Last updated on
May 17, 2023
- Home
Game Engines
Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine 5
- Unreal Engine 5 overview
- Unreal Engine 5 Release Notes
- Plugin Overview - UE5
- Plugin Settings - UE5
- Substance Input Image - UE5
- Material Instance Definition - UE5
- Material Template Usage - UE5
- Out-of-the-Box Material Templates
- Tiling Substance - UE5
- Substance 3D Plugin Default Templates
- Substance 3D Assets Library Usage - UE5
- Blueprints - UE5
- Unreal Engine 5 Scripting
- Installing to Source Builds
Unreal Engine 4
- Unreal Engine 4 overview
Unreal Engine 4 plugin release notes
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Unreal plugin
- Plugin Overview - UE4
- Plugin Settings - UE4
- Substance Input Image - UE4
- Material Instance Definition - UE4
- Tiling Substance - UE4
- Working with Bump Offset (Parallax) - UE4
- Working with Displacement - UE4
- Source in UE4
- Live Link in UE4
- Blueprints - UE4
- Unreal Engine 4 Scripting
Unreal Engine 5
- Unity overview
- Unity Release Notes
- Downloading Substance 3D Plugin in Unity
- Unity Plugin Overview
- Unity Preferences
- Optimization Guidelines
- Upgrading Projects/Known Issues
- Managing Substance Graphs
- Changing parameters
- Generated Textures (Packing)
- Rendering Color Space
- Using Image Inputs
- Publishing for Mobile
Substance 3D for Unity Scripting
- Unity Scripting overview
Class Documentation
- SubstanceEditorTools
- SubstanceRuntime Class
- SubstanceRuntimeGraph Class
- Scripting in Unity (Deprecated)
- API Overview
- Scripting API
- C# Example Script
- Substance 3D Assets Library Usage
- Removing Substance Plugin
- Substance 3D in Unity Tutorials
- Physical Size in Unity
- Sharing sbsar Files Between Projects
- Lumberyard
- Roblox
Unreal Engine
- Creative Cloud Applications
- Converting Substance outputs
- Color Management
- Arnold
- Vray
- Renderman
- Redshift
- Maxwell
- Corona
- Octane
- Keyshot
- Thea
- Maverick
- Toolbag
- Cycles and Eevee
- Partnerships
Modo v. 2.7.0
- Numerous crash fixes
- 32 bit float support
- 4k textures in the CPU engine and 8k textures in the GPU engine
- new LPK format for the plugin release
- new Kit menu for the Substance plugin
- glTF / Principled shader support for MODO 12.0
- Added relative pathing for Substance files
- Linux support
- New UI for loading and saving presets
- Embedded presets are loaded from Designer
- Removed GPU memory warning box
- Edited preset loading/saving commands
The new commands available are:
substance.getsbsname Convert a substance object's identifier to its internal name
All of these expect a proper internal name acquired from substance.getsbsname:
substance.setpreset Sets a Substance's current preset to the index substance.getpresetindex Gets the current preset index substance.getpresetatReturns the string name of a preset at a given index substance.getpresetcount Returns the number of presets a Substance hassubstance.savepresetfile Saves a preset of the current configuration to the given file path substance.loadpresetfile Loads a preset file to the Substance given a file path
UI Commands:
substance.loadpresetui UI command for loading a preset substance.savepresetui UI command for saving a preset substance.selectpresetui UI command for setting the preset