Log in to Acrobat Sign as an administrator
- First steps for new accounts
- Claiming an email domains
- Connecting Okta to a federated identity solution
- Manually create/edit users in Okta
- Configuration Overview
- System requirements
- Branding
- User experience within the application
- Compliance information
- Admin guide overview
- Users
- Groups
- Custom workflow designer
- GDPR deletion processes
- Support resources
- Transaction limits
- Page layouts
- Configure your profile
- Send agreements
- Custom workflow designer
Manage agreements
- Search for agreements
- View Agreements
- Activity history and Audit Report
- Add a note to an agreement
- Set a reminder
- Cancel a reminder
- Add an expiration date
- Modify/Delete an expiration date
- Modify the files of a sent agreement
- Replace the current recipient
- Upload a signed agreement
- Share an individual agreement
- Download an agreement
- Download the individual files of an agreement
- Download the audit report
- Download the signer identity report
- Download the field data from an agreement
- Cancel an agreement
- Hide an agreement from view
- Create a report with classic reporting
- Report charts and data exports
- Data Exports
- Report Charts
Welcome to Adobe Acrobat Sign for Government
- First steps for new accounts
- Claiming an email domains
- Connecting Okta to a federated identity solution
- Manually create/edit users in Okta
Configure Acrobat Sign
- Configuration Overview
- System requirements
- Branding
- User experience within the application
- Compliance information
User environment and processes
- Support resources
- Transaction limits
- Page layouts
- Configure your profile
- Send agreements
- Custom workflow designer
Manage agreements
- Search for agreements
- View Agreements
- Activity history and Audit Report
- Add a note to an agreement
- Set a reminder
- Cancel a reminder
- Add an expiration date
- Modify/Delete an expiration date
- Modify the files of a sent agreement
- Replace the current recipient
- Upload a signed agreement
- Share an individual agreement
- Download an agreement
- Download the individual files of an agreement
- Download the audit report
- Download the signer identity report
- Download the field data from an agreement
- Cancel an agreement
- Hide an agreement from view
- Create a report with classic reporting
- Report charts and data exports
- Data Exports
- Report Charts
"Ownership" of an asset, such as a library template or web form, is originally based on the user that creates the asset.
The owner of an asset has the authority to edit the template fields, properties, and distribution scope.
However, when the owner of an asset changes their role in the company, it may become necessary to change the ownership of an asset so an active user in the Adobe Acrobat Sign system has full authority to manage and update it.
Changing the owner of an asset can be done by any administrator in the account that has access to it.
The admin can assign the asset ownership to any user under their authority.
- Account-level admins have access to all shared assets and all users. Therefore, account-level admins can reassign the ownership of any library template or web form to any other user in their account
- If the asset is configured to only be available to one user, it is not shared and therefore unavailable to reassign to a new owner
- Group-level admins can only access library templates and web forms within the groups where they have administrator authority
- Group-level admins can only reassign an asset to a user whose primary group falls under their admin authority
Ownership of an asset can be observed in two places:
- The Shared Libraries tab of the admin menu will show all of the shared templates that the admin has access to:
- Within the properties of the template the owner is identified in the top-right corner just under the asset name:
Only Library Templates and Web Forms are available for ownership transfer.
How to transfer the template or web form to a new owner
Navigate to the Manage tab
Single click the library template or web form you want to assign to a new owner
- The Actions panel opens on the right side of the window
Click the New Owner action
- You may need to click the See More link to expose all of the available actions
Enter the email address of the user that will be the new owner of the asset
Click Save
- A success message is displayed
- Administrators can only change the ownership of the Web Forms they own. Web Forms owned by other users are not transferable.
- Templates shared with the Account-level scope can not be transferred by Group-level administrators.