使用手冊 取消

Illustrator on the iPad FAQs

  1. Illustrator 使用手冊
  2. 認識 Illustrator
    1. Illustrator 簡介
      1. Illustrator 新增功能
      2. 常見問題
      3. Illustrator 系統需求
      4. 適用於 Apple Silicon 的 Illustrator
      5. GPU 效能
    2. 工作區
      1. 工作區基本介紹
      2. 建立文件
      3. 使用 Illustrator 探索面板加快學習
      4. 使用「相關工作列」加速工作流程
      5. 工具列
      6. 預設的鍵盤快速鍵
      7. 自訂鍵盤快速鍵
      8. 工作區域簡介
      9. 管理工作區域
      10. 自訂工作區
      11. 屬性面板
      12. 設定偏好設定
      13. 觸控工作區
      14. Illustrator 中的 Microsoft Surface Dial 支援
      15. 還原編輯和管理設計歷史記錄
      16. 旋轉檢視
      17. 尺標、格點和參考線
      18. Illustrator 協助工具
      19. 檢視圖稿
      20. 搭配 Illustrator 使用 Touch Bar
      21. 檔案和範本
    3. Illustrator 中的工具
      1. 工具一覽
      2. 選取工具
        1. 選取範圍
        2. 直接選取
        3. 群組選取
        4. 魔術棒
        5. 套索
        6. 工作區域
      3. 導覽工具
        1. 手形
        2. 旋轉檢視
        3. 縮放顯示
      4. 上色工具
        1. 漸層
        2. 網格
        3. 形狀建立程式
      5. 文字工具
        1. 文字
        2. 路徑文字
        3. 垂直文字
      6. 繪圖工具
        1. 鋼筆
        2. 增加錨點
        3. 刪除錨點
        4. 錨點
        5. 曲線
        6. 線段區段
        7. 矩形
        8. 圓角矩形
        9. 橢圓
        10. 多邊形
        11. 星形
        12. 繪圖筆刷
        13. 點滴筆刷
        14. 鉛筆
        15. Shaper
        16. 切片
      7. 修改工具
        1. 旋轉
        2. 鏡射
        3. 縮放
        4. 傾斜
        5. 寬度
        6. 任意變形
        7. 滴管
        8. 漸變
        9. 橡皮擦
        10. 剪刀
        11. 尺寸
    4. 生成式 AI (在中國大陸無法使用)
      1. 使用文字提示產生場景、主體和圖示
      2. 使用文字提示產生向量圖樣
      3. 使用文字提示產生向量形狀填色
      4. 使用文字提示為圖稿重新上色
    5. 快速動作
      1. 復古文字
      2. 霓虹光文字
      3. 老式文字
      4. 重新上色
      5. 將素描轉換為向量
  3. iPad 版 Illustrator
    1. iPad 版 Illustrator 簡介
      1. iPad 版 Illustrator 概觀
      2. iPad 版 Illustrator 常見問題集
      3. 系統需求 | iPad 版 Illustrator
      4. 在 iPad 版 Illustrator 上可以和不可以做的事
    2. 工作區
      1. iPad 版 Illustrator 工作區
      2. 觸控快捷鍵與手勢
      3. iPad 版 Illustrator 鍵盤快捷鍵
      4. 管理您的應用程式設定
    3. 文件
      1. 在 iPad 版 Illustrator 中處理文件
      2. 讀入 Photoshop 和 Fresco 文件
    4. 選取和排列物件
      1. 建立重複物件
      2. 建立漸變物件
    5. 繪圖
      1. 繪製及編輯路徑
      2. 繪製及編輯形狀
    6. 文字
      1. 使用類型和字型
      2. 沿路徑建立文字設計
      3. 新增自有字型
    7. 處理影像
      1. 將點陣圖向量化
    8. 顏色
      1. 套用顏色和漸層
  4. 雲端文件
    1. 基本概念
      1. 使用 Illustrator 雲端文件
      2. 共用 Illustrator 雲端文件並進行共同作業
      3. 共用文件以供審核
      4. 升級 Adobe Illustrator 的雲端儲存空間
      5. Illustrator 雲端文件 | 常見問題
    2. 疑難排解
      1. 疑難排解 Illustrator 雲端文件的建立或儲存問題
      2. 疑難排解 Illustrator 雲端文件問題
  5. 新增並編輯內容
    1. 繪圖
      1. 繪圖基本介紹
      2. 編輯路徑
      3. 繪製像素級最佳化線條圖
      4. 使用筆型、曲線或鉛筆工具繪圖
      5. 繪製簡單線條和形狀
      6. 繪製矩形和放射網格
      7. 繪製及編輯反光
      8. 描繪影像
      9. 簡化路徑
      10. 符號工具和符號組
      11. 調整路徑區段
      12. 以 5 個簡單步驟設計花朵
      13. 建立和編輯透視格點
      14. 在透視格點上繪製和修改物件
      15. 使用物件作為重複使用的符號
      16. 繪製網頁工作流程的像素對齊路徑
    2. 測量
      1. 測量和繪製尺寸
    3. 3D 物件和素材
      1. 關於 Illustrator 的 3D 效果
      2. 製作 3D 圖形
      3. 將圖稿對應到 3D 物件
      4. 建立 3D 文字
      5. 建立 3D 物件
    4. 顏色
      1. 關於色彩
      2. 選取顏色
      3. 使用及建立色票
      4. 調整顏色
      5. 使用「Adobe Color 主題」面板
      6. 顏色群組 (調協)
      7. 顏色主題面板
      8. 重新上色您的圖稿
    5. 上色
      1. 關於上色
      2. 使用填色與筆畫上色
      3. 即時上色群組
      4. 漸層
      5. 筆刷
      6. 透明度和漸變模式
      7. 將筆畫套用至物件
      8. 建立和編輯圖樣
      9. 網格
      10. 圖樣
    6. 選取和排列物件
      1. 選取物件
      2. 圖層
      3. 展開物件、將物件組成群組及解散物件群組
      4. 移動、對齊和均分物件
      5. 在路徑上對齊、排列和移動物件
      6. 將物件靠齊字符
      7. 將物件靠齊日文字符
      8. 堆疊物件    
      9. 鎖定、隱藏及刪除物件
      10. 複製及重複物件
      11. 旋轉及鏡射物件
      12. 交織物件
      13. 製作擬真的藝術模型
    7. 改變物件外框
      1. 裁切影像
      2. 將物件變形
      3. 組合物件
      4. 剪下、分割和剪裁物件
      5. 操控彎曲
      6. 縮放、傾斜及扭曲物件
      7. 建立漸變物件
      8. 使用封套改變外框
      9. 使用效果改變物件外框
      10. 使用 Shaper 和形狀建立程式工具建立形狀
      11. 使用即時轉角
      12. 增強型改變外框工作流程和觸控支援
      13. 編輯剪裁遮色片
      14. 即時形狀
      15. 使用「形狀建立程式」工具建立形狀
      16. 整體編輯
    8. 文字
      1. 新增文字並使用文字物件
      2. 重排檢視器
      3. 建立項目符號和編號清單
      4. 管理文字區域
      5. 字型和印刷樣式
      6. 將影像內的文字轉換為可編輯的文字
      7. 新增基本格式至文字
      8. 新增進階格式至文字
      9. 讀入和轉存文字
      10. 格式化段落
      11. 特殊字元
      12. 建立路徑文字
      13. 字元與段落樣式
      14. 定位點
      15. 從 Adobe Fonts 新增遺失的字型
      16. 阿拉伯文和希伯來文文字
      17. 字型 | 常見問題集和疑難排解提示
      18. 創意印刷樣式設計
      19. 縮放與旋轉文字
      20. 行和字元間距
      21. 連字和分行符號
      22. 拼字及語言字典
      23. 設定亞洲字元格式
      24. 亞洲撰寫程式字體
      25. 使用漸變物件建立文字設計
      26. 使用影像描圖建立文字海報
    9. 建立特效
      1. 使用效果
      2. 繪圖樣式
      3. 外觀屬性
      4. 建立素描和馬賽克
      5. 陰影、光暈和羽化
      6. 效果摘要
    10. 網頁圖形
      1. 建立網頁圖形的最佳作法
      2. 圖表
      3. SVG
      4. 切片和影像地圖
  6. 讀入、轉存及儲存
    1. 讀入
      1. 置入多個檔案
      2. 管理連結檔案和嵌入的檔案
      3. 連結資訊
      4. 取消嵌入影像
      5. 從 Photoshop 讀入圖稿
      6. 讀入點陣影像
      7. 讀入 Adobe PDF 檔案
      8. 讀入 EPS、DCS 及 AutoCAD 檔案
    2. Illustrator 中的 Creative Cloud Libraries
      1. Illustrator 中的 Creative Cloud Libraries
    3. 儲存和轉存
      1. 儲存圖稿
      2. 轉存圖稿
      3. 建立 Adobe PDF 檔案
      4. Adobe PDF 選項
      5. 在 Photoshop 中使用 Illustrator 圖稿
      6. 以批次方式收集資產及轉存
      7. 封裝檔案
      8. 擷取 Extract CSS | Illustrator CC
      9. 文件資訊面板
  7. 列印
    1. 準備列印
      1. 設定列印的文件
      2. 變更頁面大小和方向
      3. 指定剪裁或對齊的裁切標記
      4. 開始使用大型畫布
    2. 列印
      1. 疊印
      2. 使用色彩管理進行列印
      3. PostScript 列印
      4. 列印預設集
      5. 印表機的標記和出血
      6. 列印和儲存透明圖稿
      7. 補漏白
      8. 分色列印
      9. 列印漸層、網格及色彩漸變
      10. 白色疊印
  8. 自動化工作
    1. 使用「變數」面板進行資料合併
    2. 以指令碼自動化
    3. 以動作自動化
  9. 疑難排解 
    1. 已修正的問題
    2. 已知問題
    3. 當機問題
    4. 當機後復原檔案
    5. 安全模式
    6. 檔案問題
    7. 支援的檔案格式
    8. GPU 裝置驅動程式問題
    9. Wacom 裝置問題
    10. DLL 檔案問題
    11. 記憶體問題
    12. 偏好設定檔案問題
    13. 字型問題
    14. 印表機問題
    15. 與 Adobe 分享當機報告
    16. 改善 Illustrator 的效能

Here's everything you need to know to quickly get started with Illustrator on your iPad.

Illustrator on iPad

Illustrator on iPad


Illustrator on iPad

Quick start FAQs

Can I use Illustrator on the iPad?

Yes, you can! Download Illustrator on your iPad and start designing beautiful vector graphics and illustrations, wherever the inspiration strikes. Illustrator on the iPad lets you create logos, illustrations, and graphics with the precision of vectors and the freedom of Apple Pencil and the iPad. 

Download on the App Store

Nevertheless, you can resume work seamlessly across your desktop and iPad using the power of cloud documents.

Subscribe to a Creative Cloud plan that includes Illustrator. If you already have an active plan that includes Illustrator, simply sign-in with your Adobe ID on your iPad and download Illustrator for the iPad today.

Illustrator on iPad
Modern design experience with ability to create precision vector graphics wherever inspiration strikes.

Which iPad do I need to use Illustrator?

Illustrator is supported on iOS version 14 or later with the following iPad models:

  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (5th generation)
  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (4th generation)
  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (3rd generation)
  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (2nd generation)
  • iPad Pro 12.9 inch (1st generation)
  • iPad Pro 11 inch (3rd generation)
  • iPad Pro 11 inch (2nd generation)
  • iPad Pro 11 inch (1st generation)
  • iPad Pro 10.5 inch
  • iPad Air (5th generation)
  • iPad Air (4th generation)
  • iPad Mini (6th generation)

Note: All are supported with 2nd generation Apple Pencil.

For more details, see System requirements | Illustrator on the iPad.

What languages are supported in Illustrator on the iPad?

Currently, Illustrator supports the following languages on the iPad:

English   |  Deutsch  |  Français  |  日本語 | 한국어

You may be able to use an unsupported language on selecting a native font. However, the functionality will be limited and experience may be different. Adobe is working to provide support for additional languages in the future releases.

Illustrator's installation language is determined using the following order:

  • If your iPad's language is one of the above, Illustrator is installed in the same language.
  • If your iPad's language is not currently supported by Illustrator, then Illustrator is installed in the next supported language based on the preferred language order setting of your iPad.
  • If none of the specified preferred language is supported, Illustrator is installed in English. 

Which Adobe plans include Illustrator on the iPad?

Illustrator on iPad
Pick a plan that works the best for you!

  • Already have an Adobe Creative Cloud plan that includes Illustrator?
    Simply, download Illustrator on your iPad and sign-in with your Adobe ID, without buying a new plan.
  • Are you a new user, or do you have a Creative Cloud plan that does not include Illustrator? You can buy a Creative Cloud Illustrator plan that includes both the desktop and iPad apps, or you can choose to get Illustrator on the iPad on its own.
  • Buy Illustrator on the iPad through the App Store as a single app on a monthly or annual (available in the US market only) basis. Also, you can buy the app as part of the Adobe Design Mobile bundle.
  • Get a trial plan and use Illustrator on your iPad for a limited duration.

Don't have an Adobe ID? It's free and easy to create one. Click here to quickly create your Adobe ID

Is Illustrator on the iPad available in my country?

Illustrator on the iPad is available only in countries where Creative Cloud services are available. See the latest list of countries that support Creative Cloud services.

As Adobe Creative Cloud services are currently not available on adobe.com in Mainland China, Illustrator on the iPad is also not available in this region.

How do I manage my Illustrator on the iPad subscription purchased through Apple App Store?

Illustrator on the iPad subscription you purchase from the App Store is managed through your App Store account. 

For more information, see Apple's documentation for:

How much cloud storage does Illustrator on the iPad provide? Can I upgrade my storage?

Your cloud storage is shared across your Adobe Creative Cloud apps. The amount of your cloud storage is determined by your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription plan. If your cloud storage goes over the given quota, your documents can be saved as a local document only. If you need more cloud storage, easily upgrade your subscription plan to include additional storage at any time. 



In-app purchase (via Apple App Store)

100 GB

Free trial

2 GB

Illustrator Single App (iPad only)

100 GB

Creative Cloud All Apps 

100 GB

What happens to my assets if I close or delete my Adobe account?

If you close or delete your Adobe account, or if your subscription expires, your assets remain in the cloud and available to download for 30 days. After 30 days, you may lose access to some or all of your documents that are saved on the cloud servers. 

To view your assets, go to assets.adobe.com.
To learn more about Creative Cloud, see Common Questions | Creative Cloud.

Illustrator on iPad
Assets will remain on the cloud for 30 days after you close your account.

File workflows

How does Illustrator on the desktop work with Illustrator on the iPad?

Any new document you create with Illustrator on the iPad is saved as a cloud document, so that you can easily access your creative work from iPad to desktop. Cloud documents are automatically synced across devices to create a seamless workflow.

For example, if you want to resume your desktop work on the iPad, simply save your Illustrator file as a cloud document. 

To view your cloud documents, click the Cloud documents tab on the home screen or access your documents on the Creative Cloud website.

Illustrator on iPad
Cloud documents help you work seamlessly across devices. Your creative work is autosaved.

What are the key differences between Illustrator’s iPad and desktop versions?

Illustrator has been reimagined to take advantage of iPad's specialities and Apple Pencil. Illustrator on the iPad makes graphic designing more intuitive and simple, with all the controls you need to achieve precision and quality.

The only difference you may notice is the user experience around the new touch screen interface. On both desktop and the iPad, you can attain the same amount of control and precision with a mouse click to the touch screen.

Illustrator on iPad
Illustrator reimagined for the iPad to provide you quick and precise vector drawing abilities.

Can I open files from other locations in Illustrator on the iPad?

Any file created in Illustrator on the iPad is saved as a cloud file and can be opened seamlessly across platforms. You can also open a file from various other locations in Illustrator on the iPad.

To open a file on the iPad:

  • From the Home screen:
    On the home screen, tap Import and open. In the Browse dialog, navigate to your file and tap on it to open.
  • From the document workspace:
    Tap  from the left toolbar and select one of the following options:
  •  Camera: Capture a photo and place it directly in your document.
  • Photos: Import photos saved on your iPad into your document.
  • Files: Import files that are saved on your iPad into your document.
  • Cloud documents: Import Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Fresco cloud documents and place them directly in your document.
  • Libraries: Import assets from Creative Cloud Libraries into your document.
Import files

Which file formats can I open and export in Illustrator on the iPad?

You can export an Illustrator file created or edited using the iPad into the following formats: Ai, PDF, SVG, PNG, and PSD.

On the top navigation bar, Tap Publish and Export to choose a format to publish or export the documents. For your ease, a quick list of most frequently used formats (.ai, png) is provided.

In addition, you can also choose to livestream your work using the Start Livestream option.

How can I open a Creative Cloud file in Illustrator on the iPad?

To open a Creative Cloud file in Illustrator on the iPad, do one of the following:

  • Home screen: Tap Import and open.
  • Document workspace: Tap Import button.

Now, in the Browse panel, select Locations Creative Cloud to quickly import a file from Creative Cloud.

Illustrator on iPad
Open a Creative Cloud file quickly using the Home screen and the document workspace.

 If you're unable to find Creative Cloud option under Locations, download the Creative Cloud app on your iPad and ensure that you are signed in. To add Creative Cloud under Locations, see the directions listed under 'Use third-party apps' in Files section in Use the Files app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

Can I turn off autosave in cloud documents?

Autosaving of cloud document helps you work seamlessly on your creative projects anytime, anywhere, across devices, without worrying about any data loss.

You can turn off the autosave while using Illustrator on the desktop. Autosaving of cloud document cannot be turned off on the iPad. However, you can restrict syncing over your cellular network when working on an iPad.

For more information, see Illustrator cloud documents | Common questions.

Illustrator on iPad

Productivity shortcuts

What are the keyboard and touch shortcuts for Illustrator on the iPad?

To view a list of popular keyboard shortcuts in Illustrator on the iPad, see Keyboard shortcuts.

To learn more about touch shortcuts and touch gestures in Photoshop on the iPad, see Touch shortcuts and gestures.

Use touch shortcuts and gestures to create quick vector graphics.

Share your feedback

How do I suggest a feature or report an issue with Illustrator on the iPad?

Participate in the future innovations of your favorite Adobe product! We value your input and make it easy to report issues or request new features.

To report a problem, suggest a feature, or take a survey, navigate to App Settings > General > Help > Send feedback.

You can also join the Adobe Illustrator Community to seek and provide guidance on using the app. We look forward to hearing from you.

Illustrator on iPad
Got feedback about Illustrator on the iPad? We're all ears.

