Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to Settings > Identity.
- Adobe Enterprise & Teams: Panduan administrasi
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- Aktifkan Adobe Express di Google Classroom
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- FAQ Kivuto
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- Atur organisasi Anda
- Tipe identitas | Ringkasan
- Atur identitas | Ringkasan
- Atur organisasi dengan Enterprise ID
- Atur federasi dan sinkronisasi Azure AD
- Atur Google Federation dan sinkronkan
- Atur organisasi dengan Microsoft ADFS
- Mengatur organisasi untuk Portal Distrik dan LMS
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Learn to set up your organization's Admin Console directory with Enterprise ID users. Adobe hosts the Enterprise ID directory and authenticates your users, and your organization maintains the user accounts.
What is an Enterprise ID account?
Enterprise ID accounts are created, owned, and managed by the owning organization. Users cannot create an Enterprise ID or sign up directly for Adobe products and services using an Enterprise ID.
As an administrator, you create an Enterprise ID and issue it to a user. You can manage and revoke access to products and services for the account. You can also delete the Enterprise ID account to block access to any associated data permanently.
See the following table for some of the needs and requirements of Enterprise ID accounts:
When to use Enterprise ID accounts | What Enterprise ID accounts offer |
Maintain strict control over apps and services available to a user | Users access accounts through passwords |
Need emergency access to files and data associated with a user ID |
No extra approval needed |
Ability to completely block or delete a user account |
No configuration required |
Set up an Enterprise ID directory
Create a directory
Navigate to the Directories tab, click Create Directory.
In the Create a Directory screen, enter a name for the directory.
Choose Enterprise ID and click Create Directory.
Add and manage domains
Your organization must own or trust one or more domains linked to your directory to use Enterprise ID. Adobe authenticates your users against these domains. You must link the claimed domains to the respective directories to add your users to the directory.
Follow the instructions to add domains and link them to directories:
Adobe authenticates your user accounts against domains set up in the Admin Console.
You can set up domains in the following ways:
After setting up your directories and domains in the Admin Console, you must link the domains to the directories. You can link multiple domains to the same directory or move domains across directories.
Manage user entitlements
Add and manage users
You're ready to provide the purchased Adobe products and services to your users.
Read an introduction to users on the Admin Console. Or jump right in and add users to the Admin Console, using one of these methods:
- Add individual users
- Use CSV bulk upload
- User Sync tool
- User Management REST API
Once users are added to the Admin Console, provision users by assigning them to Product Profiles.
Add and manage product profiles
Assign your users to product profiles to fine-tune your product plans according to the needs of different users in your organization.