--serial serialNum
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The Adobe provisioning toolkit is not supported for Apple Silicon and Windows ARM desktop devices.
Creative Cloud Packager is no longer in development and no updates will be provided. Also, Creative Cloud Packager cannot be used to create packages that include Creative Cloud 2019 apps or later. Learn More.
We recommend that you use the create package workflows provided in the Adobe Admin Console to create Named User Licensing packages and Shared Device Licensing packages.
The Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition is a command-line tool for supported platforms that helps you track and manage serialization of Adobe® products that you have deployed using the Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition. The toolkit is downloaded as part of the Creative Cloud Packager installation.
Download Creative Cloud Packager as follows:
- If you are a Creative Cloud for teams customer, download Adobe Creative Cloud Packager from the Admin Console.
- If you are a Creative Cloud for Enterprise customer, download Adobe Creative Cloud Packager from the Adobe Licensing Website (LWS) or Admin Console. You also get your enterprise license key from the LWS.
Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition is a platform-specific executable file, adobe_prtk.exe in Windows® or adobe_prtk in macOS.
Bring up a DOS command shell in Windows or a Terminal in macOS, go to the folder where you have downloaded the executable, and invoke the command per the syntax described in the subsequent sections.
Syntax for executing APTEE commands
Serializing a package for enterprise users
The following broad steps are involved in serializing a package for enterprise deployment:
- The enterprise administrator creates a prov.xml file containing the relevant provisioning information. Connect to the Internet to generate this file.
- Using the generated prov.xml file, the administrator serializes and activates the deployed package on client machines using the volume serialization command.
Generating prov.xml
To generate the prov.xml file for products that do not use Creative Cloud Packager for enterprise deployment, run the following command as administrator:
adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize --generate --serial=<serialnum> [--leid=<LEID>] [--regsuppress=ss] [--eulasuppress] [--locales=limited list of locales in xx_XX format or ALL>] [--provfile=<Absolute path to prov.xml>]
The generated prov.xml file can be consumed to serialize and activate packages already deployed in trial mode.
Following are the supported arguments of the command.
The serial number |
--leid LEID |
The product’s licensing identifier (see Product identification). |
--regsuppress=ss |
Optional; suppresses registration |
--eulasuppress |
Optional; suppresses the EULA prompt |
--locales |
Optional; specify from the limited list of locales in the formal xx_XX or ALL |
--provfile |
Optional; path of the folder where prov.xml is created. If this parameter is not specified, prov.xml is created in the folder in which APTEE resides. |
Some notes and recommendations:
- You can run this command even if a product is not installed.
- Ensure that the machine on which you’re running this command is connected to the Internet.
- It is recommended that you use the parameter --regsuppress=ss to suppress registration while generating prov.xml for volume usage.
Volume serializing the package
Administrators can use the following command to serialize and activate the deployed packages on client machines.
adobe_prtk --tool=VolumeSerialize [--provfile=<Absolute path to prov.xml>] [--stream]
Following are the supported arguments of the command.
--provfile |
Optional; absolute path of prov.xml. If this argument is not specified, prov.xml should be present in the folder in which APTEE resides. |
--stream |
Optional; this option is used by enterprises that use imaging tools to deploy licensed packages on various machines |
Some notes and recommendations:
- This command requires the latest version of Adobe Application Manager.
- Run the command after the prov.xml file has been generated.
Starting a trial for products that do not have a user interface
Some products do not have a user interface. For these products, start a trial using the following command:
adobe_prtk --tool=StartTrial --leid=LEID
Where LEID is the product’s licensing identifier (see Product identification).
Use the following command to unserialize a package:
adobe_prtk --tool=UnSerialize --leid=<LEID> [--deactivate] [--force]
Following are the supported arguments of the command.
--leid LEID |
The product’s licensing identifier (see Product identification). |
--locale locale |
Optional; a locale code. For a list of the codes and the corresponding locales, see Locale Codes. |
--deactivate |
Optional; deactivates the corresponding license from the system |
--removeSWTag |
Removes the SWTag files. SWTag refers to universal identification tag files for software application titles created as per ISO/IEC standards (ISO/IEC 19770-2). These files enable an accurate, consistent, and automated method for discovery and management of software assets. |
--force |
Forcefully deactivates the corresponding license from the machine |
Some notes and recommendations:
- The --deactivate option removes the SWTag files implicitly only if a valid license exists on the system.
- This command requires the latest version of Adobe Application Manager.
The tools write information about the progress and result of each command to the licensing log oobelib.log.
The location of the file is:
- %temp% on Windows OS
- ~/Library/Logs on macOS
Error Codes
Following are the error codes that can be reported if serialization is unsuccessful.
1 | Arguments passed in command line are invalid |
8 | Unable to resolve AMT config path |
9 | Upgrade serial not supported |
14 | Unknown error |
19 | The provXML is missing |
20 | Loading of permanent activation grace failed (due to malformed xml, corrupt or missing Enigma data, or some other error) |
21 | Unable to update PCF/SLCache |
22 | Unable to open a PCF/SLCache session |
23 | The prov.xml file contains invalid empty tag values |
24 | Enigma data has serial number of a language different from the language of the installed product |
25 | If no product is installed on the target machine or enigma data of serial number could not be decoded |
26 | PCF file not found |
27 | Unable to edit the prov.xml file |
28 | Invalid prov.xml file specified |
29 | No matching license found |
30 | Action not initiated by an admin user |
31 | Invalid locale specified |
32 | Invalid SLConfig path |
33 | Failed to find LEID for serial |
37 | Failed to unarchive this machine |
38 | Failed to make activation call because machine is offline |
A serialized product, as installed from a deployment package is uniquely identified by a licensing identifier (LEID). Use the LEID to identify the installed products whose serial numbers you want to query or change. The list of LEIDs is available here.
The following table lists the locale codes that you can use with the unserialize option to remove the serialization only for that locale.
da_DK | Danish |
de_DE | German |
en_GB | English, International |
en_US | English, U.S. |
es_LA | Spanish, Latin America |
es_MX | Spanish, Mexican |
es_NA | Spanish, North America |
fi_FI | Finnish |
fr_CA | French, Canada |
fr_FR | French, France |
hr_HR | Croatian |
hu_HU | Hungarian |
it_IT | Italian |
ja_JP | Japanese |
ko_KR | Korean |
nb_NO | Norwegian |
nl_NL | Dutch |
pl_PL | Polish |
pt_BR | Portuguese, Brazilian |
ro_RO | Romanian |
ru_RU | Russian |
sk_SK | Slovak |
sl_SI | Slovenian |
sv_SE | Swedish |
tr_TR | Turkish |
uk_UA | Ukrainian |
zh_CN | Chinese, Simplified |
zh_TW | Chinese, Traditional |