Sign in to the Admin Console.
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- Zmena typu identity používateľa
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- Migrácia existujúcich používateľov do konzoly Adobe Admin Console
- Migrácia správy používateľov do konzoly Adobe Admin Console
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- Správa povolení produktov v konzole Admin Console
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- Jedna aplikácia | Creative Cloud pre podniky
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- Migrácia študentských zdrojov | Iba oblasť vzdelávania
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- Creative Cloud pre podniky – bezplatné členstvo
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Platí pre podnik.
System administrator privileges are required to perform the procedures in this article. Learn how to add a system admin on the Adobe Admin Console.
When you deploy shared device licenses, you consume the licenses your organization has purchased in the agreement with Adobe. As you deploy these licenses, the count of consumed licenses is indicated on the Products page of the Admin Console.
To recover a license from an inoperable machine, you'll need to reset the licenses of all machines of that product profile. However, to recover the license from the machine to which you have access, you can deactivate the license on that machine itself.
Reset licenses mapped to a product profile
The following procedure resets the licenses of all machines in a product profile. Adobe recommends that you save any unsaved work on all machines in this profile. Also, if any long running processes are running on any of the machines in this profile, ensure that you either stop these processes or let them complete before proceeding.
If you need to recover a license from an inoperable machine, use the following procedure to reset the licenses of all machines of that product profile:
On the Products page, select the product and then the product profile for which you want to recover licenses.
Select Recover Licenses.
To confirm, select Recover on the Are you sure you want to recover license dialog box.
All machines mapped to this profile are reset. However, when users sign in to Adobe's app on any of these machines, the machines are immediately licensed again. For example, if a product profile is mapped to 10 machines and you want to retire two of these machines, use the procedure above to recover the licenses from all 10 machines. When users sign in to Adobe apps on the other eight machines, these will be immediately licensed again. And you'll have two licenses you can use on another two machines.
Deactivate licenses
If you need to recover licenses from machines to which you have access, you can deactivate the licenses on those machines using the Shared Device Licensing toolkit.
A machine can be activated with a single shared device license. Also, you may install multiple shared device licenses on a single machine. You can choose to deactivate all the licenses on a machine or only deactivate a single license on that machine.
Download and run licensing toolkit
The procedures described in this document require you to execute commands using the Shared Device Licensing toolkit.
First, you'll need to download the Adobe Licensing Toolkit from the following location based on the client machine OS:
How to use the toolkit
Open the Windows command prompt.
Press the Start button on your keyboard, type Command prompt and press Enter.
From Windows Explorer, drag-and-drop the adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe file (downloaded above) to the Windows command prompt.
Deactivate all licenses
On a single shared device, you may have activated multiple licenses. For example, the same device may require different app installations for different groups of students. So, to deactivate all licenses on a device, run the following command with admin privileges:
adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --deactivate
Short form:
adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -t
sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --deactivate
Short form:
sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -t
For help on how to run the above commands, see How to use the toolkit.
Deactivate single license
Get license NpdId
To get NpdId for the shared device license packages on a device, run the following command with admin privileges:
adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --licenseInformation
Short form:
adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -l
sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --licenseInformation
Short form:
sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -l
For help on how to run the above commands, see How to use the toolkit.
When you run the above command, you will see the following (sample) output:
Adobe Licensing Toolkit ( License Details NpdId : MWVjZGNlMzMtZGU2Yi00ZmNlLTkzZTktY2MxMjBhZmFiZjg1 AppId : Photoshop1 DeploymentMode : NAMED_USER_EDUCATION_LAB CacheExpiry : 03/06/19 20:01:56 India Standard Time LicenseId : 511F26523959D15EBD9B LicenseExpiry : 03/06/21 20:01:56 India Standard Time NpdId : YjZiOGU0ZTItYTkxNy00NTFlLWFkOTItZTljNTc2M2U2OTgx AppId : Animate1 DeploymentMode : NAMED_USER_EDUCATION_LAB CacheExpiry : 03/06/19 20:01:56 India Standard Time LicenseId : 511F26523959D15EBD9B LicenseExpiry : 03/06/21 20:01:56 India Standard Time Operation Successfully Completed
From the output (see above sample), you need the NpdId for the shared device license that you want to deactivate.
Deactivate specific licenses
Now use the NPIDs from the previous command, to deactivate the required license:
adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe --deactivate --npdId <NpdId from -licenseInformation command above>
Short form:
adobe-licensing-toolkit.exe -t -n <NpdId from -licenseInformation command above>
sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit --deactivate --npdId <NpdId from -licenseInformation command above>
Short form:
sudo ./adobe-licensing-toolkit -t -n <NpdId from -licenseInformation command above>
For help on how to run the above commands, see How to use the toolkit.