Sign in to the Global Admin Console. In the Organizations tab, use the organization picker to select the organization hierarchy where you want to perform the export. Data for all organizations in the hierarchy is exported.
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- Migrácia správy používateľov do konzoly Adobe Admin Console
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- Povolenie aplikácie Adobe Express v Učebni Google
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- Migrácia správy používateľov do konzoly Adobe Admin Console
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Learn how global administrators can streamline organization and product management with export and import features in the Global Admin Console.
Access the Organizations tab in the Global Admin Console to export or import the organization structure, and go to the Product Allocation tab for allocation data. Use the More Options icon to select export or import.
Export the organization structure
As a global administrator, you can export the organization hierarchy. You can download a JSON, CSV, or XLSX representation of the entire organization hierarchy, or a subset of it. You can then use this data to analyze or make modifications.
The export format chosen impacts the structure of the exported data.
- CSV format allows exporting only one kind of data at a time. When exporting product profiles in CSV format, the profiles and resources are combined into one table. There are multiple entries for the product profile, one for each resource.
- XLSX format results in each organization detail displaying in a separate sheet.
Records are connected between the different object types by a reference id. In some cases, there may be multiple rows for a particular object, such as in the case of Resource objects when there are a set of values associated with a given resource.
- JSON format is the most flexible. It can take advantage of structural relationships between exported objects. For example, products in an organization appear directly in the organization element. The same fields are exported in all three formats but some values are redundant in the JSON format.
Select the More Options
icon and choose Export. -
In the Export dialog box, select what to export and a format to export the data in.
Select Export. The export file can take several minutes to generate. Once complete, to download the report, navigate to the Global Admin Console > Insights > Export Reports. Learn more about the Export Reports feature.
Poznámka:The JSON files are exported in a zip format. You can open them using a zip utility or the operating system's zip features.
After downloading the file, you can manipulate the data, and then import it back. The updates imported appear in the Global Admin Console as though you have manually edited the data.
Import the organization structure
As a global administrator, you can import potentially modified data. When uploaded, the new data is compared with current data and any changes are applied to the organization hierarchy. All import operations are performed on the updated copy of the organization hierarchy. If you have any pending changes, the import changes will be added on top of the pending changes in the hierarchy.
Sign in to the Global Admin Console. In the Organizations tab, use the organization picker to select the organization hierarchy where you want to perform the import.
Select the More Options
icon and select Import. Depending on the size and complexity of the import file, processing can take from a few seconds to several minutes.
Select Select a file, and choose a JSON, CSV, or XLSX file to be uploaded. For CSV, only one organization detail can be imported at a time and it does not support importing Products.
The imported changes appear as though you have manually edited the data.
Select Close.
Select Review Pending Changes. Then, select Submit Changes to execute them.
Before executing the changes, the pending actions are displayed in the same manner as when edits are made manually in the Global Admin Console.
Export and import schemas
While importing data using a CSV file, the fields can appear in any order but must always match their header row.
While importing data, you must specify an operation for each element. The operation can be any one of the following:
- Update: indicates an edit.
- Create: indicates to creating a new object (For example, organization, user group, or administrator).
- Delete: indicates deletion of an object (For example, organization, user group, or administrator).
Input records with no or blank operation field are ignored.
Import and export product allocation data
As a Global Administrator, you can export the product allocation data as a JSON or CSV file. You can then manipulate this data and upload it back to import the changes. When the potentially modified data is uploaded, the new data is compared with current data and any changes are applied to the product allocation data. You can then review and submit the pending changes for them to take effect.
Export the product allocation model
To export the product allocation model, do the following:
- Sign in to the Global Admin Console and navigate to the Product Allocation tab.
- Select the More Options
icon and select Export CSV or Export JSON. Your file is downloaded. Learn more about the export formats.
Import the product allocation model
You can export data, modify it, and then import the modified file. To import the product allocation model, do the following:
- Sign in to the Global Admin Console and navigate to the Product Allocation tab.
- Select the More Options
icon and select Import.
- Select a JSON or CSV file to upload.
- Select Review Pending Changes. After reviewing, select Submit Changes to execute them.
Export and import formats for product allocation
The export and import formats are the same. While importing in CSV format, the fields can appear in any order but must always match their header row. While importing in JSON format, the fields can appear in any order.
You must specify the operation while importing product allocation data. The operation can be one of the following:
- Update: indicates an edit (change to grantedQuantity, allowOverAllocation values).
- Create: indicates to add a product resource to the specified organization.
- Delete: indicates deletion of product.
If no operation is given, then no changes occur when data is imported for that row in CSV or object in JSON.
In the exported file, there is one row or record for each product resource. Some products have more than one resource.
If a product has more than one resource, Update operations can apply to independent resources, a Delete operation deletes the product including all resources from an organization, and a Create operation needs a record for each of the resources in the import file so that the proper quantity of each of them can be specified. The allowOverAllocation field is product wide and it does not matter which resource an update to this field is in.