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Renderman - Substance Painter | Ecosystem and Plug-ins

Renderman - Substance Painter

Substance Painter 2020.1 (6.1.0) supports pxrSurface and pxrDisney Output Templates.

It is recommend to use pxrSurface for the Output.

Renderman Shader (Maya - RM 23.1)

Substance Painter ExportPxrSurface
DiffuseColorDiffuse / Color
SpecularRoughnessPrimary Specular / Roughness
SpecularFaceColorPrimary Specular / Face Color

Globals / Bump / PxrNormalMap → Orientation (Open GL)

Displacement(red channel ) PxrDispTransform (Result F) → (disp scalar) PxrDisplace (Out Color) → (Displacement Shader) PxrSurfaceSG
GlowColorGlow / Color
(Gain = 1.0)
PresenceGlobals / Presence


Maps that represent data will need to be interpreted correctly. Please see the Color Management page for more information.

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