使用手冊 取消




您可以在自訂組件中增加程式碼片段,使您與組件的互動加/減速。讓我們在 Animate 中看看兩個範例。新的程式碼片段會增加到「HTML5 Canvas -> 組件」區段之下。

  1. 將按下處理常式附加到按鈕的程式碼片段

    // Disable multiple handlers, as these may be used in frame scripts
    if(!this.instance_name_here_click_cbk) {
    function instance_name_here_click(evt) {
    // Start your custom code
    console.log("Button clicked");
    // End your custom code
    // Attach an event handler on the parent with the filter as the
    // Component instance’s id
    $("#dom_overlay_container").on("click", "#instance_name_here", instance_name_here_click.bind(this));
    this.instance_name_here_click_cbk = true;
    // Disable multiple handlers, as these may be used in frame scripts if(!this.instance_name_here_click_cbk) { function instance_name_here_click(evt) { // Start your custom code console.log("Button clicked"); // End your custom code } // Attach an event handler on the parent with the filter as the // Component instance’s id $("#dom_overlay_container").on("click", "#instance_name_here", instance_name_here_click.bind(this)); this.instance_name_here_click_cbk = true; }
    // Disable multiple handlers, as these may be used in frame scripts
    if(!this.instance_name_here_click_cbk) {
     function instance_name_here_click(evt) {
      // Start your custom code
      console.log("Button clicked");
      // End your custom code
     // Attach an event handler on the parent with the filter as the 
     // Component instance’s id
    $("#dom_overlay_container").on("click", "#instance_name_here", instance_name_here_click.bind(this));
     this.instance_name_here_click_cbk = true;

    請注意,處理常式會附加到具有針對組件實體而設定之濾鏡的父輩 (dom_overlay_container)。這之所以重要,是因為當您嘗試附加處理常式時,組件實體可能不是父輩。這可確保事件處理常式正確地啟動。


  2. 從任何輸入控制項取得值的程式碼片段

  3. 組件實體附加到 DOM 時所要使用的程式碼片段

    // Listen to the attached event, fired by component runtime
    $("#dom_overlay_container").on("attached", function(evt, param) {
    // Check the id of the instance
    if(param && param.id == 'movieClip_1') {
    $("#movieClip_1").text("My Button");
    // Listen to the attached event, fired by component runtime $("#dom_overlay_container").on("attached", function(evt, param) { // Check the id of the instance if(param && param.id == 'movieClip_1') { $("#movieClip_1").text("My Button"); } });
    // Listen to the attached event, fired by component runtime
    $("#dom_overlay_container").on("attached", function(evt, param) {           
    // Check the id of the instance 
    if(param && param.id == 'movieClip_1') {                           
    $("#movieClip_1").text("My Button");                          

