Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Account.
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As a contract owner, you can access the billing history from the Admin Console, if you've purchased your Teams membership directly from
To download or email your past bills, navigate to Account > Billing History in the Adobe Admin Console.
Read on to find the step-by-step instructions. To update the credit card details, billing address, or tax identification number on your account, see update payment details.
For plans purchased through a reseller, contact the reseller for the invoices and billing information.
To download the last bill, select the Download
icon for Last bill. -
To download or email past bills, navigate to Billing History. The Billing History shows your invoice number, invoice date, amount, and status of payment.
Post payment, it can take up to 24 hours for the invoice to appear in the Admin Console. You receive an email notifying you when it is available.
Don't see the Billing History tab? You're not the contract owner. See how you can become the contract owner.
You can sort the list of invoices by date and amount, clicking the relevant heading—Invoice Date or Amount. You can also use the search field to enter the amount or invoice number for the invoice you are looking for.
To download invoices, select the invoices and click Download invoices. The selected invoices are downloaded as a PDF. Learn how you can print your invoice.
Your invoice also captures details like Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Customer Number, and more.
Frequently asked questions
Access billing information
Can I add another admin to view the invoices?
You cannot add another admin or email address to access the invoices. There can be only one contract owner who can access the invoices. However, you may email the invoices from the Admin Console.
Can I check the status of my payment?
Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Account > Billing History. Learn more.
Where can I find my order number and date?
The order number and invoice date are captured in the invoice. Learn how you can download your invoices.
Will I lose access to the invoices after I cancel or change my plan?
Yes, access will be lost, you can download all your invoices before canceling or changing the plan.
Verify extra charges
Why am I being double-charged?
Two similar charges are often due to the following:
- You missed the previous payment.
- You placed an order multiple times.
- You have multiple email addresses.
Check your invoice for details or learn more.
I didn't buy anything from Adobe. What's this charge?
Unexpected charges could be because an annual plan renewed. Check your invoice for details. Learn more about unexpected charges.
Why do I have a $1 charge from Adobe on my statement?
These transactions help Adobe confirm that the credit card used is valid and not reported as lost or stolen. The transaction isn't charged to your account, and once your credit card company verifies the card, Adobe removes the charge.
Why did my bill go up?
The most common reasons for a higher bill are:
- A promotional price ended.
- You purchased an Adobe Stock premium image or images beyond your plan allotment.
- The price in your region increased recently.
Check your invoice for details or learn more.
Why is there an extra charge on my bill?
An extra charge could be because:
- You were charged a fee for canceling your plan early.
- You purchased additional Adobe Stock images.
- An annual plan renewed.
- (Not applicable for Japan users) Your bank charged a fee for debit card usage.
Check your invoice for details or learn more.
Manage plan
Why did I receive a payment reminder from Adobe when I already paid?
A payment reminder might be because:
- You have more than one plan.
- Your credit card expired.
- The address for your credit card changed.
Check your invoice for details or learn more.
How long does a refund take?
Refunds usually take three to five business days to process and be credited to your account.
Sometimes, refunds can take up to ten business days to be credited.
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