Navigate to Account > Sandbox Sync.
- As soon as you select the Sandbox Sync tab, the page loads your local assets and triggers an OAuth connection to the Sandbox environment to fetch the remote assets.
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To access the Sandbox from your production account, an OAuth connection must be created. The OAuth connection persists while the browser session is active. When the session expires, the authentication token expires with it, and the admin will have to re-authenticate when a new session is created.
Navigate to Account > Sandbox Sync.
Log in to the Sandbox with your Sandbox credentials.
Select Allow Access to complete the OAuth process and load the remote assets.
A banner at the top of the panel identifies that you are authenticating and granting access to the Sandbox environment.
It is possible to log in directly to the Sandbox public portal:
When authenticated to the Sandbox, a banner is evident at the top of the page (for all pages):
Connecting the Sandbox to your production environment follows the same process as connecting from production to Sandbox.
When a Sandbox is connected to your Production environment, the interface defines the two independent environments as either Local or Remote.
In the image below, we have authenticated to the Sandbox (note the banner at the top of the page) and connected to the Stage environment (Stage Sync). In this case, the Sandbox is local, and you can copy assets from the remote Stage environment.
Currently, the Sandbox only allows copying an asset to the local environment from the remote environment.
Admins can authenticate to both environments, permitting back-and-forth Copy actions.