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Create report charts

Creating Reports

Agreement reports allow the user to create a view of agreements within a defined time frame and represented in a numerical summary table with at least one chart (the chart content depends on the report type you run).

Agreement reports only support the previous 60 months of data. Reports requesting data outside the scope of 60 months trigger an error and block the creation of the report.

To create a new agreement report:

  1. Select New Report

  2. Select a report type.

    Select the report type

  3. Select one or more charts for the report.  

    Click Continue.

    Select the charts

  4. Define the filters for the report.

    Click View Report.

    Define the filters

  5. The page refreshes and displays the report with the filters listed across the top.

    Click Save.

    Displayed report with filters

  6. Provide a Report name and click Save.

    This report name is what is used to identify the report on your Reports filter page.

    Save the report to your system reports record

  7. The page refreshes to the default Overview dashboard and a success message is displayed indicating the report has been saved.

    Success message

    At any time you can return to the Report filter for the report type you used and open the report to view it with current data.

    Open report

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