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Use Adobe Remote Update Manager

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      15. FAQ Kivuto
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    2. Atur identitas | Ringkasan
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      2. Tambahkan Azure Sync ke direktori Anda
      3. Sinkronisasi peran untuk Pendidikan
      4. FAQ Azure Connector
    5. Atur Google Federation dan sinkronkan
      1. Atur SSO dengan Google Federation
      2. Tambahkan Google Sync ke direktori Anda
      3. FAQ Google federation
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      2. Mengelola banyak pengguna (CSV Massal)
      3. User Sync Tool (UST)
      4. Microsoft Azure Sync
      5. Google Federation Sync
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      2. Mengelola tim Anda di Adobe Acrobat
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      9. Mengelola izin produk di Admin Console  
      10. Mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan layanan untuk profil produk
      11. Aplikasi Tunggal | Creative Cloud untuk perusahaan
      12. Layanan opsional
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      6. Toolkit pemberian lisensi
      7. FAQ Pemberian Lisensi Perangkat Bersama
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  8. Kelola penyimpanan dan aset
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      1. Kelola penyimpanan perusahaan
      2. Adobe Creative Cloud: Pembaruan pada penyimpanan
      3. Kelola penyimpanan Adobe
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      1. Migrasi Aset Otomatis
      2. FAQ Migrasi Aset Otomatis  
      3. Kelola aset yang ditransfer
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      1. Migrasi aset siswa otomatis
      2. Migrasikan aset Anda
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    1. Adobe Stock
      1. Paket kredit Adobe Stock untuk tim
      2. Adobe Stock untuk perusahaan
      3. Gunakan Adobe Stock untuk perusahaan
      4. Persetujuan Lisensi Adobe Stock
    2. Font khusus
    3. Adobe Asset Link
      1. Ikhtisar
      2. Buat grup pengguna
      3. Konfigurasikan Adobe Experience Manager Assets
      4. Konfigurasikan dan instal Adobe Asset Link
      5. Kelola aset
      6. Adobe Asset Link untuk XD
    4. Adobe Acrobat Sign
      1. Atur Adobe Acrobat Sign untuk perusahaan atau tim
      2. Adobe Acrobat Sign - Administrator fitur tim
      3. Kelola Adobe Acrobat Sign di Admin Console
    5. Creative Cloud untuk perusahaan - keanggotaan gratis
      1. Ikhtisar
  10. Terapkan aplikasi dan pembaruan
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      1. Menerapkan dan mengirimkan aplikasi dan pembaruan
      2. Paket untuk diterapkan
      3. Siapkan untuk menerapkan
    2. Buat paket
      1. Aplikasi paket melalui Admin Console
      2. Buat Paket Pemberian Lisensi Pengguna Bernama
      3. Kelola paket yang dibuat sebelumnya
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        2. Kelola paket Aplikasi Tunggal
      4. Kelola paket
      5. Kelola lisensi perangkat
      6. Pemberian lisensi nomor seri
    3. Sesuaikan paket
      1. Sesuaikan Aplikasi desktop Creative Cloud
      2. Sertakan ekstensi dalam paket Anda
    4. Terapkan Paket 
      1. Terapkan paket
      2. Terapkan paket Adobe menggunakan Microsoft Intune
      3. Terapkan paket Adobe dengan SCCM
      4. Terapkan paket Adobe dengan ARD
      5. Instal produk di folder Pengecualian
      6. Hapus instalan produk Creative Cloud
      7. Gunakan edisi perusahaan toolkit penyediaan Adobe
    5. Kelola pembaruan
      1. Ubah manajemen untuk pelanggan perusahaan dan tim Adobe
      2. Terapkan pembaruan
    6. Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
      1. Ikhtisar AUSST
      2. Atur server pembaruan internal
      3. Pertahankan server pembaruan internal
      4. Kasus penggunaan umum AUSST   
      5. Pecahkan masalah server pembaruan internal
    7. Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
      1. Catatan rilis
      2. Gunakan Adobe Remote Update Manager
    8. Memecahkan masalah
      1. Memecahkan masalah kesalahan penginstalan dan penghapusan instalan aplikasi Creative Cloud
      2. Kueri mesin klien untuk memeriksa apakah suatu paket diterapkan
  11. Kelola akun Teams Anda
    1. Ikhtisar
    2. Memperbarui detail pembayaran
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    4. Ubah pemilik kontrak
    5. Ubah paket Anda
    6. Ubah pengecer
    7. Batalkan paket Anda
    8. Kepatuhan Permintaan Pembelian
  12. Perpanjangan
    1. Keanggotaan Teams: Perpanjangan
    2. Perusahaan di VIP: Perpanjangan dan kepatuhan
  13. Kelola kontrak
    1. Tahapan kedaluwarsa otomatis untuk kontrak ETLA
    2. Mengalihkan jenis kontrak dalam Adobe Admin Console yang ada
    3. Paket Insentif Nilai (VIP) di Tiongkok
    4. Bantuan Pemilihan VIP
  14. Laporan & log
    1. Log Audit
    2. Laporan tugas
    3. Log Konten
  15. Dapatkan bantuan
    1. Hubungi Layanan Pelanggan Adobe
    2. Opsi dukungan untuk akun tim
    3. Opsi dukungan untuk akun perusahaan
    4. Opsi dukungan untuk Experience Cloud

Berlaku untuk perusahaan.

Adobe Remote Update Manager (also referred to as RUM) provides a command-line interface that admins can use to remotely install updates of Adobe apps. Therefore admins do not need to log in to each client machine to install updates.

  • You cannot run RUM on a machine on which you have not previously deployed a package.
    This means that, if you download RUM from the Tools page on the Admin console (Packages > Tools), and run it without previously deploying any package on the machine where you are running RUM, you will get an error
  • Currently, you cannot update Adobe XD with using Remote Update Manager.
  • Remote Update Manager only detects updates but not upgrades. To install Creative Cloud app upgrades, either create a package from the Admin Console, or install the upgrades from the Creative Cloud desktop app.
  • RUM should be launched with elevated privileges.
  • If you are running RUM on a macOS machine, you must run the commands using sudo. Using the sudo command in Terminal requires an administrator password.

The latest versions of RUM ill are downloaded and packaged during the package creation process.

When you create a package, the Management Options screen on admin console has an option for enabling the use of RUM. If this option is selected (which is the default), RUM is included in the package. When the package is deployed, RUM is copied to the following locations on the client machine:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE_Enterprise\RemoteUpdateManager


RUM can then be run from the client machines.


Once you have deployed the Adobe apps on client machines, you want the subsequent updates for the packages to be available on the client machines. You can create an update package and deploy it manually on the client machines.
Instead of deploying the updates manually, you can use RUM. It polls Adobe Update server or the local Adobe Update Server if set up using the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST). RUM deploys the latest updates available on update server to each client machine on which it is run. You need not manually push updates to the client machines.
The default setting when creating a package from the Admin Console is to have the Adobe updates turned off. Most enterprise environments do not provide their end users with admin privileges. With the updates turned off, the end users will not see the availability of updates; nor could they apply them if downloaded. RUM can be used to have those updates applied remotely even if updates have been disabled through the Options screen in the package creation workflow.
Once you have installed RUM on each client machine, you can run it remotely through command line or from remote management tools.


To set up a local update server (AUSST) in your enterprise setup, see Adobe Update Server Setup Tool.

Running RUM without AUSST

If an AUSST server isn't set up, each client machine polls Adobe Update Sever through port 443 over HTTPS to receive updates when you run RUM.

Remote Update Manager - Without AUSST

Running RUM with AUSST

If you have set up an AUSST server, the updates are downloaded from the Adobe Update Server onto the local update server. When you start RUM, each client machine polls the local update server to get updates.

Remote Update Manager - With AUSST

Using RUM to automatically keep the updates current

Setting up your environment before using RUM

If you do not want the products/components on client machines to directly download the updates without admin intervention, suppress manual updates while creating the package. For more information, see how to create:


RUM works irrespective of whether you have suppressed manual updates on client machines.

To store updates locally on a server for clients to access when you start RUM, use the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST). See Running RUM with AUSST. For more information on how to set up AUSST, see Using Adobe Update Server Setup Tool.


Adobe Applications for which updates are to be installed should not be running when RUM is started.

Downloading and installing updates in separate instances

Using RUM, you can also remotely download and install updates on client machines. While passing the command for remote update, you can choose either to download and install the updates in the same or multiple lunches\runs of RUM. It enables you to download the applicable updates and then install them later. For more information on downloading and installing updates, see --action command-line option under RUM syntax and description.


The --action command-line option is not supported for Acrobat or Reader. This implies that, whether or not you use this command for the updating these apps, after they are downloaded, they will be immediately installed.

Applying updates for Acrobat and Reader

The RUM supports Acrobat and Reader. However, before you run the Update Manager, you are recommended to check the following on the client machine:

On macOS, the Acrobat Updater version must be 1.0.14 or later.

  1. To check the updater version, run the following command in the terminal:

    defaults read "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/ARMDC/Application/Acrobat Update" CFBundleVersion

  2. If the updater version is older than 1.0.14, download the latest updater from: Agent Installer.pkg

  3. Install the downloaded updater package using the following command:

    sudo installer -pkg <path to the downloaded .pkg file> -target /

On Windows, the application versions should be as follows:

  • Classic track: 15.006.30279 or later
  • Continuous track: 15.023.20053 or later

For details latest updates for Acrobat/Reader, see Release Notes | Acrobat, Reader.


The above mentioned prerequisites are sufficient to apply updates for Acrobat and Adobe Reader. This means that the updates can be applied even if the Creative Cloud desktop app is not installed on the client computer.

RUM syntax and description

To start the update deployment remotely on each client machine, run RUM on each client machine. You might use enterprise deployment tools, such as SCCM, ARD, JAMF Pro, Munki, or Microsoft Intune for this. Alternatively, you can use a batch file that starts RUM on each client machine.
The syntax for RUM is as follows.

RemoteUpdateManager --proxyUserName= --proxyPassword= --productVersions= --action= --help 


RUM no longer supports the channelIds parameter. The parameter will be removed from an upcoming release of RUM. In the meantime, we recommend that you do not use this parameter when running RUM.




The user name for the proxy server, if applicable


The password for the proxy server, if applicable


This parameter is optional and is applicable to the apps listed on this page.

Specifies a combination of SAP code of the product and the base version of the product for which the update is to be deployed. 

For example,--productVersions=ILST#25.0 deploys only updates for Illustrator version 25 (if the application is installed and not running).

If you do not specify a version (but only a product Id), updates for all the product versions installed on the client machine are deployed. If you do not provide this option, updates for all the products installed on the client machine are deployed.

The comma-separated entries in --productVersions update/deploy:

  • --productVersions=ILST#25.0: Deploys only updates for Illustrator version 25 (if the application is installed and not running).
  • --productVersions=PHSP: Deploys updates of all the (full-installer apps) versions of Photoshop, as the version of the product is not specified. 
  • --productVersions=ACR#12.0.0: Deploys updates of Adobe Camera Raw 12.0.
  • --productVersions=APRO#15.0: Deploys updates of Adobe Acrobat with major version 15 on Win32, Win64, and OSX10-64. For Acrobat installations with a major version other than 15, an appropriate major version must be used in place of 15.0.
  • --productVersions=RDR#15.0: Deploys updates of Adobe Acrobat Reader with major version 15 on Win32, Win64, and OSX10-64. For Reader installations with a major version other than 15, an appropriate major version needs to be used in place of 15.0.

RUM updates the products only if they are installed on the target system.  

All dependent/required components of the specified apps are also updated.

This parameter is optional. If not passed, all the updates are listed, downloaded, or installed as specified in the --action parameter. 


Specifies the action to be performed: list, download, or install.

  • --action=list: Displays a list of applicable updates for the products installed on the machine. 
  • --action=download: Downloads the applicable updates.
  • --action=install: Installs updates if they are downloaded already. If the updates are not already downloaded, this command first downloads the updates and then installs them.
  • If --action is not specified, the command performs the default action and just downloads and installs the applicable updates.

Note: The --action command-line option currently does not support the download of updates for Acrobat and Reader.


Lists the usage of the tool.


  • The following command starts RUM on the client machine for a scenario where there is no proxy server.


  • The following command starts RUM on the client machine that requires a proxy server user name TestUser and the proxy server password _27Dtpras?!

    RemoteUpdateManager --proxyUserName=TestUser --proxyPassword=_27Dtpras?!

  • The following command deploys latest updates only for all versions of Illustrator:

    RemoteUpdateManager --productVersions=ILST

  • The following command deploys latest updates only for Illustrator 19.0.

    RemoteUpdateManager --productVersions=ILST#25.0

  • The following command deploys latest updates for all versions of Illustrator and applicable updates for Photoshop CS6-13.0:

    RemoteUpdateManager –-productVersions=ILST

Return values

After execution, RUM returns one of the following values:


 Updates deployed successfully, or machine is already up to date.


Generic error, for example an internal error. For example,  the Adobe Application Manager installation may be corrupted or network is not available. In this case, typically, the process of downloading or installing updates cannot be started at all.


One or more updates could not be installed. For example, only two out of three updates might have been installed successfully.
Consider a case where updates are to be installed for Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver. However, Photoshop is running on the client machine and so the updates were installed only for Illustrator and Dreamweaver. In this scenario, error 2 will be returned.

Detailed information is available in the RUM Log file, explained in the next section.

Download and installation status of updates

The console displays the status of downloading and installation of app updates. 

Status of download and installation of remote update of apps

RUM log file

The RUM log file provides detailed information about the events that occur during deployment of exception payloads with RUM.
The log file is named RemoteUpdateManager.log and is located as follows:

  • In Windows, the log file is in the %temp% location.
  • In macOS, the log file is in the folder ~/Library/Logs/.

Checking for Errors

The errors that RUM encounters are marked with the [ERROR] tag in the log file.

Log file data format

The RUM runs the complete Acrobat workflow (list and install) before running the Creative Cloud product workflows. The Acrobat logs will appear before Creative Cloud product workflows.

Also, the logs for all Creative Cloud products display in the following format:

SAPCode_version_platform. For example: PHSP_21.2.10.118_osx10-64.

However, the Acrobat and Reader logging information on Windows will be displayed as:

ProductName-BaseVersion. For example: AdobeAcrobatDC-15.0

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