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Refresh a data export's data

Refresh an export

When an export record is create, the data collected remains available for later downlowd.  If you want to view fresh data, you must refresh the export record before you download it.

  1. Log in to Acrobat Sign as the owning account and navigate to the Exports filter.

    Alternatively, you can access the export from the Recent Reports section at the bottom of the default Overview dashboard.

  2. Click the ellipsis on the righthand side of the export record you want to update, and select Refresh from the menu.

    Select Refresh

  3. The page refreshes and returns to the Export filter.

    • A Download is being prepared message indicates the successful updating of the export and the building of the new CSV.
    • The Status of the export will indicate the data is being collected.
    Export building

  4. When the Status is Ready, the CSV is ready to be downloaded.

  5. Mouse over the export record and select the Download quick action to download the refreshed CSV.

    Export ready

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