- Adobe Enterprise & Teams: Panduan administrasi
- Rencanakan penerapan Anda
- Konsep dasar
- Panduan Penerapan
- Terapkan Creative Cloud for Education
- Beranda penerapan
- Wizard Orientasi K-12
- Penyiapan sederhana
- Menyinkronkan Pengguna
- Roster Sync K-12 (AS)
- Konsep pemberian lisensi utama
- Opsi penerapan
- Kiat ringkas
- Setujui aplikasi Adobe di Admin Console Google
- Aktifkan Adobe Express di Google Classroom
- Integrasi dengan Canvas LMS
- Integrasi dengan Blackboard Learn
- Mengonfigurasi SSO untuk Portal Distrik dan LMS
- Tambahkan pengguna melalui Roster Sync
- FAQ Kivuto
- Pedoman kelayakan institusi Primer dan Sekunder
- Atur organisasi Anda
- Tipe identitas | Ringkasan
- Atur identitas | Ringkasan
- Atur organisasi dengan Enterprise ID
- Atur federasi dan sinkronisasi Azure AD
- Atur Google Federation dan sinkronkan
- Atur organisasi dengan Microsoft ADFS
- Mengatur organisasi untuk Portal Distrik dan LMS
- Atur organisasi dengan Penyedia Identitas lainnya
- Pertanyaan umum dan pemecahan masalah SSO
- Kelola pengaturan organisasi Anda
- Mengelola pengguna
- Ikhtisar
- Peran administratif
- Strategi manajemen pengguna
- Tetapkan lisensi ke pengguna Tim
- Manajemen pengguna dalam aplikasi untuk tim
- Tambahkan pengguna dengan domain email yang cocok
- Mengubah jenis identitas pengguna
- Mengelola grup pengguna
- Mengelola pengguna direktori
- Mengelola pengembang
- Memigrasikan pengguna yang ada ke Adobe Admin Console
- Memigrasikan manajemen pengguna ke Adobe Admin Console
- Ikhtisar
- Mengelola produk dan hak
- Mengelola produk dan profil produk
- Mengelola produk
- Beli produk dan lisensi
- Mengelola profil produk untuk pengguna perusahaan
- Mengelola aturan penugasan otomatis
- Beri hak kepada pengguna untuk melatih model kustom Firefly
- Meninjau permintaan produk
- Mengelola kebijakan layanan mandiri
- Mengelola integrasi aplikasi
- Mengelola izin produk di Admin Console
- Mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan layanan untuk profil produk
- Aplikasi Tunggal | Creative Cloud untuk perusahaan
- Layanan opsional
- Mengelola lisensi Perangkat Bersama
- Mengelola produk dan profil produk
- Mulai menggunakan Global Admin Console
- Mengadopsi administrasi global
- Memilih organisasi Anda
- Mengelola hierarki organisasi
- Mengelola profil produk
- Mengelola administrator
- Mengelola grup pengguna
- Memperbarui kebijakan organisasi
- Mengelola templat kebijakan
- Mengalokasikan produk ke organisasi turunan
- Menjalankan pekerjaan yang tertunda
- Menjelajahi wawasan
- Mengekspor atau mengimpor struktur organisasi
- Kelola penyimpanan dan aset
- Penyimpanan
- Migrasi aset
- Klaim kembali aset dari pengguna
- Migrasi aset siswa | hanya untuk EDU
- Kelola layanan
- Adobe Stock
- Font khusus
- Adobe Asset Link
- Adobe Acrobat Sign
- Creative Cloud untuk perusahaan - keanggotaan gratis
- Terapkan aplikasi dan pembaruan
- Ikhtisar
- Buat paket
- Sesuaikan paket
- Terapkan Paket
- Terapkan paket
- Terapkan paket Adobe menggunakan Microsoft Intune
- Terapkan paket Adobe dengan SCCM
- Terapkan paket Adobe dengan ARD
- Instal produk di folder Pengecualian
- Hapus instalan produk Creative Cloud
- Gunakan edisi perusahaan toolkit penyediaan Adobe
- Pengidentifikasi pemberian lisensi Adobe Creative Cloud
- Terapkan paket
- Kelola pembaruan
- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
- Memecahkan masalah
- Kelola akun Teams Anda
- Perpanjangan
- Kelola kontrak
- Laporan & log
- Dapatkan bantuan
The creative apps in Adobe Creative Cloud empower students and educators to develop powerful presentations, photography, illustrations, movies and videos, and web applications. Integrating Adobe Creative Cloud with Blackboard LMS provides students and educators with quick and easy access to their creative work. Students and educators can access their Creative Cloud apps within Blackboard and use them to create and complete their assignments.
Integrate Adobe Creative Cloud with Blackboard Learn
For administrators
As the institution’s or school district’s IT admin, you must integrate Blackboard with Adobe Creative Cloud for your educators and students to be able to access Adobe applications within Blackboard. Once the integration is done, the educators and students can easily find and access their Creative apps within their Blackboard courses.
You can integrate Adobe Creative Cloud into two sections within Blackboard Learn: Books and Course Tools and System Tools.
Before you begin with the integration, ensure the following:
- Adobe Creative Cloud licenses are deployed to student and faculty users in your institution.
Watch these short videos on integrating Adobe Creative Cloud with Blackboard Learn:
- Integrate Creative Cloud with Blackboard Learn > Book and Course Tools
- Integrate Creative Cloud as an LTI 1.3 tool in Blackboard Learn > System Tools
As an Administrator, you can easily add Adobe Creative Cloud to Books and Course Tools with just a few clicks as outlined below:
Log in to Blackboard Learn using Admin credentials.
Click Admin from the navigation menu to access Administrator Tools > Cloud Management > Partner Cloud Settings.
Adobe Creative Cloud is listed under Configure and Activate Partners Available Through the Partner Cloud.
Under Content and Tools, click the toggle button to ON. This action installs Adobe Creative Cloud integration under the Course placement.
To verify, go to Courses from the navigation menu on Blackboard Learn home page, open a course, and view the Book and Course Tools section. Click Adobe Creative Cloud to start creating.
Note:In Blackboard Learn Original Courses (non-Ultra), Adobe Creative Cloud integration appears under Course Management > Course Tools > Adobe Creative Cloud.
As an Administrator, you can add Adobe Creative Cloud to System Tools by copying the Application ID from Partner Cloud Settings, registering Adobe Creative Cloud as LTI 1.3 Tool, and creating a placement in Blackboard Learn using the steps outlined below.
Log in to Blackboard Learn using Admin credentials.
Click Admin from the navigation menu to access Administrator Tools > Cloud Management > Partner Cloud Settings.
Adobe Creative Cloud is listed under Configure and Activate Partners Available Through the Partner Cloud. Select Settings from the drop-down list next to Adobe Creative Cloud.
Copy the Application ID that appears.
Navigate to on Admin > Administrator Tools > Integrations > LTI Tool Provider.
Navigate to Register LTI 1.3 Tool, paste the Application ID you copied into the Client ID field, and click Submit.
Review the details, use the following configurations, and click Submit:
- Select Approved for Tool Status
- Select all checkboxes under User Fields to Send
- Select Yes for Allow Grade Service Access
- Select Yes for Allow Membership Service Access
Create a Placement for the tool. Navigate to the previous page Administration Panel under LTI Tool Providers and select Placements against Adobe Creative Cloud.
Click Create Placement.
Fill in the details as follows and click Submit:
- Label = Adobe Creative Cloud
- Handle = AdobeCreativeCloud
- Availability = Yes
- Type = System Tool
- Launch in New Window should be deselected
- Target Link URI = https://creativecloud.adobe.com/apps
To verify, go to Tools from the navigation menu on Blackboard Learn home page. Then, click Adobe Creative Cloud to start launch.
To configure SSO, add a secondary IdP in the Adobe Admin Console and select Blackboard in the Add Portal or Learning Management Systems for SSO screen.
How can I contact Adobe Customer Care with an issue not covered here?
Contact your IT Admin who can navigate to the Support tab in the Admin Console to contact Adobe Customer Care. Learn more.
Sign in and access Adobe Creative Cloud inside Blackboard Learn
For students and educators
Once your institution's or school district's IT admin has granted you the access to use Adobe Creative Cloud within Blackboard Learn, you are ready to create high-quality creative work using the Adobe applications.
Ensure that your institution's or school district's IT admin has done the following:
- Installed Creative Cloud integration with Blackboard Learn.
- Granted you access to Adobe Creative Cloud.
As an Educator, you can add Adobe Creative Cloud to your course tools through Books and Course tools or through Content Market.
Go to Courses from the navigation menu on Blackboard Learn home page, open a course, and view the Book and Course Tools section.
Click Adobe Creative Cloud to add it to your course. On the Link Information page that opens, select an appropriate Category and click Submit.
Once this step is complete, Adobe Creative Cloud appears in the course content feed. Select from the dropdown to make the tool visible to students.
Once the Partner Cloud Building Block is available and partner configured, educators have the ability to add Adobe Creative Cloud content within a course.
If your IT administrator has configured Single Sign-On (SSO), you are automatically signed in to your Adobe Express account.
If SSO is not configured, a sign-in screen appears for Adobe Express, enter your credentials and sign in.
There are two ways to launch Adobe Creative Cloud from Blackboard Learn, from within Course content and from Tools.
Click Adobe Creative Cloud from the Course content feed. Adobe Creative Cloud web opens on top of Blackboard Learn so users do not need to navigate to a new browser tab.
If you are launching Adobe Creative Cloud for the first time, the following screen will appear. Select “I agree…” and click Launch.
If your IT administrator has configured Single Sign-On (SSO), you are automatically signed in to your Adobe Express account.
If SSO is not configured, a sign-in screen appears for Adobe Express, enter your credentials and sign in.
If your browser blocks pop-ups, click the pop-up blocker icon, and select Always allow pop-ups for this site.
If your IT administrator has configured Single Sign-On (SSO), you are automatically signed in to your Adobe Express account.
If SSO is not configured, a sign-in screen appears for Adobe Express, enter your credentials and sign in.
If your browser blocks pop-ups, click the pop-up blocker icon, and select Always allow pop-ups for this site.
I cannot see Adobe Creative Cloud within Blackboard Learn.
Contact your institution's or school district's IT admin. The admin must first install Adobe Creative Cloud inside Blackboard Learn and give you licensed access to use Adobe Creative Cloud.
What are Adobe's policies on data privacy?
To learn how Adobe complies with laws, regulations and best practices related to the privacy of student data visit Adobe Privacy Center.
How can I contact Adobe Customer Care with an issue not covered here?
Contact your institution’s or school district’s IT Admin. For more help, they can navigate to the Support tab in the Admin Console to contact Adobe Customer Care. Learn more.