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Configure how you will allow recipients to sign and initial agreements


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Enable one or more styles of signature you are willing to accept: Types, Drawn, and Image.

In electronic signature workflows, how a signature is applied is generally less critical than the signer’s intent to agree. The audit log captures and supports that intent and provides the legal foundation for enforceability.

For example, recipients may type their name—or even enter a symbol or mark, like an “X”—to indicate agreement. This practice has long been accepted in both physical and digital formats. What matters is that the signer deliberately chose to apply a signature and that the action is recorded in an auditable, traceable way.

Because of this, signatures applied through typed names, image uploads, signature stamps, or copied images can still be legally valid—even though they don’t resemble traditional handwritten signatures.

Note: Some compliance regulations may require a specific type of signature, such as a digital signature. These requirements are outside the scope of this group of settings.

Signature input options

Acrobat Sign supports three ways for recipients to sign or initial, as defined by the Allow recipients to sign and initial by setting:

  • Typed – The recipient enters their name, and one of four available fonts is used to display the signature.
  • Drawn – The recipient draws their signature using a mouse, stylus, or touch screen.
  • Image – The recipient uploads an image of their handwritten signature.

There is a fourth signature option if the account enables Stamp workflows. A stamp can be used as a signature if explicitly enabled.

How it's used

When the settings are enabled, recipients see the available signature options in the signature panel after selecting a Signature or Initials field.

Senders don’t need to configure these options in any way.

Best practices

To reduce friction when applying signatures, keep all electronic signature types enabled—unless a compliance requirement limits their use.



  • Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Pro: Supported
  • Acrobat Sign Solutions: Supported
  • Acrobat Sign for Government: Supported

Configuration scope:

Administrators can enable this feature at the account and group levels.

Access this feature by navigating the administrator's configuration menu to Signature Preferences > Allow recipients to sign and initial by

The Signature Preferences menu with the Allowed signature types controls highlighted.


By enabling the Image and Drawn signature types, the option to use a Mobile device to capture the signature is added to the signature panel. This options allows a recipient to send a link to the signature panel to their touch screen or stylus device, where the signature is captured and returned to the agreement.
(This option is not available to Acrobat Sign for Government accounts)

Related settings

There are several settings that are involved with or that parallel  the signature types allowed:

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