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Convert PDF to TIFF

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You can easily convert your PDF files into TIFF images using Adobe Acrobat.

Convert PDF to TIFF

  1. Open the PDF in Acrobat.

  2. Select Convert from the global bar.

  3. From the Convert menu in the left pane, select Image format, and then from the drop-down menu, select TIFF.

    Convert PDF to TIFF image format

  4. Select Convert to TIFF.

  5. (Windows) Select the folder where you want to save the image in the Save As dialog box and, if necessary, change the file name.

    (macOS) Select the folder where you want to save the image in the Save As dialog box.

  6. If no duplicate exists, complete the conversion using the default name. If a duplicate exists, replace and overwrite the existing file.

  7. Select SaveEach page in the PDF is saved as separate TIFF files. For PDF to TIFF conversion settings, refer to File format options for PDF export.

(macOS) Enable the functionality to rename the files: To enable file renaming during the conversion, you need to disable the sandbox protection


Disable the sandbox protection only when required for certain workflows, as it provides essential security measures on macOS.

Enable the functionality to rename the files in macOS: To enable file renaming during the conversion, disable the sandbox protection. Learn how to enable the functionality to rename the files in macOS

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