In the Admin Console, navigate to Users > User groups.
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A user group is a collection of users who must be given a shared set of permissions. There are various permissions across different products that have to be assigned to many users in varying order. Managing permissions by user is not a sustainable model.
For example, you have an Imaging department with 50 users and want to assign Adobe Lightroom licenses to all the users. First, create a user group containing all 50 users. Then, assign Adobe Lightroom product profile to the user group.
User groups save you time by assigning licenses in bulk. You can also add or remove users in your user group. The group permissions remain the same while the users within the group change.
Create user groups
Applicable role: System Administrator
When you are creating groups, you can either choose to create the groups one-at-a-time in the Admin Console. Or, you can use a CSV bulk upload procedure to create multiple groups in one go.
If your organization is part of a Global Admin Console, global administrators can share groups across multiple organizations using a single user management source.
Edit user groups
Applicable role: System Administrator
In the Admin Console, you can edit the name or description of an existing user group. However, if you use the CSV bulk upload procedure, you can also edit the user group admins and products profiles that are currently assigned to this group. You can add or remove user group admins and product profiles of the group.
Add users to groups
Applicable role: Product Administrator, System Administrator
Product admins cannot add new users to groups. They can only add the users that already exist in the org.
To add users to a user group, follow these steps:
While you are working with user groups, in the list of user groups, click the group name to which you want to add the user.
Click Add User.
In the Add User screen, enter a name or email address. You can search for existing users or add new users by specifying a valid email address, and filling the information on the screen.
You can add up to ten users here. To add more, repeat the above steps after saving the changes.
Click Save.
Add multiple users to a group
You can simultaneously add multiple users to a group. If, for example, you want to copy the users (or a subset) from one group to another, you can export the users from one group and then add them to the other group.
This procedure adds existing users to groups. If you want to add users to your organization and to groups in one go, see Add multiple users.
While you are working on a group in the Admin Console, click
in the upper-right corner of the group page.
Click Add Users by CSV.
In the Add Users by CSV dialog box, click Download CSV template, and choose either Current user list (recommended) or Standard template.
For a description of the fields in the downloaded file, see CSV File format.
Edit the downloaded file with the data of users that you want to add to the group.
In the Add Users by CSV dialog box, either drag-and-drop the file or click the Select a File button and select the file on your computer.
Click Upload.
After the bulk operation is complete, you receive an email. You can also view a detailed report of the operation, on the Product profiles > Bulk operations Results page.
For troubleshooting tips for bulk uploading to the Admin Console, see Troubleshoot bulk user upload.
Add Admins to groups
Applicable role: System Administrator
You can delegate the task of administering a group to Group Administrators. These administrators can then manage the users of that group.
To add administrators to a user group, follow these steps:
In the Admin Console, navigate to Users > User groups.
In the list of user groups, click the user group to which you want to add the admin.
The details of the selected user group are displayed.
Navigate to the Admins tab and click Add Admin.
Enter a name or email address. You can search for existing users or add new users by specifying a valid email address, and filling the information on the screen.
You can add up to ten admins here. To add more, repeat the above steps after saving the changes.
Click Save.
You're taken back to the Admins tab. The list now displays the Admin you assigned to this group.
Assign Product Profiles to User Groups
Applicable role: Product Profile Administrator, System Administrator
You can assign product profiles to user groups. So, all the users in that group to receive the same set of product permissions.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Users > User groups.
In the User Groups list, select the user group to which you want to add a Product Profile.
Navigate to the Assigned Product Profiles tab and click Assign Product Profile.
The list of products that display are based on your organization's purchase plan.
If group has more than 75,000 users:
If this group has more than 75,000 users, you're prompted with the following warning. You can still proceed. However, we recommend that you don't assign such large groups of users since you'll likely experience performance issues when this request is processed on the Admin Console.
If group has more than 200,000 users:
If this group has more than 200,000 users, you're prompted with the following error. You're not permitted to assign a product profile to a group with more than 200,000 users, you'll need to contact us. To contact us, navigate to the Admin Console > Support. Learn more about the available, Support options.
Select the product profiles to add to the user group.
Read about how to manage products and product profiles.
Click Save.
You're taken back to the Assign Product Profiles tab.
The list now displays the product profiles you added to this group.
As a Product Profile administrator, you can also add user groups to product profiles while you are working with product profiles.
As a Group Administrator, to remove a user from a group, select the user on the Users tab for the required group and click the icon in the upper-right area of the screen.
User groups and asset sharing
Adobe Creative Cloud end users can collaborate on folders, libraries, and Adobe XD cloud docs with other users by sharing these assets publicly or privately. Private sharing is available for individual sharing recipients and groups. Active-Directory synced-groups and user groups are part of an Organization’s address book and can be used as sharing recipients on assets owned by the organization. Currently, group sharing is only available in Adobe Xd.
Remove user groups
Applicable role: System Administrator
As a System Administrator, you can choose to remove one or more user groups in the Admin Console.
When you remove a user group, the users in that group are still retained in the Admin Console. However, if you have assigned product profiles to this group, then the users in the group no longer have access to the associated products.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Users > User groups.
In the list of user groups, click the check box to the left of the user groups to delete.
Click Remove User Groups.
In the confirmation dialog box, click Remove User Groups.
Remove users from groups
Applicable role: User Group Administrator, System Administrator
While you are working with user groups, in the list of user groups, click the group name from which you want to remove the user.
Select the check box to the left of the users in the list.
Click Remove Users.
In the confirmation page, click Remove Users.
You're taken back to the details page.
Remove multiple users from a group
You can use the bulk remove users procedure to simultaneously remove multiple users from a group. For example, if you want to move a number of users from one group to another, you can remove them from one group and add them to the other.
While you are working on a group in the Admin Console, click
in the upper-right corner of the group page.
Click Unassign Users by CSV.
In the Unassign Users by CSV dialog box, download the Sample template of the CSV file that provides the structure of data required.
For a description of the fields in the downloaded file, see CSV File format.
Open the CSV file in Excel and edit the file such that it must contain only rows for the users that you want to remove from this group.
In the Unassign Users by CSV dialog box, either drag-and-drop the file or click the Select a File button and select the file on your computer.
Click Upload.
After the bulk operation is complete, you receive an email. You can also view a detailed report of the operation, on the Product profiles > Bulk operations Results tab.
Export group users
You can download data for users for a group. For example, to add users from one group to another, you can download the user list from the source group and then add to the other group. To remove the users from the source group, you can use the same file.
The CSV file that you download contains the data as defined in the CSV File format section.
While you are working on a group in the Admin Console, click
in the upper-right corner of the group page.
and choose Export users list to CSV.
Choose a folder location to download the file and click OK.
Bulk Operations Results
When you run a bulk operation such as adding or removing multiple users of a group, you receive an email. In addition, you can view the details of the bulk operation in the Bulk Operations Results page.
While you are working on a group in the Admin Console, click
in the upper-right corner of the group page.
In the drop-down list, choose Bulk Operation Results.
To view the details for a batch process, click the operation name in the list.
In the details page, click Download results to download a CSV file for a detailed report on the batch process.
The Batch Operation Results page displays reports that are 90 days old or less. Reports that are more than 90 days old are automatically removed, without the interference of a System Admin.