Log in to your domain account.
- First steps for new accounts
- Claiming an email domains
- Connecting Okta to a federated identity solution
- Manually create/edit users in Okta
- Configuration Overview
- System requirements
- Branding
- User experience within the application
- Compliance information
- Admin guide overview
- Users
- Groups
- Templates
- Custom workflow designer
- GDPR deletion processes
- Support resources
- Transaction limits
- Page layouts
- Configure your profile
- Send agreements
- Custom workflow designer
Manage agreements
- Search for agreements
- View Agreements
- Activity history and Audit Report
- Add a note to an agreement
- Set a reminder
- Cancel a reminder
- Add an expiration date
- Modify/Delete an expiration date
- Modify the files of a sent agreement
- Replace the current recipient
- Upload a signed agreement
- Share an individual agreement
- Download an agreement
- Download the individual files of an agreement
- Download the audit report
- Download the signer identity report
- Download the field data from an agreement
- Cancel an agreement
- Hide an agreement from view
- Create a report with classic reporting
- Report charts and data exports
- Data Exports
- Report Charts
Configure Acrobat Sign
- Configuration Overview
- System requirements
- Branding
- User experience within the application
- Compliance information
Administrator processes
- Admin guide overview
- Users
- Groups
- Templates
- Custom workflow designer
- GDPR deletion processes
User environment and processes
- Support resources
- Transaction limits
- Page layouts
- Configure your profile
- Send agreements
- Custom workflow designer
Manage agreements
- Search for agreements
- View Agreements
- Activity history and Audit Report
- Add a note to an agreement
- Set a reminder
- Cancel a reminder
- Add an expiration date
- Modify/Delete an expiration date
- Modify the files of a sent agreement
- Replace the current recipient
- Upload a signed agreement
- Share an individual agreement
- Download an agreement
- Download the individual files of an agreement
- Download the audit report
- Download the signer identity report
- Download the field data from an agreement
- Cancel an agreement
- Hide an agreement from view
- Create a report with classic reporting
- Report charts and data exports
- Data Exports
- Report Charts
How Adobe uses claimed domains
Adobe Acrobat Sign uses a process of "domain claiming" to allow enterprise tier accounts to identify the email domains they own and bind them to their Acrobat Sign account.
A bound domain achieves two goals:
- allows an account to generate a new user with an email that matches the bound domain.
- prevents any other account from generating a user with the claimed domain.
Claiming an email domain
Shortly after your account is provisioned, the first administrator receives an email from the Okta system with a domain claiming token.
This unique token string must be added to the DNS text records for every domain used to generate user email addresses in your account.
Propagation of the DNS records can take some time, and you won't be able to add users until it's complete, so get the process started as soon as possible.
Once the DNS TXT records are updated and published, contact your onboarding/professional services team and provide them with the full list of the domains you have updated. Adobe will verify that each domain is updated with the correct token and bind the domains to your Acrobat Sign account.
All sub-domains are considered unique domains, so each domain requires the token to be added for individual confirmation/addition to the account.