- Konsep dasar
- Panduan Penerapan
Terapkan Creative Cloud for Education
- Beranda penerapan
- Wizard Orientasi K-12
- Penyiapan sederhana
- Menyinkronkan Pengguna
- Roster Sync K-12 (AS)
- Konsep pemberian lisensi utama
- Opsi penerapan
- Kiat ringkas
- Setujui aplikasi Adobe di Admin Console Google
- Aktifkan Adobe Express di Google Classroom
- Integrasi dengan Canvas LMS
- Integrasi dengan Blackboard Learn
- Mengonfigurasi SSO untuk Portal Distrik dan LMS
- Tambahkan pengguna melalui Roster Sync
- FAQ Kivuto
- Pedoman kelayakan institusi Primer dan Sekunder
- Tipe identitas | Ringkasan
- Atur identitas | Ringkasan
- Atur organisasi dengan Enterprise ID
- Atur federasi dan sinkronisasi Azure AD
- Atur Google Federation dan sinkronkan
- Atur organisasi dengan Microsoft ADFS
- Mengatur organisasi untuk Portal Distrik dan LMS
- Atur organisasi dengan Penyedia Identitas lainnya
- Pertanyaan umum dan pemecahan masalah SSO
- Ikhtisar
- Peran administratif
- Strategi manajemen pengguna
- Tetapkan lisensi ke pengguna Tim
- Manajemen pengguna dalam aplikasi untuk tim
- Tambahkan pengguna dengan domain email yang cocok
- Mengubah jenis identitas pengguna
- Mengelola grup pengguna
- Mengelola pengguna direktori
- Mengelola pengembang
- Memigrasikan pengguna yang ada ke Adobe Admin Console
- Memigrasikan manajemen pengguna ke Adobe Admin Console
Mengelola produk dan profil produk
- Mengelola produk
- Beli produk dan lisensi
- Mengelola profil produk untuk pengguna perusahaan
- Mengelola aturan penugasan otomatis
- Beri hak kepada pengguna untuk melatih model kustom Firefly
- Meninjau permintaan produk
- Mengelola kebijakan layanan mandiri
- Mengelola integrasi aplikasi
- Mengelola izin produk di Admin Console
- Mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan layanan untuk profil produk
- Aplikasi Tunggal | Creative Cloud untuk perusahaan
- Layanan opsional
- Mengelola lisensi Perangkat Bersama
- Mengadopsi administrasi global
- Memilih organisasi Anda
- Mengelola hierarki organisasi
- Mengelola profil produk
- Mengelola administrator
- Mengelola grup pengguna
- Memperbarui kebijakan organisasi
- Mengelola templat kebijakan
- Mengalokasikan produk ke organisasi turunan
- Menjalankan pekerjaan yang tertunda
- Menjelajahi wawasan
- Mengekspor atau mengimpor struktur organisasi
- Migrasi aset
- Klaim kembali aset dari pengguna
- Migrasi aset siswa | hanya untuk EDU
- Adobe Stock
- Font khusus
- Adobe Asset Link
- Adobe Acrobat Sign
- Creative Cloud untuk perusahaan - keanggotaan gratis
- Ikhtisar
- Buat paket
- Sesuaikan paket
- Terapkan Paket
- Kelola pembaruan
- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
- Memecahkan masalah
- Adobe Enterprise & Teams: Panduan administrasi
Rencanakan penerapan Anda
- Konsep dasar
- Panduan Penerapan
Terapkan Creative Cloud for Education
- Beranda penerapan
- Wizard Orientasi K-12
- Penyiapan sederhana
- Menyinkronkan Pengguna
- Roster Sync K-12 (AS)
- Konsep pemberian lisensi utama
- Opsi penerapan
- Kiat ringkas
- Setujui aplikasi Adobe di Admin Console Google
- Aktifkan Adobe Express di Google Classroom
- Integrasi dengan Canvas LMS
- Integrasi dengan Blackboard Learn
- Mengonfigurasi SSO untuk Portal Distrik dan LMS
- Tambahkan pengguna melalui Roster Sync
- FAQ Kivuto
- Pedoman kelayakan institusi Primer dan Sekunder
Atur organisasi Anda
- Tipe identitas | Ringkasan
- Atur identitas | Ringkasan
- Atur organisasi dengan Enterprise ID
- Atur federasi dan sinkronisasi Azure AD
- Atur Google Federation dan sinkronkan
- Atur organisasi dengan Microsoft ADFS
- Mengatur organisasi untuk Portal Distrik dan LMS
- Atur organisasi dengan Penyedia Identitas lainnya
- Pertanyaan umum dan pemecahan masalah SSO
- Kelola pengaturan organisasi Anda
Mengelola pengguna
- Ikhtisar
- Peran administratif
- Strategi manajemen pengguna
- Tetapkan lisensi ke pengguna Tim
- Manajemen pengguna dalam aplikasi untuk tim
- Tambahkan pengguna dengan domain email yang cocok
- Mengubah jenis identitas pengguna
- Mengelola grup pengguna
- Mengelola pengguna direktori
- Mengelola pengembang
- Memigrasikan pengguna yang ada ke Adobe Admin Console
- Memigrasikan manajemen pengguna ke Adobe Admin Console
Mengelola produk dan hak
Mengelola produk dan profil produk
- Mengelola produk
- Beli produk dan lisensi
- Mengelola profil produk untuk pengguna perusahaan
- Mengelola aturan penugasan otomatis
- Beri hak kepada pengguna untuk melatih model kustom Firefly
- Meninjau permintaan produk
- Mengelola kebijakan layanan mandiri
- Mengelola integrasi aplikasi
- Mengelola izin produk di Admin Console
- Mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan layanan untuk profil produk
- Aplikasi Tunggal | Creative Cloud untuk perusahaan
- Layanan opsional
- Mengelola lisensi Perangkat Bersama
Mengelola produk dan profil produk
Mulai menggunakan Global Admin Console
- Mengadopsi administrasi global
- Memilih organisasi Anda
- Mengelola hierarki organisasi
- Mengelola profil produk
- Mengelola administrator
- Mengelola grup pengguna
- Memperbarui kebijakan organisasi
- Mengelola templat kebijakan
- Mengalokasikan produk ke organisasi turunan
- Menjalankan pekerjaan yang tertunda
- Menjelajahi wawasan
- Mengekspor atau mengimpor struktur organisasi
Kelola layanan
- Adobe Stock
- Font khusus
- Adobe Asset Link
- Adobe Acrobat Sign
- Creative Cloud untuk perusahaan - keanggotaan gratis
Terapkan aplikasi dan pembaruan
- Ikhtisar
- Buat paket
- Sesuaikan paket
- Terapkan Paket
- Kelola pembaruan
- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
- Memecahkan masalah
- Kelola akun Teams Anda
- Perpanjangan
- Kelola kontrak
- Laporan & log
- Dapatkan bantuan
With the updates to Adobe Creative Cloud storage, you have full control and visibility of storage across your Creative Cloud applications. The storage quotas are flexible for end users up to the amount of storage purchased by the organization.
After Adobe storage with the updates is provisioned for your organization, a Storage tab is displayed in the Admin Console for administrators. If you are a system administrator, you can manage individual user folders and shared storage through the Storage tab. You can also view how much quota is used by individual users and the overall quota consumed by all the users. This tab is also visible to users that you delegate a Storage administrator role.
With the Storage tab on the Admin Console, you can access individual user folders or search for folders by user name or email.
Shared storage
Individual user folders
Storage reports
Overall storage quota and individual quota |
Storage for Creative Cloud libraries. |
Private folders of individual users for active and inactive users. |
Storage usage data, such as quotas and usage percentages. |
We are in the process of migrating customers to the new pooled storage model. When your organization has been migrated, you will see the Storage tab in the Admin console.
The Storage overview page provides complete visibility of quota usage. It provides information on the total storage allocated for the organization, the amount of storage consumed, and the available balance. The page also provides a snapshot of the top consumers of quota, including the quota allocated and the percentage consumed. You can also choose to view the entire list of users along with the storage quota used by each user. The storage consumption graph displays the following information:
- Individual user folders: Quota used by all users, irrespective of whether they are active or inactive.
- Shared storage: Quota used by Creative Cloud libraries.
- Others: Quota used by storage reports and the ZIP folders. When a user is removed from the organization, the user’s content is added to a ZIP folder. You can remove a user’s ZIP folder when you permanently delete the user from the Inactive Users tab.
Storage repository
All the content uploaded by the users are stored inside a storage repository that the organization owns. By default, the name that we give to this repository is the same as the name of your organization on the Admin Console. While the name of an organization on the Admin Console cannot be changed after the organization is set up, you can rename your storage repository.
When end users upload libraries to be shared across organizations, they would be able to know which organization they are sharing with, through the name of the storage repository.
Change storage repository name
Log in to the Admin Console and navigate to the Storage tab.
Your storage repository name is displayed in the Storage Overview tab. Also, by default the repository name is your Admin Console organization name.
Click Edit.
In the Edit storage repository name screen, update the name and click Save.
In the Shared storage page, you can view, search, delete, and view details of shared folders. Shared folders are used to store Creative Cloud libraries so that they are automatically shared with all users of the organization. Creative Cloud Libraries accelerate work by reducing clicks in the creative process, making it easy for designers to use the right assets and for organizations to control the use of assets. For more, see Creative Cloud Libraries for business.
View details of shared folders
As an administrator, you can view details of shared folders, including information about end users and folder paths in the Asset library.
Select the folder for which you want to view details.
Click Details.
Review the folder details in the right pane.
The Individual user folders page includes the Active Users and Inactive Users tabs. The Active Users tab lists the folders of end users that are currently in the system. The Inactive Users tab lists folders of users that are no longer in the system. You can view details of folders in either category. You can also permanently delete folders of inactive users.
View details of user folders
Depending upon the type of user, open the relevant tab.
Select the desired folder, and click Details.
Review the folder details in the right pane.
Delete folders of inactive users
You can remove an inactive user folder permanently from the list of folders in the Inactive Users tab. Before permanently deleting a folder, you can transfer the contents to an active user and verify that the user has successfully claimed the content. Once permanently deleted, the content cannot be restored.
Select a folder in the Inactive Users list.
Click Permanently Delete.
From the list of options, choose one of the following, and then click Next:
- Share content now: Folder content is sent through email to a designated user. If you choose this option, specify the email address of the designated user that receives the content.
- Share content later: The folder content remains in the Inactive User tab until it is permanently deleted.
- Permanently delete content: The folder is permanently deleted with no option to share the content.
For more information, see Reclaim assets from a user.
Click Permanently Delete again to confirm the action.
View and create storage reports
Storage reports include storage usage data, such as quotas and usage percentages, for folders of the chosen type.
Individual folder reports: Includes storage usage data, such as quotas and usage percentages, for individual folders.
Shared folder reports: Includes storage usage data, such as quotas and usage percentages, for shared folders.
To create a storage report:
The Storage tab is available to system admins and storage admins. To provide access to this Storage tab, you'll need to add the user on the Admin Console and then give the user either System admin privileges or Storage admin privileges.
Add storage administrators
If you navigate back Storage > Admins, the newly added storage admin display in list.
Remove storage administrators
When you remove a storage administrator, that user would no longer be able to access Storage tab, unless that user also has System admin privileges.
In the Storage admins page, from the list of storage admins, click the admin to remove.
In the Administrator Rights section of the left pane, click
and then click Edit admin rights.