Log in to your domain’s account at your domain host.
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As a customer of Adobe Enterprise products and services, you need to claim a domain to set up enterprise user accounts. To prove the ownership of the domain, the DNS administrator needs to add a TXT record with the token generated in the Adobe Admin Console.
Add DNS record to your domain host's DNS settings
Find the page for updating your domain’s DNS record. This page may be called DNS Management, Name Server Management, or Advanced Settings.
Add the TXT record with the value adobe-idp-site-verification=<token>, where token is the number provided in the Admin Console.
For example, If your token is ”asdfadgalfjsadr3232324sdfesf” then the TXT record would be:
@ 3600 IN TXT "adobe-idp-site-verification=asdfadgalfjsadr3232324sdfesf"
To add the verification record to your domain host. Do the following:
- For the record type, select TXT.
- For the Name/Host/Alias field, enter @ or leave blank.
- In the Time to Live (TTL) field, enter 3600 or use default.
- In the Value/Answer/Destination field, paste the Record Value you copied from the Adobe Admin Console.
Note:The field names for your domain host may vary.
Save the record.
If you see a warning, disregard it. Modifying or adding TXT records will not damage your website or DNS settings.
Note:The label for the TXT record must match the domain being claimed.
Once you've updated the TXT record, you'll need to return to the Adobe Admin Console and validate the domain.
Find the answer to some common questions here:
After you've updated any DNS records it may take anywhere between 24 to 72 hours to work properly. Domain hosts refer to this wait time as the "propogation time" it takes for changes to reflect across the internet.
If you're attempting to validate your domain in the Adobe Admin Console and it's not working, you can verify if the DNS TXT record has been updated and contains a value similar to: @ 3600 IN TXT "adobe-idp-site-verification=asdfadgalfjsadr3232324sdfesf"
You can use any DNS look up service to check the real-time status. For example, use enter your domain name in the G Suite Toolbox Dig to retrieve DNS records for your domain.
While the exact instructions to update the DNS Record will be provided by your domain host, you can use some publically available instructions. For example, you could check if instructions for your domain host are available on the Verify your domain help pages for G Suite apps. Once the TXT record has been updated and verified, you can return to the Adobe Admin Console to complete the set up.