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My Profile overview

Verify your profile information

When you first log in to Acrobat Sign, take a minute to review your personal user information. This information is used in several templates, so it’s important to ensure it is correct.

  • Mouse over your name in the upper right corner to open the menu, and click My Profile
My Profile

The profile page shows the specific values that Acrobat Sign uses when personalizing any of your transactions. Of particular interest are:

  • Your full name – Used in email communications and for your default typeset signature
  • Your job title – Automatically populates if you ever have a Title field to fill in
  • Your company name – Reflected in email communications, this should be the full legal company name
  • Time Zone - Time/Date stamps are cast in your time zone for better clarity in your agreement history log.
  • Measurement Unit - Centimeters or Inches. USeful if you place stamp or image fields in your authored documents

If you need to adjust any of the content, click the Edit Profile button, make the required changes, and then Save your edits.

The Group Names property indicates which groups in Acrobat Sign your user belongs to. All users have at least one value listed. Accounts that have Users in Multiple Groups (UMG) enabled have the opportunity to see multiple groups listed.

  • The (Primary Group) flag denotes the group used when an application requires information about the user's group but is unaware of the UMG service
    • If UMG is ever disabled, all users become constituents of their Primary Group
  • Click the question mark next to the group name, and a pop-out shows the linked name of the Group Admin. 
    • Click the name of the group admin to open an email to that party

The Email and Name values in the Acrobat Sign for Government environment are imported from the established identity management system and are not editable. To change this value, the identity management system must be updated which will trigger downstream updates to the Acrobat Sign system.

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