- 高斯模糊效果未能縮放物件
- 文字多處套用不透明效果後,無法在 GPU 預覽畫面中正確顯示
- 「屬性」面板錯誤顯示選取的物件設為疊印狀態
- 使用「鉛筆」工具繪製的路徑看起來不滑順
- CC 資料庫面板在存取期間未正常運作或甚至畫面凍結
- [僅限 macOS] 在 Illustrator 上傳檔案時,自訂的紋理效果無法正常使用
- GPU 驅動程式處於最新狀態的情況下,畫面顯示系統相容性報告對話框
- 線條漸層、箭頭和外觀旋轉後,發生效能/顯示問題
- 從 Illustrator 切換成 Photoshop 後,顏色設定自動變更為「模擬 Adobe Illustrator 6.0」
- 在關閉 Illustrator 中的檔案時,所有打開的檔案都會自動關閉
- 在使用「路徑文字」工具時,文字位置會改變
- 文字間距組合無未正確儲存
- 穩定性修正
- Illustrator 簡介
- 工作區
- Illustrator 中的工具
- 生成式 AI (在中國大陸無法使用)
- 快速動作
- iPad 版 Illustrator 簡介
- 工作區
- 文件
- 選取和排列物件
- 繪圖
- 文字
- 處理影像
- 顏色
- 繪圖
- 測量
- 3D 物件和素材
- 顏色
- 上色
- 選取和排列物件
- 改變物件外框
- 文字
- 建立特效
- 網頁圖形
- 讀入
- Illustrator 中的 Creative Cloud Libraries
- 儲存和轉存
- Illustrator 使用手冊
認識 Illustrator
- Illustrator 簡介
- 工作區
- Illustrator 中的工具
- 生成式 AI (在中國大陸無法使用)
- 快速動作
iPad 版 Illustrator
- iPad 版 Illustrator 簡介
- 工作區
- 文件
- 選取和排列物件
- 繪圖
- 文字
- 處理影像
- 顏色
- 雲端文件
- 繪圖
- 測量
- 3D 物件和素材
- 顏色
- 上色
- 選取和排列物件
- 改變物件外框
- 文字
- 建立特效
- 網頁圖形
- 讀入
- Illustrator 中的 Creative Cloud Libraries
- 儲存和轉存
- 列印
- 自動化工作
您的意見,我們聽到了!我們努力解決了您向我們回報的問題。以下是我們最新版 Illustrator 已解決問題的清單。
Illustrator 2025 (29.3 版)
- Pantone solid spot colors imported from InDesign fail to display correctly in the llustrator Swatches panel (從 InDesign 匯入的 Pantone 純色特別色在 llustrator「色票」面板中無法正確顯示)
- Global process colors added from a CC library appear as duplicates in the llustrator Swatches panel and convert to spot colors (從 CC 資料庫新增的整體印刷色在 llustrator「色票」面板中顯示為重複,並轉換為特別色)
- When opening PDFs exported from InDesign in Illustrator, gradient fills fail to display correctly (在 Illustrator 中開啟從 InDesign 轉存的 PDF 時,漸層填色無法正確顯示)
- In Illustrator CC 2018, the Eyedropper tool does not correctly sample color or appearance attributes from grouped elements or objects (在 Illustrator CC 2018 中,「滴管」工具無法從已組成群組的元素或物件正確取樣顏色或外觀屬性)
- The Tilde (~) key shortcut fails to modify patterns within objects (波浪符號(~) 鍵的快速鍵無法修改物件中的圖樣)
- Unable to manually adjust gradients applied using the Live Paint Bucket tool (無法使用「即時上色油漆桶」工具手動調整套用的漸層)
Illustrator 2025 (29.2.1 版)
- When using the Color Mixer in the Control panel to change the Stroke color, the Fill color changes instead (使用「控制」面板中的「顏色混合器」變更「筆畫」顏色時,會變更到「填色」的顏色)
- Upon outlining text on a path, characters in the text disappear (在替路徑上的文字建立外框後,文字中的字元便會消失)
- Optical kerning issues occur with some Japanese fonts, causing uneven spacing between characters (視覺字元間距微調問題會在使用部分日本字型時發生,造成字元之間間距不平均)
- Horizontal alignment issues occur in vertical Japanese text when using certain fonts (使用特定字型時,垂直日文文字會發生水平對齊問題)
- The Smooth tool over-smooths paths and removes detail from the artwork (「平滑」工具使路徑過度平滑,並移除了圖稿中的細節)
- Spacing issues occur when using vertical and horizontal scaling together (同時使用垂直和水平縮放時,會發生間距問題)
- When opening documents created in older versions of Illustrator (with full-width tab leaders) in Illustrator 2024, the tabs extend beyond the set position (在 Illustrator 2024 開啟舊版 Illustrator 建立的文件時 (等寬定位點前置字元),定位點會延伸超出設定的位置)
- When Kerning or Tracking is set to Auto for right-aligned point text containing full-width punctuation marks, the text gets misaligned (將包含全形標點符號的靠右對齊錨點文字的「字元間距微調」或「字距調整」設為「自動」時,文字會呈現未對齊的狀態)
- Tate-chu-yoko settings won't apply to numbers within point text (「直排內橫排」設定無法套用至錨點文字內的數字)
- For a group containing another group, the right-click menu doesn't have the Isolate Selected Group option (對於包含另一個群組的群組,滑鼠右鍵選單不具備「分離選取的群組」選項)
- After releasing a clipping mask, undo won't work (釋放剪裁遮色片後,會無法復原)
- Font changes from the default font to the previously used font when typing (字型在輸入時會從預設字型變更為先前使用的字型)
- Illustrator crashes upon selecting Google Noto Color Emoji font (選取 Google Noto Color Emoji 字型時,Illustrator 會當機)
- Glyph rotation in the horizontal text is misaligned with the Roman baseline (水平文字中的字符旋轉未對齊羅馬字基線)
Illustrator 2025 (29.1 版)
- In Illustrator 29.0., recent local files and their previews are missing from the welcome screen (在 Illustrator 29.0. 中,歡迎畫面遺失最近使用的本機檔案及其預覽)
- Saving a document causes a destination-linked text box to disappear from the Finder thumbnail preview, though it remains in the document (儲存文件會造成已連結至目的地的文字方塊從 Finder 縮圖預覽消失,但仍留在文件中)
- In Adobe Illustrator 28.7.1, on Windows 10, moving text created with earlier versions (28.5 or earlier) causes only the full-width opening bracket to shift, while other symbols remain fixed. (在 Windows 10 上的 Adobe Illustrator 28.7.1 中,移動使用舊版 (28.5 或更早版本) 建立的文字時,會造成僅移動全形左括弧,其他符號則維持不動)
- An error occurs when exporting Illustrator artboards to PSD using ExtendScript's export file if the artboard does not contain valid PageItems (使用 ExtendScript 的匯出檔案將 Illustrator 圖稿匯出至 PSD 時,如果圖稿未含有有效的 PageItem,會發生錯誤)
- The Glyphs panel in Illustrator Beta fails to display glyphs correctly. Despite selecting fonts, it shows either no characters or only one static glyph (Illustrator Beta 版的「字符」面板無法正確顯示字符。就算選取字型,也會顯示沒有字元或靜態字符)
- Reset to Standard Glyph in Illustrator incorrectly applies the 'fwid' feature instead of reverting to the font’s default glyph, causing display issues (在 Illustrator 中,「重設為標準字符」會不正確地套用「fwid」功能,而非回復至字型的預設字符,進而造成顯示問題)
- The line extension smart guide does not work even when smart guides are enabled (線段延長智慧型參考線無法運作,即使已啟用智慧型參考線也不行)
Illustrator 2025 (29.0.1 版)
Illustrator 2024 (28.7.2 版)
- In Illustrator 28.7.1, Overprint Preview in Window > Separations Preview doesn't show the difference between 100% black and 40/30/30/100 black (在 Illustrator 28.7.1 中,「視窗」中的「疊印預視」>「分色預視」無法顯示 100% 黑色和 40/30/30/100 黑色之間的差別)
- In Illustrator 28.7.1, when you replace a default character glyph with an alternative glyph and then change the formatting of the character next to it, the alternative glyph reverts to the default (在 Illustrator 28.7.1 中,當您以替代字符取代預設字元字符,且接著變更隔壁的字元格式時,替代字符會回復為預設)
- In Illustrator 28.6, 28.7.1, and 29.0, when you move text containing a custom Mojikumi set based on なし(created in version 28.5 or earlier), full-width open brackets move with it (在 Illustrator 28.6、28.7.1 和 29.0 中,當您依據 なし 移動含有自訂文字間距組合的文字 (在 28.5 版或更早版本中建立) 時,全形左括弧會與其一起移動)
- 在 Illustrator 29.0 中建立的「以文字建立向量圖形」和「生成式形狀填色」物件的變化版本,在 28.x 版中開啟時不會出現
- 在 Illustrator 28.1 至 28.6 版中,如果您將游標放在第二行和後續文字行的第一個字元前面,則字元間距微調無法運作
- 安全性修正
Illustrator 2025 (29.0 版)
Illustrator 2024 (28.7.1 版)
- The last letter of a word duplicates itself as you move the cursor while typing Korean characters (輸入韓文字元時,字詞的最後一個字母會在游標移動時自行複製)
- Using the Variables panel to import data causes incorrect data placement, as blank cells are skipped (使用「變數」面板讀入資料時,造成資料位置不正確,因為略過了空白儲存格)
- TheIllustratormenu bar stops responding while working on artwork
(在處理圖稿,Illustrator 選單列停止回應) - OpenType ligature features (rlig and ccmp) don't work with variable font (OpenType 連字功能 (rlig 和 ccmp) 無法用於變數字體)
- While rastering a clipped image or group of objects, white space appears around the clipping boundaries (點陣化剪裁後的影像或物件群組時,剪裁邊界周圍出現白色空間)
Illustrator 2024 (28.6 版)
- Artwork orientation changes from portrait to landscape while moving or selecting objects on the artboard (在工作區域上移動或選取物件時,圖稿方向從直向變更為横向)
- Bitmaps appear as vertical lines in GPU preview (在 GPU 預覽中,點陣圖顯示為垂直線條)
- Bullet characters and numbered lists disappear while outlining any font (為任何字型加上外框時,項目符號字元和編號清單消失)
- Unable to select or open any files in Illustrator with Generative AI onboarding pop-up open in MacOS Ventura (在 MacOS Ventura 中,生成式 AI 入門快顯視窗開啟時,無法在 Illustrator 中選取或開啟任何檔案)
- Generative AI onboarding pop-ups won't close (無法關閉生成式 AI 入門快顯視窗)
Illustrator 2024 (28.5 版)
- Scale Strokes & Effects in the Transform panel is grayed out when nothing is selected (未選取任何項目時,「變形」面板中的「縮放筆畫」與「效果」呈現灰色)
- Mouse pointer disappears in Illustrator while working on the Windows 11 Insider Preview build (在使用 Windows 11 Insider Preview 組建時,Illustrator 中的滑鼠游標會消失)
- Unable to drag and drop JPEG and PNG files from Photoshop (v25.5.1) to Illustrator (v28.3) (無法將 JPEG 和 PNG 檔案從 Photoshop (25.5.1 版) 拖放至 Illustrator (28.3 版))
- Artwork appears pixelated while zooming or panning an image (縮放或平移影像時,圖片會出現像素化狀況)
- Artboard borders disappear while panning or scrolling a document (平移或捲動文件時,工作區域邊框消失)
- Filled area text boxes can't be exported as SVG files (填寫的區域文字方塊無法轉存為 SVG 檔案)
Illustrator 2024 (28.4.1 版)
Illustrator 2024 (28.3 版)
- Unable to open the most recent .aic file (無法開啟最近的 .aic 檔案)
- Unable to break links to multiple symbols at once using the context menu (無法使用內容選單一次中斷多個符號的連結)
- The color of the central preview swatch of the Live Paint Bucket tool doesn't match the color of the swatch selected in the Swatches panel (即時上色油漆桶工具裡居中預覽色票的顏色,與「色票」面板中選取的色票顏色不相符)
- Dim Images to option of a template layer remains selected even after you deselect it (即使取消選取範本圖層,範本圖層的「將影像調暗至」選項仍會保持選取狀態)
- Illustrator crashes when applying Fill or Stroke from the Properties panel (從「屬性」面板套用「填色」或「筆畫」時,Illustrator 當機)
Illustrator 2024 (28.2 版)
- Illustrator hangs when applying Window > 3D and Materials > Extrude to an object (將「視窗 > 3D 和素材 > 突出」套用至物件時,Illustrator 會當機)
- Drop shadows appear lighter in Illustrator version 28.1 compared to previous versions (與先前版本相比,Illustrator 28.1 版的陰影看起來較淡)
- Clipping mask (Window > Transparency > Make Mask) doesn't display clipped images (剪裁遮色片 (「視窗 > 透明度 > 製作遮色片」) 不會顯示剪裁的影像)
- Type on a Path positioning is quantized and not smooth (「路徑文字」定位已量子化,不平滑)
Illustrator 2023 (28.1 版)
- Waking MacBook Pro from sleep causes the Illustrator window to resize to half screen and panels to be moved (從睡眠狀態喚醒 MacBook Pro,會導致 Illustrator 視窗大小調整為半個螢幕並移動面板)
- Composite fonts result in blank PDF data in Illustrator files created with Create PDF Compatible File enabled (如果 Illustrator 檔案建立時啟用「建立 PDF 相容檔案」,則複合字型會導致 PDF 資料空白)
Illustrator 2023 (28.0 版)
Illustrator 2023 (27.9 版)
Illustrator 2023 (27.8.1 版)
Illustrator 2023 (27.7 版)
Illustrator 2023 (27.6.1 版)
- [僅限 macOS] Hej Stylus! creates cursor issues on the tablet when used in combination with Illustrator desktop (Hej Stylus! 與 Illustrator 桌面版結合使用時,會在平板電腦上產生游標問題)
- Legacy text objects are lost when updated after saving them twice (舊版文字物件會在更新時,於儲存兩次後遺失)
- Hiding a layer doesn't hide the guides (隱藏圖層不會隱藏參考線)
- Unable to drag the action set to the topmost position in the Action panel (無法將動作集拖曳至「動作」面板的最上方位置)
- Applying a graphic style onto a simple shape splits it into multiple styles, with the shape using the new graphic style instead of the original (當形狀使用新的圖形樣式而非原始樣式時,將圖形樣式套用至簡單形狀會將其分割為多個樣式)
Illustrator 2023 (27.5 版)
- [macOS only] With multiple objects selected as you adjust the color value, all other color values change to zero ([僅限 macOS] 在調整顏色值時若有選取多個物件,所有其他顏色值會變更為零)
- Pressing Ctrl + Enter (Windows) or Cmd+Enter (macOS) in the color field does not change the other color values proportionally with live color preview (在顏色欄位中按下 Ctrl+Enter (Windows) 或 Cmd+Enter (macOS),即時顏色預覽中的其他顏色值不會按比例變更)
- [僅限 Windows] Illustrator 27.3.1 freezes as you press Ctrl + scroll wheel when using the latest version of Microsoft IME (使用最新版本的 Microsoft IME 時,Illustrator 27.3.1 在您按下 Ctrl+滑鼠滾輪 時會凍結)
- 穩定性修正
Illustrator 2023 (27.4 版)
- When opening a document, the Illustrator window shrinks and displays the message "Can't open the illustration. There is not enough room for the window." (打開文件時,Illustrator 視窗會縮小並顯示訊息「無法打開插圖。視窗空間不足。」)
- Unable to save Acrobat PDF file that shows an error message when the mask is inside the transparency (當遮色片位於透明度內時會顯示錯誤訊息,而無法儲存 Acrobat PDF 檔案)
- 穩定性修正
Illustrator 2023 (27.3 版)
- Converting text objects with variable fonts and colored fonts to outlines string is shortened in the processing dialog as you save the Illustrator file (在儲存 Illustrator 檔案時,處理對話框中的「將具有變體字體和彩色字體的文字物件轉換為外框」字串變短)
- [僅限 macOS] In Preferences > Performance, the GPU performance option is disabled and displays GPU Performance requires a minimum of 1 GB VRAM message (在「偏好設定 > 效能」中,「GPU 效能」選項已停用並顯示「GPU 效能至少需要 1 GB VRAM」的訊息)
- Blending paths with width profiles display inaccurate result (具有寬度描述檔的混合路徑顯示不準確的結果)
- Unknown error displays when opening or importing .dxf format archives (開啟或匯入 .dxf 格式封存檔時顯示未知錯誤)
- Incorrect Japanese translation of Arc Lower and Arc Upper options in Warp feature (彎曲特徵中的「下弧形」和「上弧形」選項的日文翻譯不正確)
- Animated zoom does not work after using the Outline Preview (使用外框預覽後動畫縮放不起作用)
- Inconsistent results on the screen when working on content in Trim View (在「剪裁檢視」中處理內容時畫面上的結果不一致)
- Extending a line segment does not work when the adjacent points have handles (當相鄰點有控制點時,延長線段無法運作)
- Unable to make changes to the containing folder of a text file named "gude<current date>" (無法變更名為「gude<目前日期>」文字檔案的包含資料夾)
- In Illustrator 2020 and later, referencing script for the created property of the File class returns "null” (在 Illustrator 2020 及更高版本中,「檔案」類別已建立屬性的參考指令碼會傳回「null」)
Illustrator 2023 (27.2 版)
Illustrator 2023 (27.1.1 版)
Illustrator 2023 (27.1 版)
- The opacity of an object isn't updated when the Opacity option in the Properties panel is modified using the keyboard (使用鍵盤修訂「屬性」面板中的「不透明度」選項時,物件的不透明度不會更新)
- When Automatic Bulleted and Numbered Lists while typing option is deselected in Preferences > Type, bullet lists are automatically created for special characters (在「偏好設定 > 類型」項目符號中取消選取「輸入時自動建立項目符號和編號清單」選項時,系統會為特殊字元自動建立項目符號列表)
- The position of the Options dialog box shifts while saving a file (「選項」對話框的位置會在儲存檔案時移動)
- <tspan> element in SVG objects is missing when exported (<tspan> 匯出時 SVG 物件中的元素遺失)
- When using the Select all option in an isolated group, locked and hidden objects in a layer are also selected and movable (在隔離群組中使用「全選」選項時,層圖中封鎖和隱藏的物件也會被選取並且可移動)
- Upon dragging and dropping objects into a locked layer of another document, a warning message does not display (將物件拖放到另一個文件的封鎖層時,不會顯示警告訊息)
- Illustrator script shows RulerUnits.Unknown when ruler unit value is Feet or Feet and inches (當標尺單位值為「呎」或「呎和吋」時,Illustrator 指令碼會顯示 RulerUnits.Unknown)
- Intertwined objects are converted into bitmaps when saved as PDF (儲存為 PDF 時,交織的物件會轉換為陣圖影像)
- 穩定性修正
Illustrator 2023 (27.0.1 版)
- All PNG images are turned into negatives after the document is saved and reopened (文件儲存後再重新開啟,所有 PNG 影像都變成負片)
- [僅限 macOS] In the Appearance window, the Transparency panel does not work when you press Enter (在「外觀」視窗中,按下 Enter 鍵時「透明度」面板不作用)
- [僅限 macOS] In the Color picker tool, when you right-click to paste values in the Hex Value field, the field and Illustrator do not work (在「檢色器」工具中,當您按一下滑鼠右鍵以將值貼在「Hex 值」欄位時,此欄位和 Illustrator 不作用)
- Double extensions are added to packaged PSD links (封裝的 PSD 連結加入了雙個副檔名)
- Color blends show inaccurately in isolation mode (色彩漸變在隔離模式下無法準確顯示)
- 穩定性修正
Illustrator 2023 (27.0 版)
- In Blend modes, Hotkeys don't work for Previous mode and Next mode (在混合模式中,快捷鍵不適用於上一個模式和下一個模式)
- Send to Current Layer option is disabled when objects across several layers are selected (選取橫跨數個圖層的多個物件時,即停用「傳送至目前圖層」選項)
- The default color setting for drop shadow shows four colors instead of K100% (陰影的預設顏色設定會顯示四種顏色,而非 K100%)
- Items are displayed incorrectly in the History panel (項目在「步驟記錄」面板中錯誤顯示)
- Options and controls on the Illustrator user interface disappear (Illustrator 使用者介面上的選項和控制項消失)
Illustrator 2022 (26.5 版)
Illustrator 2022 (26.4.1 版)
- Dashed lines display incorrectly for rectangles with rounded corners (圓角矩形的虛線未正確顯示)
- [僅限 macOS] When SVG settings are set in the SVG Options, the changes are not applied (在 SVG 選項中設定 SVG 設定時,不會套用變更)
- The SVG file exported through Export for screens does not open properly (透過「轉存為螢幕適用」所轉存的 SVG 檔案無法正確開啟)
- In Illustrator version 25.4.6, the Illustrator file cannot be exported to the DXF file (在 Illustrator 25.4.6 版中,無法將 Illustrator 檔案匯出為 DXF 檔案)
- Scripts are not permanently saved in the action set when Illustrator is restarted (重新啟動 Illustrator 時,指令碼不會永久儲存在動作組中)
- When outlining Type on a Path with composite fonts, the character size and angle change partially (使用複合字體建立路徑文字外框時,字元大小和角度會部分改變)
- When a file is exported with Use artboard selected, a subsequent number is added to the filenames as suffix. (如果在選取「使用工作區域」時匯出檔案,檔名的尾碼會加入一個後續數字。)
Illustrator 2022 (26.3.1 版)
- Photoshop's smart vector objects do not open in Illustrator when upgraded to Monterey 12.3 (升級到 Monterey 12.3 後,Photoshop 的智慧型向量物件無法在 Illustrator 中開啟)
- [僅限 macOS] The options in Save As on your computer window are disabled (電腦視窗上「另存新檔」中的選項已停用)
- When the smart guide option is enabled, constrain or holding shift key feature does not work for transform tools (啟用智慧型參考線選項後,強制或按住 Shift 鍵功能不適用於變形工具)
- [僅限 macOS] Arabic text appears inaccurately in Illustrator files (Illustrator 檔案中顯示的阿拉伯文文字不準確)
- [僅限 macOS] Unable to limit the third-party applications using AppleScript (無法使用 AppleScript 限制第三方應用程式)
- [僅限 macOS] Performance issue in Illustrator when the Show Grid in outline preview option is enabled (啟用大綱預覽選項中的「顯示格點」時 Illustrator 的效能問題)
- [僅限 macOS] Jagged lines and blocks appear on the corners of objects that were filled with transparency gradients previously (先前用透明度漸層填滿的物件轉角上出現鋸齒狀線條和區塊)
- Remove the window to take a tour, show customize tool menu, library capabilities (移除進行導覽、顯示自訂工具選單、資料庫功能的視窗)
- The zoom level shows incorrectly when the Illustrator file is in Pixel Preview mode (當 Illustrator 檔案處於「像素預覽」模式時,縮放比例顯示不正確)
- GPU preview does not function when a PSD file with transparent areas in grayscale mode is placed in Illustrator (在 Illustrator 中放置具有灰階模式透明區域的 PSD 檔案時,GPU 預覽無法正常運作)
- Unable to read certain *tif files when Illustrator is updated to version 26.0.2 (當 Illustrator 更新到 26.0.2 版時,無法讀取某些 *TIF 檔案)
Illustrator 2022 (26.2.1 版)
- In Illustrator 26.1, the Type on a Path object does not position accurately when placed on the artwork (在 Illustrator 26.1 中,路徑物件上的文字放置在圖稿上時位置不準確)
- [macOS only] When working with brushes on a Wacom device in Illustrator 25.4.1, the Pressure option in the Brush Options dialog box is disabled ([僅限 macOS] 在 Illustrator 25.4.1 中使用 Wacom 裝置上的筆刷時,筆刷選項對話框中的壓力會停用)
- [macOS only] Black boxes appear when the zoom value crosses 1600% on CPU Preview mode ([僅限 macOS] 在「CPU 預覽」模式下,縮放值超過 1600% 時會出現黑色方塊)
- [macOS only] The artboard/canvas greys out when the zoom value crosses 1600% on CPU Preview mode ([僅限 macOS] 當「CPU 預覽」模式中的縮放值超過 1600% 時,工作區域/畫布會變灰消失)
- [macOS only] Illustrator canvas displays white and blue colors while selecting any object ([僅限 macOS] Illustrator 畫布在選取任何物件時會顯示白色和藍色)
- [macOS only] The functions such as drag, Option + drag, or Shift + drag an object do not work accurately ([僅限 macOS] 拖曳、選項 + 拖曳或 Shift + 拖曳物件等功能無法正常運作)
- When working with the View > Outline option selected, the View > View Using GPU option is disabled (當已選取檢視 > 外框選項時使用,檢視 > 使用 GPU 檢視選項會停用)
Illustrator 2022 (26.1 版)
- In the Align panel, Distribute Spacing works only when the Units option is in Points (在「對齊」面板中,「均分間距」僅在「單位」選項是「點」時才有效)
- Shortcuts assigned to actions are lost when the action set is rearranged manually (手動重新排列動作集時,指派給動作的快速鍵會遺失)
- Locked background objects move while using the Lasso selection tool (使用套索選取工具時鎖定的背景物件會移動)
- Numbers used in the text box disappear when you right-click the text box and select Create Outlines (在文字框上按一下右鍵並選取「建立外框」時,文字框中使用的數字會消失)
- The Transform Again option does not work correctly (「再次變形」選項無法正常運作)
- The width and height of the objects change proportionally when constrain option is deselected (當取消選取約束選項時,物件的寬度和高度會按比例變化)
- When Save in Background check box is selected, saving the document using the scripts does not work (已選取「在背景中儲存」核取方塊時,使用指令碼儲存文件不會運作)
- The pattern does not display accurate color when you reopen the saved Creative Cloud document (重新開啟儲存的 Creative Cloud 文件時,圖樣顯示的顏色不準確)
Illustrator 2022 (26.0.3 版)
Illustrator 2022 (26.0.2 版)
- Illustrator does not work or freezes when quitting the app (退出應用程式時,Illustrator 無法運作或凍結)
- When working with text on a new or existing document, discretionary hyphens do not function accurately (處理新文件或現有文件上的文字時,判別連字號無法發揮正確功能)
- Multiple log files with large sizes are created when working on Illustrator (在 Illustrator 上工作時,會建立多個龐大的記錄檔)
- [僅適用於 macOS] When the .AI file is saved with linked images and opened with Illustrator 26.0 or earlier versions, it displays the following error message "Illustrator could partially read this file (.AI 檔案與連結影像一起儲存,並使用 Illustrator 26.0 或更舊版本開啟時,會顯示以下錯誤訊息「Illustrator 可以讀取部分檔案」)
Illustrator 2022 (26.0.1 版)
Illustrator 2022 (26.0 版)
- Illustrator 25.4 中讀取 XMP 資料所需的 AdobeXMPScript 框架遺失
- 無法使用「內容」面板中的「字體樣式」選單來修改預先輸入的文字
- [僅限 macOS] 如果檔案含有以 TIFF 格式匯出的日文名稱,圖層名稱會顯示無法讀取的隨機字元
- [僅限 macOS] 在其他檔案中貼上複製的圖樣色票時,來源圖樣會套用到複製的色票
- 「重新上色圖稿」面板中的按鈕顯示不正確的工具提示
- 在「色票選項」視窗中,以 HSB 模式建立的顏色會顯示 RGB 滑桿
- 在「偏好設定 > 單位 > 一般」中修改過的單位值無法正確儲存
- 在 CC Libraries 中,雙位元組字元的輸入、搜尋和重新命名功能無法正常運作
- 在「內容」面板中無法拖曳及選取每個欄位中的值
- The color picker does not apply the selected color to the object when the gradient slider is selected in the gradient panel (在漸層面板中選取漸層滑桿時,檢色器無法將選取的顏色套用到物件)
- 對選取的物件套用 scaleAction JavaScript 時,系統會取消選取該物件
- 穩定性修正
Illustrator 2021 (25.4.1 版)
- 大綱檢視回復為「CPU 預覽」,不會重複加入「GPU 預覽」模式
- 將文字貼在選取的文字上會變更文字屬性
- 變更任何筆畫屬性時,系統會移除物件的填色顏色 (整體顏色/特別色)
- CC 資料庫面板在存取期間未正常運作或甚至畫面凍結
- Illustrator 25.3.1 的「圖樣色票」出現無預期的行為
- 在 25.3 版中使用「視覺文字」時,文字沒有空格
- [僅限 macOS] 無法辨識具有日文名稱的剪裁路徑,且 PSD 影像未顯示遮色片
- 在 Illustrator 25.3.1 中將「筆畫」和「圓端點」新增至文字時,點以「半形空格」的形式顯示
- 「畫布旋轉」功能妨礙在觸控板上使用放大及縮小手勢
- 「了解更多提示」對話框未顯示或無法關閉
- 從 Illustrator 25.3 複製的圖片以點陣影像 (而非向量影像) 形式插入 Figma
- 無法使用德文鍵盤輸入 ö 和 ü
- 穩定性修正
Illustrator 2021 (25.3.1 版)
Illustrator 2021 (25.2.3 版)
Illustrator 2021 (25.2.1 版)
Illustrator 2021 (25.2 版)
Illustrator 2021 (25.1 版)
- 以指令碼執行動作時發生問題
- 無法以「對齊選取的物件」將一組元素依中線均分
- 「資產匯出」的工作區域編號錯誤
- Illustrator 從複製的物件或形狀中刪除「製作陰影」時當機
- Illustrator 執行變數讀入指令碼時當機
- 為 Illustrator 檔案啟用分離模式後無法關閉
- 「區域文字」物件的寬度限制為 13.888 英吋
- 在「資料庫」面板選取色票或資產後按 Ctrl+[,「資料庫」面板會關閉,且重新開啟後未顯示任何項目
- Illustrator 的印表機問題
- 「隨意扭曲」的邊框未在啟用 GPU 演算執行圖稿變形作業時更新
- 選擇 PNG 格式或選取「使用工作區域」核取方塊時檔案轉存至錯誤的檔案夾
- 「檔案關閉」警告對話框沒有「全部套用」選項,關閉多個檔案時相當麻煩
- Illustrator 需有標準導覽控制項:捲動滾輪可縮放,按滑鼠中間鍵則可平移
Illustrator 2021 (25.0.1 版)
- [僅限 macOS] 使用內建 Illustrator 文字欄位後,第三方增效模組中的文字欄位無法運作
- [僅限 macOS] 使用舊版 Wacom 驅動程式時,Illustrator 會在啟動時當機
- [僅限 macOS] 如有 coolType 字型,Illustrator 會在啟動時當機
- 「重新著色」對話框中「說明」圖示的 URL 不正確
- 建立文件時顯示 GPU 記憶體不足錯誤對話框
- 當機和穩定性問題
Illustrator 2021 (25.0 版)
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