Delete an expiration date
- Modify the files of a sent agreement
- Replace the current recipient
- Upload a signed agreement
- Share an individual agreement
- Download an agreement
- Download the individual files of an agreement
- Download the audit report
- Download the signer identity report
- Download the field data from an agreement
- Cancel an agreement
- Hide an agreement from view
- Create a report with classic reporting
- Report charts and data exports
- Data Exports
- Report Charts
Welcome to Adobe Acrobat Sign for Government
- First steps for new accounts
- Claiming an email domains
- Connecting Okta to a federated identity solution
- Manually create/edit users in Okta
Configure Acrobat Sign
- Configuration Overview
- System requirements
- Branding
- User experience within the application
- Compliance information
Administrator processes
- Admin guide overview
- Users
- Groups
- Templates
- Custom workflow designer
- GDPR deletion processes
Adobe Acrobat Sign for Government has the following transaction limitations in the default configuration:
File size/Upload: Acrobat Sign limits the size of each file uploaded to 10MB.
If you attempt to upload a document outside this bound, you get an error under the file that says "Upload limit exceeded."
Pages/Transaction: The whole transaction (all files merged) has a total page limit of 500 pages.
If you attempt to send a document larger than your account set limit, you get the error "Acrobat Sign was unable to create your agreement because the document(s) exceeded your page limit."
Signers/Electronic transaction: The maximum number of people that can be configured on one transaction is 25.
These limitations are the default values when that account is created and are defined to accommodate normal volume for enterprise accounts without crossing the rate throttling thresholds. Rate throttling information can be found on the Transaction limits page.
Work with your professional services contact if you need to adjust these values.