Release notes | InDesign CS5.5 | 7.5.2 release

Adobe® InDesign® CS5.5 7.5.2 - Release Notes

October 2011

This update provides key fixes in epub/ebook functionality as well as addressing a critical “error code : 5 issue” that some Mac users have encountered.  In addition, there are more general fixes in PDF export, Cyrillic characters, text, font handling and others.


Minimum system requirements

Installation notes

Resolved issues


Minimum system requirements 


  • Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
  • Microsoft® Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (Service Pack 3 recommended); Windows Vista® with Service Pack 1; or Windows 7®
  • 1GB of RAM (2GB recommended)
  • 1.6GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (InDesign cannot be installed on flash-based storage devices)
  • 1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with 16-bit or greater video card 
  • DVD-ROM drive 
  • Adobe Flash® Player 10 software required to export SWF files
  • Broadband Internet connection required for online services

 Mac OS 

  • Multicore Intel® processor 
  • Mac OS X v10.5.8–10.6.x
  • 1GB of RAM (2GB recommended)
  • 2.6GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional hard-disk space required during installation (InDesign cannot be installed on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on flash-based storage devices.)
  • 1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with 16-bit or greater video card 
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • Adobe Flash® Player 10 software required to export SWF files
  • Broadband Internet connection required for online services

For updates to system requirements, visit


Installation notes

  • Before you install, close all applications currently running on your system—including other Adobe applications, Microsoft Office applications, and browser windows.  It is also recommended to temporarily turn off virus protection during the installation process. 
  • You must have administrative privileges or be able to validate as an administrator. 
  • Please make sure that the InDesign application is shut down in advance of running the InDesign updater (at least 1 minute recommended).

Resolved issues   

This section provides a list of the resolved technical problems included as part of the InDesign CS5 7.5.2 update. Note that these issues are stated as the original problem statement, and not the corrected behavior. For general product usage and additional troubleshooting information, visit the Adobe Product Support Knowledge Base for InDesign at, or choose Online Support from the InDesign Help menu.


Architecture / Document

Unable to insert a line break with the Return key in the Swedish version [2884727]

Problem accessing shared linked file from multiple InDesign instances running on different machines [2851854]

CS5 plug-ins can be loaded in CS5.5, leading to code conflicts and instability  [2867833]

Error code: 5 when trying to open many files on Mac OS [2922941]

ID quits unexpectedly when saving (as) a document with name containing illegal shift-JIS/MacEncodingJapan byte sequences [2885535]

InDesign quits unexpectedly when opening a document containing installed fonts with unrecognized font family [2923724]

Some extension panels won't open when documents titled with certain characters are open [2917124]

Some extension panels cease to function when documents titled with Russian characters are open [2932558]

Address instability in layers panel [2923714, 2923725]



InDesign quits unexpectedly when exporting a document containing composite fonts to EPUB. [2832559]

Error in epub opened on ibooks if a discretionary hyphen is in the story [2889349]

An extra space is in the DTD declaration in the HTML file for ebooks [2889353]



Document installed fonts not used in placed EPS when exporting to PDF [2917336]

Unable to place PNG files containing large color profiles, giving error "Cannot place this file. Invalid PNG file" [2880720]

InDesign quits unexpectedly after copying a graphic and scheduling a close document command. [2923717]



Excel-specific import prefs are not retained when placing Excel file into a graphic frame [2808639] 


Print / PDF

Background PDF export fails for certain files if preflight is enabled. [2824068]

Inset text frames near page borders may be mispositioned when exported to PDF [2874266]

InDesign quits unexpectedly after PDF export. [2873782]

InDesign quits unexpectedly when printing separations with accented characters in spot color name [2934118]



Text subscript/superscript sizes set to zero and can't be changed in Turkish version [2895926]

InDesign may hang when multiple font groups with the same name are installed [2919511]

InDesign quits unexpectedly when importing tagged text with missing hyperlink name [2923721]

InDesign quits unexpectedly when text focus crosses outside text model range during table operation [2923728]



Can't change XSLT file when relinking XML files [2823961]

XML links lose format information on relink [2917351]


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